The Quotes list, compiled by ZorinLynx ( This is just a list of things I've found humorous that I've compiled over the years. Stuff that isn't dated was usually found retroactively when browsing through old logs for nostalgic reasons. }:) Feel free to contact me if you see yourself in this log and want to be removed, but keep in mind that I will be hesitant to remove any entry that was logged in a public place.. };) Note to easily offended readers: Just go away. Trust me. NOTE: The quotes file was recently reversed chronologically; the latest entries are now on top. ============================================================================= 01/13/2024, Discord: [06:39] Sketch: In the average span of 75 Years... a human will poop upwards to about 28,000 times. Where as a guinea pig with their short life span of 5-7 years.. Will poop over 750,000 times. [07:01] Jagdt: I've had shits bigger than guineapigs. -- 12/12/2020, FurryMUCK: [public] Flossi says, "Went to have a nap and slipped into a deep sleep where I had a nightmare that science discovered a new month called Danbury so 2020 wasn't going to end yet." -- 06/07/2017, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Triggur says, "okay unclear. i do "brew update" and it complains, "/usr/local must be writeable!"... well who can write to it but root? So sudo brew update goes crazy saying it will on no account do that either." [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "i see the problem. You forgot to #undef CATCH22" [unixgeeks] Triggur squint [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "sorry, man, it's the best i can do. there's too much blood in my caffeine stream." -- 07/15/2015, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Badger says, "If I'm planning on installing the same OS 2-3 times in different VM's.. should I just do it once, and clone the VM and VD? Or should I actually do the installation process per each?" [unixgeeks] JanusFox says, "Are you paid by the hour?" -- 06/17/2014, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "LOL. In the last Robot Chicken, Tiger Woods goes to DiC land. And humps Cleo from the Heathcliff cartoon." [public] Miles says, "Who wouldn't?" [public] Miles says, "Certainly not Tiger Woods!" -- 05/12/2014, FurryMUCK: Shaterri shouts ", suddenly it's like I'm trapped in a bad Internet comments section!" (Wiz-shout) [public] Frnkzk starts the sarcastic slow-clap. Shaterri shouts "Yay for typos! Excuse me, all. :-) (Who knew that 'wshout' was aliased to anything?)" (Wiz-shout) [public] Shaterri says, " mav ever! *takes his bow*" [public] Genn holds up a sign: 10.0 from the Kittania judge! -- 10/03/2013, FurryMUCK: [public] Sarusa says, "'Dr. Weiss intentionally squirted bodily fluid and other types of fluid from the man's scrotum into the air and onto others on multiple occasions.' doctors-facing-complaints-state-medi/" [public] Kia says, "What types of fluid other than bodily are found in the scrotum? o.O" [public] Miles says, "Whose scrotum?" [public] Sarusa says, "He coulda put some Pepsi in there." [public] Triggur says, "10w40 depending on the season." [public] Sarusa says, "You're a quart low, Mr. Birnbaum. Triggur++" [public] Triggur says, "Sarusa++" -- 06/19/2013, FurryMUCK: Cheetah purrs, "Inbound doggie." Cheetah meows, "Or not." Crimson says, "Nein hund?" -- 03/18/2013, FurryMUCK: [public] Pygar says, "So, I was playing this online game "Empire" where you get a castle, then build stuff, harvest crops, recruit soldiers, go on raids. There are some talking heads in the game that tell you what objectives you must meet. Then they start giving you tasks that have necessary predecessor steps. And, then it gets more complicated in that you can make decisions based on experience as to which predecessor steps to complete in what order. Then you can start predicting