This file gets some attention very year around 9/11, but I figure it might get a bit more this year, the 20th anniversary. I just wanted to remind everyone that this log is from 2001. We were all younger then, and many of us weren't as worldly as we are now. Certain things may have been said in this log that one might call offensive or mean-spirited today. We were also under a great deal of stress, having just witnessed a world-changing tragedy. Don't judge people today for what was said in this log decades ago. I absolutely refuse to censor or modify this log in any way. It is a historical record, and it needs to remain that way. -Zorin the Lynx (@zorinlynx), 10-Sep-2021 --- This log was taken the morning of September 11, 2001. It is a log of all public shout channels on FurryMUCK (taken with grep '^['. Sorry about the lack of time stamps, but I wasn't exactly in a normal state of mind when I dumped the log to disk. --Zorin the Lynx =============================================================================== [public] Annabel says, "Any news on the World Trade Center?" [public] Triggur says, "What happened?" [public] Foxworthy says, "Jesus. Two planes hit the World Trade Center towers." [public] Morgana says, "Twop planes crashed into it" [public] Annabel says, "I don't know I court a report saying that something bad happened but I didn't get anything more.}" [public] Miko says, " is all clogged up." [public] Triggur says, "TWO? Geeze, that sounds like a setup. terrorism?" [public] Morgana says, "One was a 646 (!) and the other a cessna type" [public] Morgana says, "That is what they are thinking Triggur" [public] Triggur says, "what the hell's a 646?" [public] Triggur says, "when did this happen?" [public] Morgana says, "A typoed 747" [public] Foxworthy says, "It's on the news right now. They have actual footage of one of the two planes hitting. It's awful. That's the only way I can describe it." [public] Triggur says, "They clearly need to equip buildings with "Star Wars Defense" technology laser beams to knock down kamikazi's." [public] Merry says, "Whati s going on with the world trade center?" [public] Miko says, "..cue World War III." [public] Miko says, "Or civil war. Or something. Apocalypse Now." [public] RedFox says, "Someone launched nukes?" [public] Triggur holy shits at the video of the second plane hitting it. [public] Merry says, "Where Trig?" [public] Triggur says, "on CNN on tv." [public] Merry says, "all of the internet news sites are completely timing out for me." [public] Merry says, "I'm at work." [public] Triggur says, "Terrorism is the ONLY possible answer." [public] Miko says, " isn't receiving. Yahoo news is stuck." [public] RedFox says, "Yeah, same here... all the sites are too busy." [public] Annabel says, "This is going to do wonders for world peace :(" [public] Triggur says, "the second plan struck on one side, and destroyed about 10 or so stories, shooting flames and debris all the way out the other side of the building." [public] Morgana says, "World pieces?" [public] Triggur says, "Yup. this is EXACTLy what bush needed to be popular.... he'll send soldiers to kick the shit out of some mid-eastern country and leave not a man standing, and be the hero." [public] Miko says, "Or get caught for arranging the whole thing in order to have a convenient war on his hands." [public] Triggur says, "wasn't this the EXACT scenario of a "lone gunman" episode?" [public] Triggur says, "feds need public support, so electronically "hijack" a commercial airplane to crash it into the world trade center so they can kick the shit out of some small country in retribution?" [public] Annabel nods to Triggur [public] Merry says, "it is all a conspiracy to make the fbi look good." [public] Foxworthy says, " is working and timing out only occasionally." [public] Zorin whimpers. {:( [public] Zorin says, "I was there.. I saw those buildings.. they're so HUGE.. who knows how many people died today..." [public] Scotfox says, "Feh. is displaying a 'server too busy' error page, and isn't even responding. What's this I hear about terrorists flying a pair of 737's into the Twin Towers?" [public] Merry says, "50,000 people on each floor." [public] Annabel says, "One 737 and a Cessna. They don't know what it is just yet but Terrorism is the prime suspect." [public] Jihad says, "Not on each floor, c'mon :)" [public] Zorin says, "This also proves how damn USELESS the internet is for news media.. if they can't even serve web pages when something like this happens..." [public] Merry says, "that's what they just said on this radio station I'm listing to?" [public] Zorin says, "Even local station web sites are broken." [public] Merry says, "Maybe they meant the entire building" [public] Scotfox says, " says: The page cannot be displayed. Please try the following: Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want." [public] Zorin is at work.. no radio or TV.. [public] Jihad says, "A Cessna?" [public] Thalesin says, "Holy shit as he sees the news" [public] Foxworthy says, "It looks like they put the MSNBC link up on their front page (I wonder why...) so it got hammered." [public] Annabel says, "Small plane Jihad." [public] Zorin says, " has an article about it. Some people also quoted the news articles in the comments." [public] Scotfox has a look there, before slashdot gets slashdotted. [public] Scotfox says, "Whups, too late, slashdot isn't responding either." [public] Zorin thinks news networks shouldn't plug their freaking web pages on the air. If people are already watching the news, they don't need to be going to the web pages too and ruining it for everyone else who doesn't have a TV at themoment. }:P [public] Scotfox says, "Yahoo news is also dead. I'm losing faith in the net, here." [public] Miko says, "Maybe they've been knocked down." [public] Annabel says, "My sister has just told me that there has been an attack on the pentegon." [public] Triggur says, "Holy shit. a plane hit the pentagon too." [public] Scotfox says, "I heard a bit of news on the radio that said that stocks began to plummet before trading was frozen. I wonder if this is going to be very, very serious." [public] Scotfox says, "How soon before a plane hits the White House, I wonder?" [public] Annabel says, "THis is very very serious." [public] Jihad says, "Well, I think I am just going to hide for the rest of the day." [public] Annabel thourt the pentegon and white house had ground to air missiles and stuff. [unixgeeks] Verin says, "Has furry's dns entry's ttl been changed? I have to request the name 3 times from my isp now to get it to resolve." [public] Miko says, "One plane for each WTC tower, one for the Pentagon." [public] Triggur says, "The white house is now being evacuated." [unixgeeks] Annabel says, "Bit big big load spike Verin." [public] Zorin says, "MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE IN A NATIONAL CRISIS AND FURRYMUCK IS MY ONLY SOURCE OF INFORMATION" [public] Scotfox says, "I agree with you, Zorin. ;)" [public] Jihad says, "We're all congregating here" [public] Triggur says, "Huge fire just reported on the washington mall." [public] Scotfox says, "Odd that all the major news sites are down... maybe they're under attack as well?" [unixgeeks] Baloo_Ursidae watches Slashdot die from everybody trying to get trade center coverage. [public] Scotfox says, "The washington mall?" [public] Triggur says, "scotty, they're CLOGGED with people trying to get on." [unixgeeks] Verin says, "Not just this morning, but yesterday too." [public] Cerulean says, "They're up...just extremely busy." [unixgeeks] Baloo_Ursidae says, "I don't think anybody other than a KAtz article has caused Slashdot to die in 20 minutes after posting." [unixgeeks] Verin says, "Baloo, its now the pentagon too." [public] Scotfox says, "Can anyone fine ANY news site up with info about this?" [public] Scotfox says, "Er, find." [public] Thalesin says, "Get live news feed" [public] Jihad says, "There's a blurb on ananova." [unixgeeks] Baloo_Ursidae was talking on the phone with a customer about 10 minutes after 6, someone on Madison Avenue. SHHOOOOMM "I gotta go, a plane just crashed down the street." [public] Triggur says, "EVERY federal agency is going to get its funding tripled tomorrow." [public] Thalesin says, "President is in the air he is being pulled off the ground and is on AF1" [public] Zorin says, "WE MUST CRUSH WHOEVER DID THIS INTO THIN PASTE." [public] Miko says, "Palestinians." [public] Merry says, "Jesus.. we were all wishing Carlos a happy birthday when we heard the news." [public] Merry says, "Everyone just stared at each other in shocked silence." [public] Scotfox says, "On 'BREAKING NEWS: The World Trade Centre was struck by terrorists in February 1993.' I think they need to update their web site..." [public] Jihad says, "Uh, Palestinians?" [public] Jihad says, "This isn't Israel" [public] Miko says, "So far: Two planes hit World Trade Center. One hits Pentagon. One hits White House lawn. White House evacuated. President on Air Force One." [public] Merry says, "All the news stations are saying Palestinians, Jihad. :)" [public] Foxworthy says, "The FAA has shut down every airport in the United States, according to CNN." [public] Scotfox says, "Okay, thanks for the link - has photos." [public] Thalesin says, "So are we looking at the coming of Jihad?" [public] Scotfox says, "I've enjoyed flying between the Twin Towers ever since the days of SubLogic Flight Simulator on my Commodore 64. Sometimes I'd accidentally hit one of them. I never imagined someone would do this for real." [public] Jihad says, "huh," [public] Jihad says, "uh, no." [public] Jihad says, ",,30000-1029102,00.html" [public] Triggur says, "Cell phone networks are starting to go down under the load." [public] Scotfox says, "That one's dead too... site isn't responding." [public] Merry says, "public?" [public] Scotfox says, "Hmm? Public what?" [public] Merry says, "oops" [public] Merry says, "I was telling someone to join public" [public] Merry says, "Apparently Palestine liberation front has denied that this attack is theirs." [public] Jihad says, "the beeb:" [public] Scotfox says, "Breaking news on ananova: Unconfirmed reports this morning say eight planes have been hijacked. There are fears that a third plane might crash into the World Trade Center or a nearby building." [public] Annabel says, "THe democratic Frount for the Libertion of Palestinian have clamed responcibility." [public] Triggur says, "what's that from, annabel?" [public] Cerulean says, "Say WHAT?" [public] Thalesin says, "Half the world trade denter is gone....One towere is gone" [public] Merry says, "I just heard a news story saying that group is NOT responsible, Annabel." [public] Scotfox says, "I got into part of Headlines: Two planes crash into World Trade Center - Fire forces Pentagon evacuation - Bush calls trade center crashes terrorist act - Fire reported on National Mall - White House evacuated - FAA grounds all flights nationwide" [public] Merry says, "A friend who is watching bbc in england has said that he has heard another plane was hijacked" [public] Scotfox says, "Define 'gone'? As in collapsed?" [public] Ouroboros says, "Rubble." [public] Scotfox says, "Collapsed?" [public] Merry says, "it has been confirmed that it was a plane that hit the pentagon." [public] Cerulean says, "Any reports on if everyone had gotten out of the WTC that is gone?" [public] Merry says, "Apparently a third plane has hit the WTC" [public] Merry says, "At the base" [public] Triggur says, "not necessarily... it could just be that the building collapsed (no better)" [public] Merry says, "Radio station I'm listening to just said it was confirmed?" [public] Triggur says, "okay." [public] Merry