what foundational tasks you need to prepare for before you have the next project. ... And, then I realized. Fuck this shit. This is just like work. People telling me what to do and me guessing what's coming next and getting ready for it. *DELETE*" [public] Triggur says, "somewhere somebody was harvesting the decisions; they just relabeled "analyze market conditions" as "kill the peasants" or whatever. so you were really making decisions for their benefit, you just didn't know it." [public] Triggur says, "like ender's game/" [public] Pygar says, "Well, they're flailing for direction now." -- 02/17/2013, FurryMUCK: [public] Triggur says, "the only thing that could make tubgirl more awful is a tubgirl tattoo." [public] Sian says, "nothing you can say will make me click that link." [public] Zorin says, "I'm with Sian here." -- 06/08/2012, IRC: [14:21] How'd you get fired over ponies?? [14:21] How'd you get fired over ponies? [14:21] .... [14:21] Whoah [14:21] fuck [14:21] .... [14:21] dude [14:21] brain-sync [14:21] That was intense. [14:21] herdmind [14:21] <<_<< [14:21] Zorin. Dude. [14:21] The lines were identical except for one ? [14:21] That's not really a pride point I Think?? [14:21] Out of my head. [14:21] Oh, wait. I forgot I was wearing my experimental brainsync helmet. [14:21] *pop* There, it's off now. -- 3/29/2012, IRC, BronyCon Council chat: (Added to quotes file 11/24/2019) --- Zebranky has changed the topic to: "Hi Bree, would you like to be MC at our convention this tits?" "SUMMER. I MEANT SUMMER." [23:57] she looks better in the newer ones [23:57] GOOD PR GOOD PR [23:57] GOOD FCUKING PR [23:58] TITS IS EQUESTRIAN FOR SUMMER [23:58] lolololol [23:58] we are best con staff [23:58] IT'S LIKE TREKKIES WHO LIKE TO SPEAK KLINGON, EXTREME FANDOM YOU KNOW [23:58] Bronycon 2012 TITS [23:58] * angiemod hi-5s Jarek [23:58] * angiemod hi-5s everyone [23:59] but You've been on a roll today, my friend. [23:59] Good on you. [23:59] hm? [23:59] Your opinions have been highly concurrent with mine. [23:59] oh right [23:59] Oh gods, I wish this weren't potentially bad PR if it got out.. or it'd go in my quotes file [23:59] dude all our quotes ar emassive PR bonbs [23:59] if people have access to your quotes file... -- 2/??/2023, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Why the heck is it so hard to find good cel phone holsters these days? You used to be able to get them everywhere in every size imaginable and they were cheap." [public] Kyhwana says, "Check ?" [public] Zorin says, "HMm, can always get one of these Fail-Retro-2-Go-handset-holster.jpg" [public] Triggur says, "they have some great cell phone holsters at" -- 11/9/2011, IRC: Should a transformer take out car insurance or life insurance? -- 10/16/2011, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "He's not, he got a jew job as of last week. :)" [public] Leah says, "...Jew job?" [public] Zorin says, "NEW job" [public] Himmel says, "Lender?" [public] Himmel says, "Banker?" [public] Leah says, "oy gevalt" [public] ZORIN SAYS, "SHUT IT" [public] Vikzen says, "in a bank, selling bagels" [public] Leah says, "gott im himmel" [public] Zorin says, "BLASTED MR. QWERTY FOR PUTTING THE N next to the J" [public] Vikzen says, "while exchanging money" [public] Sarusa says, "okay, that's up there with thongs will get better" [public] Leah says, "gold-pressed latinum" [public] Zorin says, "This is getting quotes-filed" -- 10/10/2011, IRC: [10:35] the elevator in PC says Capacity 2500 [10:35] 2500 *what*? Units seem to be pretty important here, guys. [10:35] it could hold 2500 elephants! [10:36] or no more than 2500 ants [10:36] that would be a terrible elevator indeed [10:36] well, not for ants -- 6/5/2011, FurryMUCK: [public] Qgar watches Kung Fu Panda 2 and DAMN is tigress smexy [public] Leah says, "go fap off already" [public] Qgar says, "but you or someone said she'd break my dick off!" [public] Zorin says, "Tigress probably likes it rough, yeah... really rough ;)" [public] Vikzen says, "boy it sure is furry in here!" [public] Zorin says, "Hey, I have to fanboy once in a while or they'll revoke my Furry License." [public] Zorin says, "I don't do it too often anymore but still!" [public] Vikzen says, "i practice furry illegally, don't tell uncle kage" [public] Leah has you arrested for practicing furry without a licence. -- 2/6/2011, Second Life: I was on the other side of the room petting my cat, when I suddenly notice a huge block of text appear on the screen. [21:45] Rita Mariner: com/album_images/b79f7da4d508891d06dcd05b96478e30/100691.jpg&img refurl= _all_sing_with_the_chipmunks/&usg=__-oK1C2TdlgDZqRShPfuSFobbQkE =&h=279&w=280&sz=46&hl=en&start=449&zoom=1&tbnid=dLHaJq9-JTUl3M: &tbnh=139&tbnw=137&ei=PzVOTf2VB4HpgAeOwKkJ&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTh e%2Bchipmunk%2Balbum%2Bcovers%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26 client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel %3Ds%26biw%3D1203%26bih%3D778%26tbs%3Disch:11%2C12775&um=1&itbs= 1&iact=hc&vpx=940&vpy=243&dur=175&hovh=223&hovw=224&tx=169&ty=14 2&oei=JDVOTaOlEsbDgQe0y7XjDw&esq=20&page=20&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r :17,s:449&biw=1203&bih=778 [21:45] Rita Mariner: there is one [21:45] Zorin Frobozz: HOLY CRAP [21:45] Forepawz Golem: Hello Tarangini [21:45] Clinton Oddfellow: HOLY DOODLE. [21:45] Forepawz Golem: Whoa linksplat [21:45] Zorin Frobozz: I was across the room and I noticed that [21:45] Zirnitra Demar: whoa [21:45] Clinton Oddfellow: I think they noticed that from space, Zorin. [21:45] Clinton Oddfellow: the people on the ISS are like HOLY DOODLE. [21:46] Secret Squirrel: HAhaahahaha . Zorin saying he was across the room when he noticed that:D HAHAHahahaa -- 2/4/2011, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "At the rate we're global warming, we should have ice in Florida by 2015 or so right? ;)" [public] Sarusa says, "Get your army of illegals out there - or perhaps the sub-zero weather has knocked them all out of commission as well. '?Que es toda esta mierda blanca?'" -- 1/2/2011, Second Life: [10:50] Marusame (marusame.arai): its not like im going to frech kiss clinton right here [10:50] Clinton Oddfellow: if you did, I'd probably explode. [10:50] Zorin Frobozz gets his video camera ready. [10:51] Clinton Oddfellow: Zorin, I'mma come over there and take that video camera [10:51] Clinton Oddfellow: and perscribe to you a technology suppository [10:51] Zorin Frobozz: Damn stupid technology industry for making them small enough for that. [10:52] Zorin Frobozz gets out his circa 1984 full sized VHS camcorder, "There I should be safe now." [10:52] Marusame (marusame.arai): want maru to help? [10:52] Clinton Oddfellow: Zorin, I'd still make it work even if you pulled out an HMC300 [10:52] Clinton Oddfellow: DON'T TEST ME [10:52] Marusame (marusame.arai): wait..this doesnt sound like something we can do in lusk -- 12/1/2010, FurryMUCK: [public] Triggur says, "(an actual local news broadcast. they were talking about the fiberglass resin used for carbon fiber wind towers a local plant made, and cited an OSHA case of someone getting into it-- at a completely unrelated company." [public] Brenda says, ")" [public] Leah says, "America: HERP DERP SAFETY, HERP DERP CHILDREN" [public] Triggur stabs Brenda in the parenthesis. [public] Brenda suffers from OCPD. Obsessive Closing Parenthesis Disorder. [public] Leah says, "Hey Trigs, this morning I thought I found your long-lost sister." [public] Cuprohastes says, "(" [public] Brenda says, ") Was she looking a little long in the face, Leah?" [public] Leah says, "I was in the bathroom and someone took such a rancid dook that I