says, "I don't know. I think the majority of this is rumor?" [public] Merry says, "I mean, not that it is true, but they are certainly speculating" [public] Weasel says, "The tower's definitely down... why is the speculative bit." [public] Miko says, "Well, goddamnit. I thought something good might have come out of this." [public] Posi_Cat says, "For a moment of Normalicy, I still Love DataHawk." [public] Scotfox says, "This is going to tank the US economy. Big-time." [public] Thalesin says, "This attack is being compared in severity to Perl Harbor......." [public] Scotfox says, "Pfeh. Pearl Harbor was a harbor." [public] Scotfox says, "Confirmed: One of the WTC towers has collapsed. Photos on" [public] Triggur says, "witness the beginning of world war three." [public] Jihad says, "No, I doubt it." [public] Cerulean says, "I also doubt it...but I do hope we plan to take some pretty drastic action about it." [public] Triggur says, "that doesn't imply nuclear weapons. But it does imply a massive war involving many countries." [public] Scotfox says, "I doubt it, too... but this will change a lot of things. The world's going to be a different place." [public] Jihad says, "Triggur, the entire world is not itching to fight a war." [public] Triggur says, "were we itching to get into WWI? WWII?" [public] Jihad says, "Uh -- yes." [public] Triggur says, "I dunno. guess I'll go to work. have fun, all." [public] Zorin says, "What beef do the Palestinians have with us? I thought it was just them an Isrealies duking it out??" [public] Merry says, "All the people who I work with at work at other companies ALL WORK IN NYC. Half of the companies we deal with work in the WTC." [public] Scotfox says, "LOTS of people hate the US." [public] Fre'ta points out to Merry, "Not any more." [public] Merry says, "Um, I know." [public] Scotfox says, "Remember how long it took America to get over the Oklahoma City bombing? Today's going down in the history books." [public] Cerulean says, "Ya think?" [public] Scotfox says, "Major news web sites are still out." [public] Cerulean has been getting to pretty regularly. [public] Scotfox says, "That makes one of us. ;)" [public] Fre'ta just has his TiVo tuned into two news shows.. Just caught a video of the second WTC impact. [public] Thalesin says, "One side of the pentagon is gone now" [public] Merry says, "two planes hit the WTC, which has collapsed." [pub] Lynn_Onyx can't use the fucking 'public' channel because the channel owner kicked me off. [public] Merry says, "oops" [public] Miko says, "Three, wasn't it?" [public] Thalesin says, "Looks like tower 2 might go now" [public] Thalesin says, "The Rest of the WTC os leaning now" [public] Alli says, "" [public] Zwokkie says, "DEFCON 2 been declared..." [public] Scotfox says, "Seriously?" [public] Pontanius says, "Osama Bin Laden claims NOT to be involved.." [public] Pontanius says, "This is an act of war!" [public] Scotfox says, "That's one step above peacetime, right, Zwokkie?" [public] Fre'ta says, "Just remember, the real defcon scale is reverse of what wargames had." [public] Merry says, "An initial report states that a car bomb has been exploded outside of the state department." [public] Zwokkie says, "One step above permanent peacetime.. DEFCON 1 = Global war" [public] Alli says, "Defcon 2 has been confirmed???" [public] Jihad says, "OK, war needs to be between two countries, now, if a country perpretrated this it would be an act of war." [public] Scotfox says, "Where'd you hear it, Zw?" [public] Zwokkie says, "As far as I heard it.. It's a deed.. From the guy next to me IRL.. and from IRC, yiffnet." [public] Thumper hears secondhand that another airplane has been hijacked, about 20 miles outside of DC. [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Y'think?" [public] Merry says, "My radio station is stating that it is unconfirmed right now, Thump." [public] Thalesin says, "A car bomb went off in DC" [public] Scotfox says, "News web sites are recovering. is up." [public] -Red- says, "Latest at my end, two planes hit the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, a car bomb hit the State Dept, and a helicopter hit the pad at the White House." [public] Thalesin says, "The second tower just went" [public] Thalesin says, "The WTC is no more" [public] -Red- says, "I heard that from the news twenty minutes ago. According to ABS news, we're at Threatcon Alpha, which might have been what was mistaken for DefCon" [public] Merry says, "the radio station I'm listening to has just stated something blew up in NEw Jersey?" [public] Scotfox says, "What the heck is Threatcon?" [public] Pygar says, "Oh, shit" [public] Lisa_Lynx says, "North Building of the WTC just fell. *sob*" [public] Scotfox says, "Be careful of hype and rumors... apparently the San Francisco news stations are saying that San Fran is prime for a chemical warfare attack. This is starting to get out of hand. We need facts." [public] Merry says, "I'm numb. all these people I work with, but never met. How terrible is that?" [public] Scotfox says, "Unspeakably terrible. :(" [public] Lisa_Lynx says, "Which station are you listening to, Merry? I'm in NJ." [public] Scotfox says, "And somewhere, someone is laughing. :-(" [public] -Red- says, "Dunno, go to ABC news .com for that. Me, I's beyond numb, and I'm in NJ, no news on WHTG about an attack here, not that there's much to attack here." [public] Cerulean says, "It's an evil, maniacal, insane laughter I'm sure." [public] Miko says, "Did everyone in the towers go with them? There was a long period between the two plane hits, and another pause before the collapse." [public] Weasel saw a really horrible eyewitness account of people jumping from windows. :( [public] Wesha says, "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but now you feel the same way *we* felt back there in Russia when Chechen terrorists blew up a number of civilian buildings at night, with all the residents. :(((" [public] Cerulean says, "Let's not forget there had to be at least a couple hundred people ON those planes." [public] Miko says, "Another plane heading for DC, according to Fox News." [public] -Red- says, "I'd be surprised, as the first plane hit just before 9AM, so that gave them sometime to evacuate, and stop people from entering." [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Many people were evacuated, but not all. People were jumping out of windows as the tower collapsed." [public] Scotfox says, "Not necessarily. One report is that one of the planes had no windows." [public] Cerulean says, "Okay, but wasn't one a 767 or something going from Boston to LA? And what about the one that hit the Pentagon?" [public] -Red- says, "There are cargo versions of the Boeings, so hopefully they were cargo planes, which means _only_ a half dozen or less deaths per plane." [public] Cerulean says, "Hopefully." [public] Lisa_Lynx says, "Sadly, the 767 from Boston may have been a commuter flight... lots of people." [public] Thalesin says, "#11 American Airlines it was passenger" [public] Melantha says, "There were 90 passengers and crew in one of the planes. 60 passengers and crew in the other plane" [public] Cerulean sighs. [public] Phyxis says, "Holy...fuck. :(" [public] Melantha is freaking out...she just saw the second tower collapse [public] -Red- says, "I haven't seen anything, I don't have a telly" [public] -Red- says, " If you can get there" [public] Valorie nods re: second tower [public] Wesha says, "Want me to put screenshots on the web?" [public] Valorie says, "fox report: a portion of the pentagon ahs collapsed" [public] Cubbi says, "some videos for those with no TV:" [public] -Red- says, "Is there any way to get more news online? -=cries=-" [public] Valorie says, "I suggest logging off and going to aNYWHERE with a television" [public] Scotfox says, "I agree." [public] Thumper says, "Those who have TVs should relieve the Internet a bit and use that instead." [public] -Red- says, "I will when I go to work, no point in sitting home." [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Try NPR?" [public] Thumper says, "Please also stay off the phones." [public] -Red- says, "" [public] Rooth'ragon says, " I think." [public] Valorie says, "Use the internet for email -- don't use it for news." [public] -Red- says, "Got no other choices I's afraid." [public] Valorie | Tenzilla says "a 767 just crashed in somerset county, PA, about 20 miles from here" (pittsburgh) [public] Fre'ta says, "Just got that on the local news." [public] Wesha says, " <-- I'm grabbing frames from TV broadcast to that site." [public] Melantha says, "At this point, all airports are closed and all airplanes have been ordered to land immediately. Any planes they find in the air after that will most likely be forced to land or shot down." [public] Fre'ta says, "Woops, was on the other tuner.. Saw that on CSPAN." [public] Pygar says, "Was the Pentagon hit, too?" [public] Thalesin says, "I am sorry much is rehash right now alot of unconfirmed stuff." [public] Fre'ta says, "Yep." [public] Thalesin says, "Live pic from the pentagon there is just a hole in the wall" [public] Melantha says, "Yes...but by a small by-plane." [public] -Red- says, "Yes, a plane hit the Pentagon, a 'copter hit the pad at the White House, and we all know about the WTC." [public] Valorie says, "pentagon hit, part of it collapsed" [public] Fre'ta says, "What WTC?" [public] Valorie says, "the World Trade Center in NYC is *gone*" [public] -Red- says, "Well, that's reasonable good, depending on what they hit, casualties should be minimal, and nothing important will be damaged, a biplane is to small to do anything serious to the Pentagon. WTC=World Trade Center" [public] Valorie says, "both towers collapsed" [public] Miko says, "World Trade Center. The late World Trade Center." [public] Thalesin hugs [public] -Red- says, "I gotta go to work, but I'm taking the comp with me." [public] Fre'ta repeats his comment, "What WTC?" [public] Miko says, "AP is reporting that there's another incoming on the Pentagon." Jessica[asleep] male red fox [public] Zorin says, "Do they have any confirmation as to WHO'S behind all this? I've heard Palestinians.. but is that confirmed?" [public] Cerulean says, "It is not confirmed." [public] Pontanius says, "Osama Bin Laden claims NOT to be involved.." [public] Ouroboros says, "The leadership quickly retracted that anoucment." [public] Valorie says, "Let's not jump to assumptions on this being arabs." [public] Miko says, "The fingered organization strongly denied it." [public] Cerulean says, "Fighter jets have been launched to stop the plane incoming on the Pentagon." [public] Miko says, "So they're intending to drop shrapnel all over civilians? I thought they'd evacuated the Pentagon or something." [public] Pontanius says, "Shrapnel is better than a fuel-explosion.." [public] Valorie says, "I assume they want to blow it up over the ocean or something" [public] Cerulean says, "I suspect the Pentagon must be mostly empty by now." [public] Valorie says, "And Pontanius is right." [public] Pontanius says, "I know I would blow up a plane in mid-air if I was a fighter-pilot right now.. I would not hesitate.." [public] Wesha says, "If *I* was *aboard* the hijacked plane, I would rather try to stop them by the price of my life. Would be a better solution. :/" [public] Melantha says, "Lord...another large plane crash in Pennsylvania. The hi-jackers would just shoot you Wesha." [public] Pontanius says, "Those aboard have no idea what is going on.." [public] Cerulean says, "Second-hand from a friend: As many as 12 flights are possibly 'missing'." [public] Zorin says, "Someone big was behind this. This was all very organized and must have taken major resources." [public] Faithry says, "I wonder what effects this could have on the economy over the slightly longer term." [public] Wesha says, "They would run out of 30-round clips BEFORE they shoot everybody, and the rest could just tear them apart by hand. It's better to lose 30 than all 60 and a number of others when the plane hits its target."" [public] Fre'ta says, "People would rather save themselves than the world." [public] Wesha says, "Exactly, Zorin."" [public] Pontanius says, "I agree, Wesha.. But it does not work that way.." [public] Chrono says, "Has anyone else noticed that today is 9/11 (911)?" [public] Annabel says, "It would be better to try and crash the plain somwhere safe, knowing that your going to die anyway." [public] Valorie says, "israel evacuates all their missions around the world. yasser arrafat condemns attacks." [public] Miko says, "Yeah. If you're certain that you're going to die.. Well, hey." [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Airline passengers are not soldiers. There's a mentality that comes with military training that says: "My life is expendible for the common good." Airline commuters are SHEEP." [public] Wesha says, "Annabel, that's what will happen as the fighter will start firing." [public] Kohii says, "I noticed, Chrono. coincidence?" [public] Fre'ta says, "It is easy to say that not being there, Annabel. But would you say "I am going to die, might as well be a hero" or would you say "I am going to die, what does anything matter anymore?"" [public] Annabel was thinking about the pilots doing it delibritly. [public] Wesha says, " <-- I keep uploading s screengrabs from TV." [public] Chrono says, "I don't know.. seems awfully strange to me... that's why I asked. I don't believe in coincidence" [public] Posi_Cat says, "Welp, I'll never forget my aniversary....what a way to remember it" [public] Fre'ta says, "AA Flight 11, from Boston to LA was one of the planes that crashed." [public] Simba_Lion says, "If it wasn't for the UPS guy waking me up, I'd still be snoozing. Odd thought" [public] Zorin says, "Sigh. I'm still hoping I wake up. {:(" [public] Zorin says, "When I saw someone @shout it on FluffMUCK this morning, I thought it was a (bad) joke..." [public] WinterRose was up since 9, watching the news. >.< [public] Zorin says, "I left for work 5 minutes before the crash, and I listen to Cd's in the car, so I was oblivious until then..." [public] Tilton says, "God. Well, I'm officially cancelling my flight to Connecticut on Thursday." [public] Simba_Lion says, "not like it matters, all air travel is grounded right now anyway" [public] Thalesin says, "Drive might work?" [public] Cerulean says, "Assuming there is one to cancel." [public] Tilton says, "Even though the rational side of me fully understands that I have more chance of dying by slipping on a banana slug than by being killed on that flight." [public] Valorie says, "If you can donate blood today, especially if you are within 500 miles of new york, please do it." [public] Zorin says, "all work here has ceased... Everyone's watching TV in another room.. I got tired of seeing horror and just retired to my office...{:(" [public] Tilton says, "I'm going to donate. I'm thousands of miles away, but someone needs it." [public] Valorie says, "Report of plane crash at Camp David" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Somerset County Airport had a crash" [public] Simba_Lion says, "No idea where that is of course" [public] Valorie says, "It's near pittsburgh" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Maybe that's the last plane, we can hope" [public] Weasel says, "Shame they don't want faggot blood, so I won't be donating." [public] Ralgha says, "They probably don't want blood with at least 3 prescription drugs in it either. Heh." [public] Posi_Cat says, "Maybe today would be a good day to lie" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Discusting childish callous comments aside, people should all go donate if they're within 500 miles, as was said." [public] Fre'ta says, "I'm wondering if that last plane was just a nerve-wracked pilot on the emergency landing." [public] Tilton says, "I'm making an exception. They don't have to know I'm gay." [public] Wesha says, "Now quite a number of people will refuse to work in scyscrapers. :/" [public] Phyxis says, "A high percentage of people are not going to work /period/ today." [public] Jihad says, "I'm just going to stay home today." [public] A'A'Alis says, "" I may do the same. "" [public] Wesha grins atta coincidence, Jihad = "Holy War" (arab). [public] Jihad says, "Let's not get that started" [public] Diesel says, "Unless you work for a place associated with the US government and have a big red target on the building, you're probably safe. As a side note, all people that work at Target are officially screwed." [public] Zorin works at a state university. Been nice knowing you guys... [public] Phyxis says, "Diesel, I guess you don't understand where a number of furries work. :/" [public] Diesel says, "I'm quite aware, and have several friends in both DC, and the military. Pouting and shuffling my feet won't change anything any more than trying to keep my humor." [public] Phyxis nod [public] Wesha says, "Good point, Diesel." [public] Fre'ta says, "I have had to stop myself. I am a smartass by nature. It is how I deal with situations like this." [public] Diesel sits by Fre'ta then :) [public] Fre'ta says, "But I don't think a post like "Now give me the new software or the Sears Tower is next" would be well recieved on the TiVo forum." [public] Phyxis says, "- Whee. SF Public schools just closed. Some downtown streets closed. American Airlines reports two planes still missing." [public] Wesha says, "Surprisingly, I'm unable to log into any of *russian* newssites, as well. :/" [public] Merry says, "someone at work here is saying that we shot down a plane?" [public] Merry says, "Canada is also not allowing flights to take off" [public] Hollon says, "Hey there . . .for all of you who know me . . .my family and I were not in the city when this happened. Thank you for all your concerns." [public] Phyxis says, "...but it /is/ allowing US planes to land there, merry." [public] Pontanius says, "They wanna evacuate Sourthen Manhatten.." [public] Merry says, "I didn't say anything about planes taking off." [public] Merry says, "er, landing, I mean." [public] Merry says, "I said they have closed the airports for planes taking off." [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Denver International Airport is being evacuated, and will be closed for AT LEAST the next 24 hours. This is noteworthy, as the FAA planned to re-open all airports at 5pm EDT." [public] Wesha says, "Phyxis, To land in the *airports* you mean? =^.^=" [bafur] Winged says, "So who here -isn't- aware that the World Trade Center collapsed?" [public] Phyxis says, "Aigh. Lower Manhattan reports of a Bomb in a school." [bafur] Fre'ta says, "Theres a World Trade Center?" [public] A'A'Alis nods, " Can't get to lots of sites. " He nods to Hollon, " Good to hear that you're all right..some good news in the darkness. " [bafur] BlackJaguar says, "Not anymore :/" [bafur] Winged says, "Not anymore." [public] Hollon says, "I think everyone knows that this is the anniversary of the Camp David Accords . . and Camp David was hit as well. They were originally going to land President Bush there before this happened." [public] Phyxis says, "Stuyvesant HS." [public] Zorin says, "It's a good thing that the buildings collapsed mostly straight down and didn't fall over. If they had, there would have been MANY more casualties." [public] Wesha says, ""... The firefighters evacuated the building next to school screaming it's either bomb or gas leak..." -- quoting ooff the air." ---[ Found 9 characters. ( 7 Awake / 2 Zombies ) ]---------------------------- [public] Wesha says, ""... The firefighters evacuated the building next to school screaming it's either bomb or gas leak..." -- CBS." [public] Hollon says, "Yes, Camp David was hit. BBC television is showing images of Palestinians dancing in the streets." [public] Wesha says, "CBS: FOUR planes are hijacked and intentionally crashed." [public] Tilton says, "I still remember my reaction when the Challenger exploded. I was stunned into a sort of otherworldly giddyness. Humor was the only way I could handle it. But this time I just feel sick, scared, traumatized." [public] Tilton says, "But I understand that way of dealing with things. Sometimes humor is the only way to deal with it." [bafur] Winged says, "Two commercial jets were crashed into the World Trade Center, which later collapsed. A plane crashed into the Pentagon, part of which later collapsed. All flights nationwide have been grounded, and incoming international flights have been diverted into Canada. All major governmental buildings in Washington DC have been evacuated, as well as the CDC in Atlanta. The Sears Tower was evacuated, the UN building in New York. All traffic -into- New York has been cut off." [public] Wesha says, ""... 747 heading to Chicago..."" [public] Wesha says, ""... Sears tower has been evaquated."" [bafur] Winged says, "Israel has evacuated -all- of its embassies, worldwide." [bafur] Phyxis says, "... in addition: Reports of a bomb or /two/ in Stuyvesant HS in lower Manhattan. --- SFO public schools are closed. Some streets are closed. Many tech-workers are telecommuting due to their employers being potential targets." [public] Fre'ta says, "ARGH! Wesha, don't tell me that.. It is making the temptation to post even harder to resist." [public] Triggur says, "anybody heard from cassiefox or any of the other NYC furs?" [public] Thalesin says, "nope Trig" [public] A'A'Alis has not. He hopes the FP Is okay - he has heard the artist lives in NYC. " [public] Phyxis says, "Weasel's okay, dunno who else is up there... Not seen Jessica/CassieFox on." [public] Cerulean says, "No, but I suspect they're all running for cover at this point." [public] Tilton says, "FP?" [public] Zorin says, "First Union tower in Miami is being evacuated, or so I heard." [public] A'A'Alis raises an eyebrow, " Fred Perry. " [bafur] Marten can't believe how this happened on several flights, all at once, all on _domestic_ flights. Was there no sudden/unusual behavior detected across various airport security systems? [public] Simba_Lion says, "I want to skip this part of the week.. just go to friday when there's no more tension :P" [public] Hollon says, "Bumblebee is ok . . .she is a NY fur . . . she was ON a flight at the time, they turned around and landed back at JFK." [bafur] Phyxis says, "Apparently not. It was VERY well planned." [public] Wesha says, "You know what concerns me most? That it's just a diversion. Ann attack intended to distrct the attention froms omething I shudder to imagine."" [bafur] Marten says, "Why are there no reports of attempts that were stopped?" [bafur] Thumper suggests we keep all discussion on #public. [public] WinterRose says, "That's what I am worried about. A prelude to the big explosion.." [bafur] Marten says, "I'm not on #public." [public] Phyxis says, "Downtown SFO businesses are closing." [bafur] Marten guesses he'll join now. [public] Merry says, "I want to know where our fucking president is." [public] Thalesin says, "Please don't sayt that" [public] Miko says, "They'd hit the main target first. All defenses are scrambled now, see?" [public] Thalesin says, "He is on AF1" [public] Klaatu says, "He's in AF1." [public] Thalesin says, "nope Trig" [public] A'A'Alis has not. He hopes the FP Is okay - he has heard the artist lives in NYC. " [public] Phyxis says, "Weasel's okay, dunno who else is up there... Not seen Jessica/CassieFox on." [public] Cerulean says, "No, but I suspect they're all running for cover at this point." [public] Tilton says, "FP?" [public] Zorin says, "First Union tower in Miami is being evacuated, or so I heard." [public] A'A'Alis raises an eyebrow, " Fred Perry. " [bafur] Marten can't believe how this happened on several flights, all at once, all on _domestic_ flights. Was there no sudden/unusual behavior detected across various airport security systems? [public] Simba_Lion says, "I want to skip this part of the week.. just go to friday when there's no more tension :P" [public] Hollon says, "Bumblebee is ok . . .she is a NY fur . . . she was ON a flight at the time, they turned around and landed back at JFK." [bafur] Phyxis says, "Apparently not. It was VERY well planned." [public] Wesha says, "You know what concerns me most? That it's just a diversion. Ann attack intended to distrct the attention froms omething I shudder to imagine."" [bafur] Marten says, "Why are there no reports of attempts that were stopped?" [bafur] Thumper suggests we keep all discussion on #public. [public] WinterRose says, "That's what I am worried about. A prelude to the big explosion.." [bafur] Marten says, "I'm not on #public." [public] Phyxis says, "Downtown SFO businesses are closing." [bafur] Marten guesses he'll join now. [public] Merry says, "I want to know where our fucking president is." [public] Thalesin says, "Please don't sayt that" [public] Miko says, "They'd hit the main target first. All defenses are scrambled now, see?" [public] Thalesin says, "He is on AF1" [public] Klaatu says, "He's in AF1." [public] WinterRose says, "Probably up in Air Force One, Merry." [bafur] Marten says, "News here is saying that they have positive word that an SFO destined plane disappeared too." [public] Miko says, "He's probably on Space Force 1 by now, heading for Jupiter in a cryogenic chamber." [public] Weasel says, "Specifically, most likely in the *bathroom* of AF1. :P" [public] Simba_Lion says, "during an emergency of this sort, the president flies aorund in AF1. He was in Florida, he is now confirmed in AF1 heading towards washington" [public] Fre'ta says, "United flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco was another of the planes crashed." [bafur] BlackJaguar says, "All office towers in downtown Denver have been evacuated as well" [public] Wesha says, "If I was a terrorist, I would attack from the ground now, when everybody is looking for danger in the skies. Or, from UNDER the ground."" [bafur] BlackJaguar says, "Reports of all toll roads in the US being closed, as well" [public] A'A'Alis nods, " Unless the main target is someplace that would be overlooked, or the big explosion/final strike was already put in to action. " [public] Miko says, "Ground defenses are up too, I'd assume." [public] Thalesin says, "Hell you can put a nuke in a small storage closet.........If they didn't see this one coming. Who knows what else" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Supposedly we're currently at defcon 2. I'm sure the military is scrambling all over. I doubt there'd be another attack. something of this size is very hard to pull off, and requires alot of planning. Also, you want ot catch people off guard, which has been done, we've probably seen the worst of it" [public] Wesha hmmhmms. "I'd better go and buy some bottled water now. Just for the sake of it. I'm a system administrtator, and so crazy about safety. =^.^= [public] Phyxis says, "Nukes are FAR more difficult to smuggle than "classic" explosives though, Thal." [public] Simba_Lion says, "TechTV is a terrible news station, for the record" [public] Thalesin says, "Not piece by piece and over a long time. If the can get tons of drugs into a country they can get other stuff" [public] Simba_Lion says, "All canadian airlines have grounded too" [public] Merry says, "I mean: Why isn't he talking to the American People? Not where physically is the president." [public] Fre'ta says, "I've always wondered what happens with the arrivals display when a plane crashes or is hijacked." [public] Triggur says, "One thing that ought to come of this is that every large aircraft destined for the US (or even north america) should be required to be outfitted with an autopilot modification that simply CANNOT ALLOW the plane, under any circumstance, to enter a metropolitan area, except on the very narrow approaches necessary for urban airports." [public] Simba_Lion says, "He did Merry" [public] Pontanius says, "I just heard rumors that Sears Towers have been attacked.. Anyone able to comfirm that???" [public] Thumper wonders whether we'll lose all international decorum and trample all countries in our way to get whoever is responsible. [public] Marten says, "Uh... delayed?" [public] Zorin says, "I think the pres has more important decisions to make at the moment. I'd rather he be doing something about us and having his staff talk to us, etc." [public] Zorin says, "err, about it." [public] Wesha says, "Pontanius, Negative yet." [public] Marten says, "Sears Tower was closed, that's all I heard." [public] Melantha says, "Bush vows to hunt down whoever did this." [public] Ouroboros says, "International flight security is apparentlu pretty good, its domestic stuff that is pretty lax, at least according to Air International." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Nothing re: sears tower yet" [public] A'A'Alis agrees, " The Prez is a very busy man. " [public] Triggur says, "where's the report from that there's a 747 heading toward chicago?" [public] Pontanius is in Denmark, Europe, and so has limited info.. [public] Phyxis says, "Sears Tower was /evacuated/, but no reports of any sort of problems with it." [public] Wesha says, " <-- I'm permanently adding screenshots from TV broadcast here." [public] Merry says, "I know he spoke, but it was awhile ago." [public] Marten says, "They haven't figured out where United 93 into SFO has gone yet." [public] Simba_Lion says, "essentially all government buildings and US 'icons' (big landmarks, etc) are being closed and evacuated" [public] Qgar says, "I live in the outgoing flight path from SFO and work next to the airport. Hmmm." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania" [public] Phyxis says, "...and we're in the SJC flight path, Q. :(" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Nothing would be accomplished by bush speaking to people. I'm sure once things have calmed down he will make more statements" [public] Marten says, "I heard that was a different one that hit near Pittsburgh, Lynn." [public] Chrono says, "It's United 175 they can't find" [public] Wesha says, "Military choppers patrolling over Pentagon." [public] Marten says, "OK, well, Channel 11 here got it wrong then, no big surprise." [public] Fre'ta says, "United 93 and AA 11 are the 2 that hit the twin towers." [public] Triggur wonders if the pilot managed to get some control on 93... or that the highjacking failed and the pilot forced it down someplace less populated. [public] Simba_Lion says, "I want to know how that many planes were hijacked. it must have been an inside job, since almost all the planes were 'united' planes" [public] Marten says, "I heard it was two AA flights that hit WTC." [public] Melantha says, "Lord..they said 50,000 people worked in those towers. :(" [public] Merry says, "I think lots would be done if the president spoke, thank you very much. How about a few words to calm people down?" [public] Triggur says, "oh. not 93 then, the one that hit pittsburg." [public] Tilton says, "Hell, I live practically next to San Jose International. I'm fairly concerned. I'd been planning on flying to Connecticut in two days, but I've postponed." [public] Thumper wonders if the US air force shot down 93. [public] Merry says, "Even one of the members of his staff." [public] Merry says, "could do it." [public] Simba_Lion says, "ONe AA flight was reported hijacked, 3 united planes have been reported hijacked, no one knows what actually hit the WTC buildings" [public] Marten says, "I heard 2 AA and 2 United." [public] Fre'ta says, "I'm wondering if the one that crashed in pittsburgh was trying to make an emergency landing." [public] Zorin says, "I hope they at least wait until the plane causes IMMINENT DANGER before shooting." [public] Phyxis says, "This woman in NYC is a twit." [public] Phyxis says, "Jesus." [public] Simba_Lion says, "What would it accomplish Merry? All it would do is comfort those of us sitting here watching TV. The people who need comforting aren't watching the news" [public] Klaatu says, "I think they've confirmed the plane that crashed in PA was a normal crash and not a hijacking." [public] Thumper says, "What an incredibly odd coincidence, though." [public] Chrono says, "They just confirmed on the news that the FAA tracked flight AA 11 deviate flight path and go into Manhattan" [public] WinterRose says, "Shot down, maybe?" [public] Merry says, "It is a sign of leadership, Simba. Stop arguing with me. When the country in crisis, the leader needs to lead. They do that by speaking to the public." [public] Triggur says, "Zorin, at this point, if a commercial flight isn't responding to its radio, they're well advised just to knock it down over an unpopulated area." [public] Marten changes channels to a news station that can get it right. [public] Fre'ta says, "Hardly, Thumper. The pilots that were being forced to emergency landings were probably all nerve-wracked." [public] Klaatu says, "I agree. Any non-military planes in the air at this point should be shot down." [public] Triggur says, "So is this the anniversary of the camp david accords?" [public] Phyxis says, "Aside from the twit woman a few minutes ago, NBC has been pretty good Marten (KRON locally to ya)" [public] Merry says, "Yeah, Trig." [public] Thumper says, "In my experience, when pilots get a good scare, the result is a perfect landing-- I had a flight where it was really foggy at SFO. The pilot missed the runway and pulled out. After he circled around again, it was an absolutely perfect, gentle landing right in the middle." [public] Wesha says, "Wow, I've finally grabbed a footage showing WTC collapsing at a good looking angle." [public] Triggur says, "we feel sorry for the people on board, but thousands of lives are at stake, not hundreds." [public] Pontanius says, "They'll probably do visuals on any plane in airspace before attacking them.." [public] Klaatu says, "There are no good looking angles for that." [public] Pontanius hugs all!!! [public] Simba_Lion says, "50,000 according to the news. Figure the first building, very few people survived. The second building was evacuated, but the elevators might not have been running. Also, getting down 110 floors by stairs will take awhile. Not to mention people in the street when the building feel on them. alot of people are gonna be dead." [public] Triggur says, "This has got to be the single worst terrorist attack in history." [public] Merry giggles. 'The entire city of miami federal buildings have been closed. [public] Merry says, "I think miami is the last place someone would pick." [public] Phyxis says, "50k is a bit high. Cap on each building is 10k, plus an additional ~5k tourists total." [public] Simba_Lion says, "I hope a terrorist group claims responsibility" [public] Phyxis says, "50k including ground-collateral damage, sure." [public] Lisa_Lynx says, "Can anyone get through news websites? Since I'm in NJ, all the NY stations are knocked out (they used the WTC transmitter) and I can only see CNN here and can't seem to get through to the websites. :p" [public] Tilton says, "I keep hearing the figures fluctuate. One news report this morning said 50k _per_ building, when fully occupied." [public] Phyxis says, "Many are far-overloaded LL." [public] Merry says, "Lisa - try the radio" [public] Tilton says, "That just doesn't sound right." [public] Phyxis says, "This was direct from public service folks, Tilton." [public] Triggur says, "I just heard on NPR that 3 weeks ago, Bin Laden announced there was about to be "an unprecedented attack on american intersts"." [public] Phyxis says, "In NYC." [public] Simba_Lion says, "hasn't Osama Bin Laden been at the hague for over a month, in somewhat solitary confinement?" [public] Phyxis says, "What's a bit of a mindfuck is that both SFO bridges are still open." [public] Miko says, "Doesn't he say that once a month, minimum?" [public] Qgar says, "I wonder if there'll be a movie about this." [public] Simba_Lion says, "OR maybe I've got my psycho leaders confused" [public] Lisa_Lynx says, "I'm curious to hear what the Taliban are going to announce... and how fast the bombs will fly." [public] Miko says, "There'll be sixty." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "reminder, if you are at all near and you can give blood, PLEASE DO SO" [public] Marten says, "News says they're trying to close them, Phyx." [public] Pontanius says, "Collateral damage from the collapses may not be soo high: They had in the news, a Danish national in NY phone in an eye-witness report of the collapse from a few hundred yards away!" [public] Pontanius says, "The figures in the news range from 40K to 80K.." [public] Tilton says, "I can't even picture ten thousand people in my head, I can't get a feel for it. It's horrible." [public] Jazmyn says, "All I know is that we are in DEFCON 2 now..." [public] Simba_Lion says, "I read something disturbing on slashdot, someone had a 1 line post that said "How will this affect the stock market??"" [public] Phyxis says, "Exempt for a number of reasons, Lynn Onyx. :(" [public] A'A'Alis shiver, " Too many lives. They're right - this is going to have serious long term repercussions. " [public] Tilton says, "I thought we used up all our cruise missiles in Yugoslavia." [public] Faithry says, "I thought they were in Threatcon Charlie, Jazmyn." [public] Tilton says, "Now I begin to understand what my grandmother and grandfather felt like when they heard about Pearl Harbor." [public] Faithry says, "I shouted a while back to ask wether this would affect prices." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "the thing is that pearl harbor wasn't on live tv, was it?" [public] Simba_Lion says, "I'm glad my mother isn't around to see this day, she broke down after the oklahoma bombing" [public] Wesha says, "Tilton,. now you also understand what Russians felt when Chechens blew up a nukmber of apartment complexes at night, with all of those eleeping in there."" [public] Tilton says, "Terrorism sucks. (<-- summary, folks)" [public] Greycloak never felt sympathy for the Chechens and their bean-sized country. :| [public] Tycho says, "Theyre obviously after the president, they crashed a plane at camp david." [public] Wesha says, "Faitlook for those companies that build scyscrapers. They're gonna go high. =^.^=" [public] Triggur says, "From the "Too Soon" department... "I wonder how much a ticket is from Boston International Airport to the WTC."" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Some brilliant news guy said "apparently bush isn't going to (forgot the name), a secret installation in the (forgot) mountains" of course he's not, you're broadcasting the location on the god damned television! :P" [public] Triggur says, "Lords of London is going to be out some change on this one." [public] Thalesin can drive to NYC in about 4 hours flatr [public] Cerulean says, "That's Lloyd's." [public] Wesha says, "Triggur: How's Pentagon called now? A: Quadragon." [public] Triggur says, "whatever." [public] Cerulean says, "Are all flights grounded in Canada as well as the US?" [public] Triggur says, "Yes." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Yes" [public] Tycho says, "YES" [public] Lisa_Lynx thinks Triggur is channeling Howard Stern? :p "And Germany's grounded all flights to the US, too." [public] Katarn says, "Perl Harbor was probably even more frightening That was the sign that we were under direct attack by a major government power. As bad as this is, it's not a sign that there will be enemy troups landing on american soil. These terorist can't mound an actual military attack, or the would have." [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Denver's airport will be closed for at least 24 hours. Other airports are likely under similar conditions." [public] Tilton says, "True, Katarn. But now I've got a little taste of it in my mouth." [public] Greycloak says, "But they can strike again. :|" [public] Simba_Lion says, "All flights into the US from other countries are being turned around. There should be NO Air traffic that isn't military over this country, essentially" [public] Jihad boggles as they put Tom Clancy on CNN. [public] Miko says, "What happens to airliners coming over the ocean and running out of fuel?" [public] Simba_Lion says, "He wrote a book with this sort of attack in it" [public] Tycho says, "They have the resources to continue doing this, and the Islamic Jihad has taken responsibility.," [public] Simba_Lion says, "Obviously they won't turn around planes that need to land" [public] Rooth'ragon says, "Planes can land at US a/p's. They just can't take off." [public] Miko says, "Said 'all flights'.. Redirect to Cuba?" [public] Rooth'ragon says, "That's what 'grounded' means." [public] Jihad says, "On CNN, they said that the IJ said: "This is a result of US foreign policy." Which adds up for me,." [public] Qgar says, "Tom Clancy on CNN, claiming responsibility for alerting US officials to the possibility of this kind of thing, honest to goodness." [public] Zorin says, "And.. just how powerful is the IJ compared to us? Can we annihilate them swiftly and easily if they are responsible?" [public] Tilton says, "So Tom Clancy is waving around a finger essentially saying "Told you so! Ha!"" [public] Simba_Lion says, "He may have, and it may have been ignored" [public] Wesha says, "Jihad: Yes, to my mind, itr's the payback for Belgrade and Iraq..." [public] Simba_Lion says, "It's an underground organization Zorin, it's not like a country" [public] Miko says, "IJ?" [public] Jihad says, "But that is not the same as claiming responsibility" [public] Triggur says, "islamic jihad." [public] Triggur eyes Jihad. [public] Simba_Lion says, "And for the record, the IJ generically hates us, as they hate anyone who isn't a follower of islam, and vow to kill everyone who isn't a follower. America is the generic target for all major terrorist attacks because it makes a powerful statement." [public] Miko says, "Could be anyone. There's going to be a million folks going "HA-ha!" for weeks to come." [public] Simba_Lion says, "It has nothing really to do with anything we've done, since all of our attacks have been in _response_ to terrorist attacks." [public] Qgar says, "well okay, not responsibility, but." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Yeah, alot of american-haters are getting their jollies right now" [public] Marten says, "On topic of contents of WTC - now being told "up to 20,000", 10,000 per building, that time of morning. Oh, and NY Fire Dept has told news officials they think there may have been an additional bomb planted in one of the buildings due to the way things collapsed." [public] Triggur says, "Well, the only GOOD thing to come out of SO many hijackings at the same time and such, is that it exponentially increases authority's ability to cross-match information in determining who's responsible. They do a pretty good job when it's just a single plane... having 4 plans to crossmatch rosters and eye-witnesses, they're almost certain to figure it out." [public] Faithry notes that American egos tend to be horribly swollen. [public] Wesha says, "Oh come on SImba."" [public] Simba_Lion says, "It doesn't matter who hijacked the planes, they're all dead" [public] Wesha says, "Faithry: my point, exactly." [unixgeeks] Nezumi grumbles, poking through some job postings relating to Unix. A number of the jobs seem to be worded as: (Design|Implement) ($product) using C++ "What's the fascination with doing everything in C++?" [public] Jihad says, "If it really IS the islamic jihad, then I'll change my name." [public] Triggur says, "simba, turn on your brain for one fucking minute. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO DID IT, SO YOU CAN KICK THE CRAP OUT OF THEM?" [unixgeeks] Lynn_Onyx can't believe you're talking about C++ [public] Qgar says, "get me HARRISON FORD on the line!" [public] Tilton says, "Yeah, we know, America does a lot of boneheaded, shitty, stupid things to the world. But not a single one of them justifies killing TWENTY THOUSAND CIVILIANS, period." [unixgeeks] Nezumi blinks? [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "She's not on public, Lynn." [public] Marten says, "Oh lovely, now the news 4 here is showing celebrations in Palestine." [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "They've been sold on C++ and already have a broad codebase written in it, Nezumi?" [public] Triggur apologizes to Simba. [unixgeeks] Nezumi grumps, looking for another page of job postings. [public] Tycho says, "The US border has been sealed" [unixgeeks] Marten wonders how you're discussing this now? :/ [public] Tilton says, "With duct tape." [public] Wesha says, "Tilton: well, maybe except for killing fourty thousand civilians in Belgrade?" [public] Ashtar says, "Faithry, Wesha: That's a blanket statement and you know it. There are lots of us who are scared, worried about the war this is going to start, and terrified of being caught in a political crossfire they know little about." [unixgeeks] Nezumi says, "Distraction." [unixgeeks] Lynn_Onyx says, "Well, i guess nearly all non-news websites will be relatively empty" [unixgeeks] Mikhael is discussing it with the shout command, to be facetious. To be rather more forthright and honest, because we can, because we need to discuss Something Else. Kay? good. [public] Triggur says, "well spoken." [public] Wesha says, "Ashtar: you're so proud of your democracy and the ability to control your government, so dammit, DO IT and stop the m from poking their noses into the business of the other countries on the other continents?" [public] Tilton says, "I don't want to get into the kind of bullshit Israel has gotten itself into, killing random people for random people. It doesn't make any sense." [public] Simba_Lion says, "I would love to personally beat the crap out of whoever is responsible. I'm just not very hopeful, since this sort of stuff happens to us every few years and we never have any decent retribution from it. I'm angry, but there is no real outlet for that anger. It'd be easier if it was war, we can fight a war, and it's black and white, but this is like, guerrilla war, and I don't think anyone will get the justice they want at this moment. The best we can probably hope for is a few perpetrators brought to justice, but you know there had to have been hundreds of people, if not thousands, involved in planning and executing this" [public] Triggur says, "wesha, I'm going to ask you politely not to bring politics into this, as if the people killed were responsible. Thank you." [public] Fre'ta blinks at /. "HOLY SH**.. 800 comments on a story within a few hours of posting.. That has got to be a record." Uber mews, "Zorin are you near the WTC? [If already said Uber is slooooow]" [public] Tilton says, "I take back a few of the horrible things I've said about Slashcode. But not most of them." [public] Simba_Lion says, "every time they replay the video of the WTC falling over I feel like someone kicked me in the nuts :P" [public] Faithry says, "Violence begets violence. There is a lot of stupidity in the world. Islam, Christianity, etc. We are all afraid, worried.. I am, too. This thing that is happened is horrifying, horrible." [public] Wesha says, "I'm REASLLY SORRY about innocent civilians to be killed. My point is, it in no way was surprising and/or unexpected." [public] Triggur says, "THANK YOU, Doctor Obvious." [public] Merry says, "" [public] Chrono would like to point out that America ISN'T a DEMOCRACY it's a REPUBLIC with Demoratic principles.. there is a huge difference. [public] Triggur says, "Aiiieee." SunFizz[tm](#8414XZ) [public] Tilton says, "Please, no politics right now. We're mourning." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Dammit, my microsoft stock dropped 3 points!" [public] Tilton says, "Save it up for later, I'm sure there'll be a use for it, it's not like it's going to spoil if you leave it out." [public] Miko says, "..and the first related art on VCL, it seems. o.o" [public] Ashtar says, "I am proud of my democracy. But I'm old enough to get drafted into this war against my will when even I was raised to be tolerant of all people and countries. And I'm not even old enough to have a drink. All I've ever wanted out of my life is to become a doctor and save lives. And now I'm going to be wondering if I'm still alive by the time I hit 30." [public] Ashtar says, "I will observe silence now..." [public] Pontanius says, "PLEASE, people.. Furs.. We should NOT be fighting or even arguing amongst ourselves at a time lik ethis!" [public] Tycho says, "These types of attacks are unprecented in size and magnitude," [public] Faithry nods. "I fear for war, myself. The economical, ecological and human sacrifices that will end up being made in the name of simple revenge if the American government decides to go to war." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Nothing like this has happened in the history of the world." [public] Triggur says, "faithry, close it." [public] Wesha says, "Same here Faithry." [public] Faithry says one thing, "Lynn_Onyx: Hiroshima." [public] Hollon says, "At this point, I think war is justified." [public] Pontanius says, "This is an act of war!" [public] Wesha says, "I'm really afraid some moron will switch it to Defcon 1 and launch nukes anyewhere just for the sake of it. :(((((" [unixgeeks] RichardPenner says, "I got word of a job in C. It looks like I'm on the fast-track for it. (unemployed)" [public] Melantha says, "They aren't going to do that, Wesha." [public] Simba_Lion says, "WAR AGAINST WHO?" [public] Triggur says, "Osama bin laden?" [public] Katarn says, "And if it's some splinter organization, just who would you go to war against? When the Oklahoma federal building was bombed, should we have bombed ourselves for it, since it was done by American extremests?" [public] Triggur says, "any country harboring him will be added to the list of countries to smash." [public] Miko says, "Osama Bin Laden isn't a country." [public] Wesha says, "Melantha, Simba: I said, "just for the sake of it".... Faithry: and I will ad another thing, Nagasaki." [public] Hollon says, "This is the time for us to realize we cannot sit back and pretend we are immune from foreign affairs. It is about time we send troops to Isreal and help them defeat the Palistinians." [public] Triggur says, "countries officially harbor him. they officially protect him. they are targets too now." [unixgeeks] Nezumi says, "I've grown to be very fond of scripting things under Linux using Perl, PHP, and bash. I'm wanting a job that will let me do a lot of scripting. *^^*" [public] Ralgha says, ""My mom's a corporation." "Yeah, that makes sense fatass."" [public] Simba_Lion says, "What does this have to do with Israel??" [public] Miko says, "I thought the Israelis were supposed to be the bad guys in that conflict." [public] Simba_Lion says, "YOU PEOPLE CONFUSE ME!" [public] Wesha says, "Holon, that's the best way to get a couple more US cities plane-bombed, dont you think?" [public] Faithry "You may not know it, but it tends to look a little different from my point of view. Especially since I live in the area that will probably be hit if there is a war." [unixgeeks] Mikhael nods at Nezumi. Mik's found a similar love for Python and (gods forbid) VBScript. [public] Hollon says, "So we should just sit here and take it???" [public] Pontanius says, "NEWS FROM RUSSIA!!!" [public] Hollon says, "It is about time we stood up and fought against those that would deprive us of our life and liberty, rather than sit back and plead with them not to hurt us!!!" [public] Triggur says, "see how innocents get drawn into this, Faithry?" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Look at history, that's all we've ever done in the past. I'm sure we'll catch some people, but this isn't something we can really take revenge on" [public] Miko says, "You can watch innocent people die, or you can go out and kill some other innocent people to make yourself feel better. Hm?" [unixgeeks] Nezumi says, "Never touched VBScript myself. I haven't even a machine I could toy with it on. As for Python.. I'm wanting to learn it, but I'll need to understand OOP first, I think." [public] Pontanius says, "There's talk of cooperation between Russian and American Intelligence Agencies to solve this!" [public] Jihad says, "Save it, Hollon." [public] Triggur says, "yes it is, Simba." [public] Tycho says, "Yeah, well, if we retaliate the way we should, the world will hate us more." [public] Wesha says, "Pontanius: GREAT!" [public] Faithry says, "I may not be in any hostile countries, but modern weapons have very big footprints.... and people... especially to those Americans shocked and angry: It will only be worse if you go about shrieking 'revenge!'..." [public] Triggur says, "Miko, if you DON'T respond, they will just do it AGAIN and AGAIN." [public] Triggur says, "they may anyway, but at least it exacts a COST." [public] Simba_Lion says, "several of our allies have essentially said they'll help us find the perpetrators, for the record" [unixgeeks] Mikhael doesn't understand OOP at all, but Python is like all the good parts of perl and vbscript put together. It sounds unholy, and Guido would slit my throat for saying it, but its true. [public] Miko says, "And if you do respond, they'll do it, and so will you." [public] Amy says, "What a fun day it has been in Washington D.C. Cant beleive I actually got out of there :P What a madhouse. Everyone around here is on edge :/" [public] Miko says, "Hunting down the individuals involved is a good wheeze. I like that." [public] Triggur says, "So far, Tycho, all the world powers that have responded have basically said, "we'll help you kick some ass."" [public] Jihad says, "The idea is not to respond by murdering more civilians, y'know?" [public] Miko says, "Just going out and dropping bombs because you're pissed isn't." [public] Simba_Lion says, "For the record, if it is realistic for us to send in death squads and annihilate everyone remotely responsible, I'll give my vote for it. I just don't think that's very realistic" [public] Hollon says, "Save it? How many more people have to die before somebody is willing to pick up a gun and shoot the bastards who have sworn to kill us?!? They are DANCING in the streets in the middle east celebrating what happened?" [unixgeeks] Nezumi says, "Guido?" [public] Hollon says, "If you are looking for a place to drop a nice fat nuke, that sounds damn good in my book!" [public] Tycho says, "Israel is too close" [public] Cargo says, "JESUS H CHRIST" [public] Triggur says, "okay, let's back off the aggression here." [public] Merry says, "This is not the time to be debating these things." [public] Miko says, "Go, Hollon. If you'd been born elsewhere, you'd probably have been flying one of those planes." [public] Simba_Lion says, "I find it hard to believe the palestinians as a whole are responsible for this since they were begging us for help 2 weeks ago" [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "Guido van Rossum. The guy that 'invented' python." [public] Faithry says, "I agree, it was horrible that these people, whomever they were, did here, but you forget that starting a war will kill several powers more innocents." [public] Pontanius says, "They claim that Osama Bin Laden _can't_ have been responsible.." [unixgeeks] Nezumi ahs. [public] Cargo says, "I just tuned in." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Why do they say that? and who's they?" [public] Wesha says, "Simba: so you're gonna eliminate me? I'm half azerbaijahn, which gives me slight islamic roots. But I've never accepted Islam - but ywill your death squads check that out?" [public] Triggur says, "why couldnt he? 3 weeks ago he said there was about to be an "unprecedented attack"." [public] Merry says, "For once in my life I don't care who has a bigger penis. People died today, you inconsiderate assholes. Stop with the speculation and rediculousness for once." [public] Pontanius says, "Official sources on the news.." [public] Triggur's with merry here. [public] Cargo says, "I'm just staring at the news in shock. I saw a webpage first and was like 'This has gotta be fake.'" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Merry, I think this is some sort of mourning" [public] Triggur's going to totally shut down the public channel for the day if people can't act better. [public] Simba_Lion says, "but I'm not psychologist " [public] Faithry says, "Everyone seems more angry at what happened than sad. Or at least, the vocal ones are angry. I, myself, am simply sad that humanity drops to this level." [public] Simba_Lion says, "detroit's been closed down" [public] Pontanius is just relaying what he picks up from the news.. "I will stop if I'm asked.." [public] Anja says, "Ahh, I knew this would be the best place to find irrelevant blather about it." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Okay I am getting off of h ere now that this is a debate not announcements." [public] Scotfox says, "The Disney parks are closed." [public] Anja says, "And West Bank Palestinians are celebrating. :P" [public] Hollon says, "All of you who are dismissing people's anger should be ashamed of yourself. And by the way, I AM a licensed clinical psychologist." [public] Cargo says, "I'm sure a lOT of people are celebrating." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Faithry, there's a process to this, at first, I was in shock, then I was sad, then I didn't know what to be, and somewhere in there, there's quite a bit of anger as well. Someone comes into your home and blows up your shit, essentially, and it pisses you off." [public] Wesha says, "Let's not let anger over clear mind, okay?" [public] Merry says, "I think in this situation people should NOT be debating with one another, period." [public] Merry says, "Let's stick with informing one another with what you are hearing, what the source of what you are hearing is, and stop arguing with one another. It's sick. :P" [public] Jihad says, "Anger is fine, more murder is something else. Put a lid on it." [public] Wesha says, "Simba, are you describing the Belgrade attack? =^.^=" [public] Triggur says, "everybody agreed with merry?" [public] Triggur says, "tell me if you're not." [public] Scotfox says, "We're going through the four stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance." [public] Winged says, "I'm agreed with Merry." [public] Pontanius says, "Where supposed to be a community here.. And we're falling apart?? WHOEVER DID THIS WANTS US TO ATTACK EACH OTHER!!! Please try to remember that, people.. Friends.." [public] Jihad says, "Yeah." [public] Hollon says, "Scotfox is right." [public] Faithry says, "Simba: That much is truth, Simba. I understand that you want to hurt the people that did it, so do I, but I'm not going to hurt anyone." [public] Cargo says, "I just think we're going to nuke the living shit out of Afghanistan." [public] Faithry says, "I'm getting off. Tomorrow the news, and the hurt, will be older, the numbers more accurate." [public] Scotfox says, "I agree with Cargo. I'd be surprised if we don't declare war on the Tabliban government before the day is out." [public] Marten says, "What happened to the promised Taliban announcement?" [public] Wesha says, "I'm NOT considering aybody here as enemy, neither do I fall apart. I just try to politely remind that no point of view is completely correct and there always are opposite ones." [public] Ouroboros says, "Triggur, setting up a channel just for news updates and leaving this for more speculative um debate?" [public] Jihad says, "No news so far, I am watching CNN." [public] Marten says, "They'll probably arrest Clancy for having suggested flying an airplane into a building in his book a few years ago." [public] Hollon will happily be the one to press the button if the decision to nuke the Palistinians goes out. [public] Jihad says, "Enough." [public] Anja says, "I'm agreed. Of course, I just woke up, and heard about this from a lady I called to confirm delivery time on my new bed. @.@" [public] Anja says, "With Merry, that is." [public] Katarn says, "Hey If I had a target, I'd plant the bullet in the head of every single person involved myself. But bombing some middle eastern country just cause they hate us won't solve anything. It's not a crime to hate us, as long as there are not attacks." [public] Cargo says, "I bet the music playing just before the crash was 'bishops landing', the music from every action movie trailer." [public] Miko says, "Thank you for being a supporter of the kind of shit that went down today, Hollon. The families of the victims must really appreciate it." [public] Tycho says, "Think of everyone in NY, that has witnessed a major syymbol of ameria be destroyed, lives have been lost, and more importantly, our ways of lives have been threatened. I wholeheartedly ageee that people should be angry" [public] Simba_Lion says, "I think setting up a news-only channel is a good idea.." [public] Wesha says, "For newly joined furs: <-- I keep uploading screenshots from TV news there." [public] Anja says, "Sorry, bombing them would just make them martyrs, and only continue the vicious cycle. But thanks for playing." [public] Hollon says, "Thanks, Miko. When we need someone to extend the hand of peace to a maniac with a gun, I'll remember your name." [public] Cargo says, ",, every channel on TV" [public] Jihad says, "Triggur, give this guy the boot" [public] Cargo says, "are we just goign to be booting people at random today" [public] Scotfox says, "If you don't agree with him, just ignore him. These are just words on a screen." [public] Anja says, "Hey folks, some people at times like this are going to say things they may not really mean. Why don't you learn to DEAL WITH IT? Trust me, you'll need that skill in RL some day." [public] Qgar says, "gotta go to work: "After speaking with Pete, we have decided that there is no danger to our building at 701 Gateway and thus the office will remain open today. However if you have family or friends that may have been affected by the bombings and you need to leave the office - please discuss the situation with your manager."" [bafur] Phyxis whees. Non critical personnel may go home/work from home. [public] Jihad says, "I am dealing with it, thanks." [bafur] Cargo says, "got an email from our CEO. "I will understand if any of you work from home / come in late today."" [public] Hollon says, "Our company is allowing anyone who wishes to leave work today, for prayer, support, etc." [public] Triggur says, "weird, qgar. every business I know of, even here in the middle of colorado, is basically saying, "If you want to go home, please do."" [public] Fre'ta says, "This just in... Major League Baseball has cancelled the entire season." [public] Cargo says, "there could be more attacks any moment!" [public] Cargo says, "4 plane crashes!? Plus a plane crashes into the Pentagon and the WTC" [public] Qgar says, "cover me!" [public] Amy says, "Half the people in my office buildinghave people in the guvmint or military. the better let em go home :/ Of course, they did and quicklyt oo" [public] Cerulean says, "Are you just waking up, Cargo?" [public] Wesha says, "Cargo, that's my concern all defenses are distracted at the moment." [public] Fre'ta says, "The crashes into WTC and the pentagon are 3 of those 4 crashes, Cargo." [public] Anja says, "Serious, Fre'ta?" [public] Cargo says, "Well, i've been up for an hour or so, just watching in shock." [public] Qgar puts his kittens on High Alert as he leaves. [public] Wesha says, "For newly joined furs: <-- I keep uploading screenshots from TV news there." [public] Cargo says, "I wonder if that Egypt Air crash was a test." [public] Simba_Lion says, "The summary to this point, is that the WTC doesn't exist anymore, the pentagon lost a big chnk of it, and I think there were 4 hijacks, not 4 crashes, tho there was another crash, but it wasn't serious, apparently, since they aren't talking about it on the news" [public] Anja says, "And no attacks on Redmond? *runs*" [public] Cargo says, "christ, Anja." [public] Simba_Lion says, "what egypt air crash?" [public] Merry says, "The US border between Mexico and the US has been closed." [public] Anja says, "Oh c'mon, you KNOW that wasn't serious." [public] Cargo says, "remember? a couple years ago? The pilot swore allegiance to Allah on the flight recorder and nosedived." [public] Merry says, "GOOD IDEA: PLEASE GO DONATE BLOOD IF YOU ARE ABLE." [public] Amy says, "Wonder if they will close canadaian border too" [public] Merry says, "GOOD IDEA: IF YOU ARE IN THE NYC AREA: GO DONATE BLOOD." [public] Scotfox says, "There were four crashes. Two into the World Trade Center (a Cessna then a 737), one into the Pentagon (a 737?), and one near Pittsburgh (it appears the pilot may have crashed the plane to avoid being hijacked? one story says that a passenger called 911 to report a hijack)" [public] Triggur says, "I'm getting all kinds of pages about this... could somebody @announce how to get onto the shout program/tragedy channel? I THINK it's @act shout=me;@link shout=#154039; shout #join tragedy (is that right?)" [public] Simba_Lion says, "I don't think I ever heard that news. However, there was also a book by Tom Clancy that brought this type of attack up, and apparently says he warned the government" [public] Tycho says, "@shout public = Try 767's not 737" [public] Cargo says, "TOM CLANCY" [public] Cargo says, "ALERT TOM CLANCY IMMEDIATELY" [public] Amy says, "Thank goodness that last onedidnt get to whatever its destiation was (hijacker's d4estination rather)" [public] Cargo shines the Clancy-signal into the sky! [public] Jihad says, "He was already on CNN." [public] Tilton says, "Apparently they put Clancy on CNN as soon as possible." [bafur] Keman says, "This is pretty messed up." [public] Amy says, "This was supposed to only happen in books and movies and hypothetical svcenarios :P Augh." [public] Cargo says, "Sept. 11 2001. The turn of the century has arrived, kids." [bafur] Keman says, "Times like this I'm very glad we own firearms. Never know when someone might want to go looting .." [public] Hollon says, "Geez, putting Clancey on TV now . . .god damn media whores." [public] Tycho says, "People seem to forget that Camp David was also attacked, alsom, think of the impact of the Olympics coming" [public] Amy says, "Yeah, it has :/" [public] Anja wonders if they got armed guards around Mile High Stadium. [public] Triggur says, "(I cant shout for a while)" [public] Katarn says, "If Afganistan IS Harboring the terorists, I would suport an invasion and overthrow of their goverment. But If It's a splinter organization out of Egypt or Saudi Arabia, or even Jordan or Iran, no way." [public] Simba_Lion says, "9/11 2001, coincidence?" [public] Scotfox says, "Please, don't make this some Hollywood thing." [public] Marten says, "Every TV station here has about 1/4 of the picture covered with their status bar update, which often covers the picture with most of the things going on. O.o" [public] Brenda says, "Okay..WTF is going on with terrorist acts of some kind, this morning? (Just got into work..about to hit" [public] Scotfox says, "What's at Camp David?" [public] Katarn says, "How was Camp David attacked?" [public] Scotfox says, "Brenda - Turn on the TV." [public] Fre'ta says, "Good luck with" [public] Tycho says, "Presidents private getaway" [public] Cerulean says, "You're in for quite a shock, Brenda." [public] Tilton says, "Brenda, don't bother, the major news sites are essentially down. Turn on a radio or TV if you can." [public] fEk says, "Camp David wasn't attacked. That was a misreport, according to everything I've seen." [public] Tycho says, "IUts been barely announced, but A plane has crashed near/at campa david" [unixgeeks] Siberian says, "What would be a good switching hub to get for a cable modem LAN which has both computers getting IP addresses from the provider?" [public] Hollon says, "Make sure you are sitting down Brenda . . ." [public] Scotfox says, "Brenda - seriously, turn on the TV. This is major. You need to see it on TV." [public] Anja says, "Nice thing about TV: No problems with bandwidth. :)" [public] Wesha says, "For newly joined furs: <-- I keep uploading screenshots from TV news there." [public] Cerulean says, "Start with the fact that there is no more World Trade Center in New York and go from there." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Summary: WTC is gone. a plane crashed into each building and they've both collapsed. The pentagon was also attacked, and a portion of it collapsed. Camp David was attacked, and another plane crashed near pittsburg. 4 of these planes are confirmed ot have been hijacked." [public] Scotfox says, "Anja - Yup. :)" [public] Cargo says, "yahoo's up." [public] Posi_Cat says, "Someone mentioned that the attacks seemed to be happening at 11 after the hour, or close to that" [unixgeeks] Mikhael uses a D-link 4 port cable router, Siberian. He's pretty pleased with it. [public] Anja says, "I would think anyone who went this far, would also at least try to get the Prez." [public] Ralgha says, "Manhatten is being evacuated... people in LA and all major cities are being told to stay home." [public] Scotfox says, "Anja: This might not be the end of the attacks." [public] Cargo says, "The WTC is still up, like, half of it anyways. I suspect it'll be rebuilt." [unixgeeks] Mikhael thinks you can turn its NAT and DHCP off and let all that be handled by the outside DHCP server. [public] Phyxis says, "FAA has a "Ground Hold" on all flights, 50 still in the air at this time. None appear to be in trouble, all within 40-50mi from landing." [public] Anja says, "Of course it'll be rebuilt, we're stubborn that way." [pub] Raptavio says, "Isn't there some Boston to LA flight status unknown at this time?" [pub] Cargo says, "That was the one that went into the WTC. I saw the news clip." [public] KamiKitty says, "Nobody would -work- in the WTC if they rebuilt it." [pub] Cargo says, "The actual crash was caught on tape. It's fucking intense." [public] Greycloak says, "Considering how may may be lost, it might be better to simply make it a monument." [public] Triggur says, "The load bearing structure of the WTC has got to be BADLY damaged, with all the weight that came crashing down on it. If I had to guess, they'll be taken down completely, and a memorial park will be put in their place." [public] Scotfox says, "I don't think they can salvage what's left. They'll probably have to scrap it and start over from scratch." [public] Anja says, "Or that, Trig." [public] Alendria says, "I choose Helluva weird days to be sick. So anyone wanna take the bets that it's some internal whack-job group, that did it cause it'd be hard to organize something like this overseas without getting caught?" [public] Triggur says, "If I were in the tower and I were choking on smoke and flames and it was about to collapse.... I'd jump too. It's a quick death." [public] Alendria says, "On the other hand, I guess it proves that the Star Wars idea is really pretty useless." [public] Cerulean says, "It's probably both, Alendria." [public] Thalesin says, "Yah buried alive I could not handel" [public] Scotfox says, "This is going to have a disastrous effect on the world economy, especially the US economy. When the stock markets reopen tomorrow, have a parachute ready. The only thing I can see saving them would be if the US were to declare war." [public] Hollon says, "From what I have heard from my friends in NY, the WTC will pretty much have to be leveled." [public] Tycho says, "sf is closing most major building" [public] Hollon says, "Even minor cities like where I am now in North Carolina, every building over 20 stories is being evacuated." [public] Marten says, "Report that AirForce 1 is redirecting, will not land at Washington, isn't saying where it's going." [public] Merry says, "Miami has been shut down." [public] Ouroboros says, "London stock exchange fell through the floor, Euro is up against the Dollar, Oil is up to $30.70" [public] Tycho says, "The stock markets will not be failing badly. I work for a company that files with the SEC. This will have a tragic effect certainly, but dont go rushing the bank" [public] Anja says, "Most security measures are useless to people who are fully prepared to die." [public] Fre'ta says, "I wouldn't say where I was going either." [public] Triggur says, "there's an "emergency backup whitehouse" here under colorado." [public] Marten nods at Fre'ta. "Sounds like a wise decision to me." [public] Hollon says, "AirForce 1 WAS on it's way to Camp David, before the 3rd plane crashed there . ..if the timing had been different, they might have killed the President." [public] Cargo says, "They were probably trying to do that." [public] Amy says, "We dont even know who did this yet. Could be any number of hroups..." [public] Anja says, "Please, PLEASE don't go there." [public] Anja says, "Not to mention, if the NSA/FBI/etc is ever gonna be monitoring here for that sorta talk, it'll be now." [public] Tycho says, "I will say it again, The Islamic Jihad group has claimed responsibility for this tragedy" [public] Thalesin says, "Barksdale AF base Pres will be making a statement from there" [public] Hollon says, "Practical advice for those of you who are not in a major city - FILL UP YOUR CARS WITH GAS NOW!" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Often during emergencies, the President stays in AF1 in the air for a long time, with mid-air refueling, to eliminate possible attacks on him. It's possible to run the country from AF1 for a long time. The vice president will be somewhere else, congress has been spread about, etc etc." [public] Simba_Lion says, "Too late Hollon" [public] Scotfox says, "The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, isn't it, Tycho?" [public] Triggur says, "Actually I already did this morning. probably irrational, but it felt right (gassed up)" [public] Alendria says, "I guess Bush found a way to get re-elected in 2004. Cours3e, Caeser did it this way too." [public] Amy says, "Yep, groceries, gas and some cash" [public] Anja says, "I thought Triggur was always gassed up?" [public] Hollon says, "Geez Alendira, that is a pretty ridiculous thing to say." [public] Fre'ta says, "Friends, americans, countrymen, I come to bury Bush, not to praise him..." [public] Anja says, "Ummm, Caeser was elected?" [public] Triggur says, "Alendria, this is not welcome right now." [public] Wesha says, "Okay furs, I'm personally leaving now to as much bottled water and stuff as I can."" [public] Fre'ta hehs. [public] Cargo says, "fucking goddammit alendria, this does not need your fucking politics." [public] Katarn says, "Yes. Caeser was elected by the Roman Congress. Caeser was not an emperor; that's what got him killed. He wanted to be an emperor." [public] Tycho says, "Aircraft carriers have been launched to DC and NYC on patrol" [public] Alendria says, "What? Bush has been going around pissing in people's cereal since day one. He asked for it." [public] Anja says, "OK, by their Congress." [public] Amy says, "Thisisnt about bush. If you can even seethat" [public] Cargo says, "This is the kind of thing that was under development LONG before Bush was elected. it'd be happening with Gore in the whitehouse right now too." [public] Anja starts the pool on when Alendria gets #booted. [public] Simba_Lion says, "Alendria, thousands and thousands of people have died. stfu about Bush" [public] Greycloak says, "I'm sure Bush -wanted- to kill thousands of New Yorkers. After all, they didn't vote for him. Sheesh, Alendria. =P" [public] Hollon agrees with Simba and Amy this time. [public] Simba_Lion says, "This isn't a good time to spout political bullshit and 'I told you so'" [public] Crissa says, "This is still the US. There's no law saying I have to like W in a time of crisis. Bugger yourself, Anja." [public] Marten says, "Here's another sobering thought. Something like this... will inevitably lead to an erosion of our -own- freedoms." [public] Anja says, "Obviously you're not thinking about this rationally, Crissa. Shame, that's the only thing we have left." [bafur] Keman says, "CNN's site is basically useless." [public] Triggur says, "people, please." [bafur] Keman says, "Yay! It's quiet at my place. No planes flying overhead. :P" [public] Hollon says, "Want to know what this is really about? Here is a quote off the BBC: ``America and Israel are one. This is the result of American policy,'' one Palestinian gunman said." [public] Crissa says, "You said W was responsible, not Sammi. *shrug* You can't suddenly deny that W didn't screw up almost every single foreign relationship with the US." [public] Scotfox says, "A 757 bound from NYC to San Fran crashed 80 miles outwide of Pittsburgh. Initial reports say no survivors. Speculation is that the pilot crashed it intentionally rather than let it be hijacked." [bafur] Cargo says, "Well, Moffett is still running I think." [bafur] Fre'ta says, "It will be weird driving to work. I am used to seeing the line of planes on the incoming flight path." [bafur] Keman says, "Running what?" [public] Crissa says, "CNN only had a commentator that said Sama bin Lauden had the manpower to do it." [public] Anja says, "....I did?" [public] Gregg says, "Jeezus H. about the wrong time to wake up/go to sleep..." [public] Tycho says, "all flights that have crashed, were heading towards CA" [bafur] Rieshal says, "I work right under the flight path.. (of MIA, but still)" [public] Simba_Lion says, "Something of this magnetude had to have been planned for weeks if not MONTHS. Since Palestinian leaders begged for our help weeks ago, DO NOT BLAME THEIR ENTIRE POPULACE." [public] Cargo says, "There's really three possible culprits. Osama ibn Laden (palestinians), internal US rightwing militias, and internal US anti-WTO people." [public] Hollon says, "There is a reason for that, Tycho. Domestic flights have less security than international flights and are easier to hijack. And flights from NY to CA have the most fuel - i.e. bigger explosion." [public] Amy says, "This wont be so political anymore when it hits people's home towns. WE are not thinking of politics here in DC. We arejustscared and trying to get in touch with frineds andfamily." [public] Tycho noods *to hollon [public] Greycloak says, "I have a hard time believing so many rightwing militia agents would forfeit their lives for a scaled attack like this. I mean, if it weren't for OKC, we wouldn't even consider them as an option." [public] Cargo says, "Wel, I don't think it's militias because WTC is not a government building." [public] Anja has been wanting to visit NYC. [public] Hollon says, "And as for not blaming every Palestinian person, that is fine, but I blame every Palestinian that has picked up a rock and thrown it at Israeli soldiers. I blame the 10 year old boy who spits on an Israeli's shoes. And I think they are all guilty of this." [public] Cerulean says, "The Pentagon is." [public] Tycho says, "there is a congressman from PA is in SF and is yelling about that the army and the government has been stating we had no current intelligence, or any before of any attack" [public] Cargo says, "yeah, but had it been a militia attack, only government buildings would be targeted most likely." [public] Phyxis says, "How... open minded of you Hol." [public] Triggur says, "Hollon, israel is far from innocent in this whole thing. Please, let's DROP the politics today, okay?" [public] Simba_Lion says, "I blame the israelis who use the military vehicles we gave them for defense to mount military attacks against the palestinians, giving the impression that we approve of such methods. So can we drop this useless speculation?" [public] Scotfox says, "I know this is morbid, but the engineering part of my brain is fascinated by the physics of flying a jumbo jet into a skyscraper." [bafur] Keman says, "Of course, this begs the question... is this it? Or do they bring out the nukes next?" [public] Cargo says, "Yes, DROP THE ISRAEL/PALESTINE CRAP WE REALLY DOn'T NEED IT." [public] Tycho says, "I have some doubts that a plane hitting the top of a building would take it out. There is talk of a seconday bomb" [public] Scotfox says, "A plane loaded with enough fuel to fly cross-country would be devastating." [public] Cargo says, "Tycho: I saw the clip. A massive airliner slams into the building about halfway up." [public] Cargo says, "huge fireball, right out of a Bruckheimer movie." [public] Hollon says, "One of my coworkers just walked into my office. He is ex-airforce. And he said, "Man, I wish I was still in the service so I could be blowing someone up right now." I tend to agree." [public] Simba_Lion says, "They have video footage of the second plane attack on the WTC, and yes, there was a huge fireball" [public] Cargo says, "Excellent! That's what we need! Lots more bloodshed." [public] Crissa says, "I like the Talaban's announcements. Ooo. Video now. I don't envy them... Someone poked an angry, sleeping giant :(" [public] Simba_Lion says, "They also have video footage of the buildings collapsing, it's very painful to watch" [public] Tycho says, "Still, a 767" [public] Simba_Lion says, "But they insist on re-running it on news, so if you watch long enough, oyu'll see it all" [public] Gregg says, "And there won't be a rebuilding..." [public] Amy says, "Just awful. Hope it's over. Gotta go..." [public] Tycho says, "I would like to acuire footage of all of it. In digital form. In the interests of posterity and for records." [public] Thumper says, "Have we heard of any missing NYC furs?" [public] Hollon says, "Where are people seeing this footage? is there any web site that can still show video?" [public] Triggur says, "enough records will be kept on this to last into the next millenium." [public] Simba_Lion says, "I'm sure it'll be on a DVD collection "America's Tragedy's" in a few months" [public] Scotfox says, "Thumper: No news of missing NYC furs yet." [public] Simba_Lion says, "or a fox special "when planes attack""