couldn't eat for half an hour afterwards." [public] Triggur hooftaps and glowers at Brenda. -- 9/14/2010, Second Life: ( ) [03:57 PM] Zhue Xue: It looks like a massacre at Ikea in here -- 8/19/2010, FurryMUCK: After all these years, still trollable. :) [public] Leah says, "What is up with people writing things like 'a 1,000' or '$15 dollars'?" [public] Singe says, "bad writers?" [public] Zorin says, "They're not as pedantic as you? :)" [public] Leah says, "If 'pedantic' means 'writing like someone who graduated from elementary school', then colour me pedantic." [public] Zorin says, "Well, that's you're choice. ;)" [public] Leah packs Zorin into a very small shipping crate and dropships him to Antarctica. -- 12/8/2009, Twitter: @zorinlynx: "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier..." @foxworth42: @zorinlynx I've got ham, but I'm not a hamster. -- 12/2/2009, Second Life: HowlerMoon Capelo: michi lumin, you must do lots of situps, thats one rockin bod -- 11/18/2009, FurryMUCK: [richgeeks] Sarusa says, "Hah, houses in Detroit are going for less than a car though, so $500K is Real Money there." [richgeeks] Frnkzk says, "Well, sure. With a car you can get out of Detroit." -- 11/17/2009, Second Life: [15:25] Zorin Frobozz: Baxtrr! Didn't see you come in! [15:25] Zorin Frobozz: Git down here for hugs! [15:25] Baxtrr Beaumont: Hiya, Zorin! Hope you're well. [15:25] Baxtrr Beaumont: Say please, cat. [15:25] Zorin Frobozz: Git down here for hugs... now? [15:25] Zorin Frobozz makes goofy smile [15:25] Baxtrr Beaumont: Wrong magic word, but I'll just assume you're brain damaged. :) [15:26] Zorin gives Baxtrr a big hug. [15:26] Baxtrr Beaumont: Hello you. [15:26] Zorin Frobozz purrrpurrrpurrs :) [15:26] Zorin Frobozz: Not brain damaged; been hanging around Rachelcat too much :) -- 11/2/2009, Second Life: [9:45] Burr Lehane: i like florida.. i'm like the only person in luskwood that does [9:45] Burr Lehane: except for maybe zorin [9:45] Clinton Oddfellow: zorin doesn't count [9:45] Clinton Oddfellow: he just loves everything [9:46] Clinton Oddfellow: I swear, that man is the human incarnation of woodstock :P -- 10/27/2009, Second Life: [17:42] Murcielago Neox: I'm afraid to ask what fwap means [17:42] Zorin Frobozz fwaps Murcielago with his tail, "That." [17:42] Murcielago Neox: ...... -- 9/21/2009, IM: 12:16:20 ZorinLynx: My libary is such a mess 12:16:28 ZorinLynx: I have some songs by Aha, some by A-Ha, some by A Ha 12:16:43 Rachel: ahahaha -- 8/24/2009, IM: 4:11:18 ZorinLynx: Just peeked inside this new laptop. looks like Apple's hardware design people finally got un-fucked. 4:12:32 Rachel: They may have just changed drugs -- 8/19/2009, Second Life: [10:52] Zorin Frobozz is barely here. "I'm currently pushing users under the lava with my pitchfork." [10:52] Dougal Jacobs: The User is the Enemy [10:52] Dougal Jacobs: You must conquer the enemy. [10:54] Zorin Frobozz: They make a very satisfying crackling sound when pushed under too. You can just feel the gigs and gigs of space being freed up. [10:55] Dougal Jacobs: Don't you think they'll be upset that that their 15 duplicates of presentation4.ppt (907MB) will be gone? [11:03] Zorin Frobozz: Yes they'll be upset. But being a BOFH means that this doesn't concern me. What concerns me is smooth operation of the system. -- 7/14/2009, FurryMUCK: [public] Leah says, "Yeah. But see, there are only a few mosquitos in here." [public] Leah says, "So if roomie and I could make our blood toxic to skeeters, the problem would be gone in a day or two." [public] Triggur says, "you dont need to make your blood toxic. you just need to make your roomie's blood more yummy." [public] Leah sets Triggur's evil bit. Triggur++ -- 4/30/2009, FurryMUCK: [public] Sian says, "hi pot." [public] Sian says, "mischan" [public] Joint says, "Hello Sian! Please smoke me! It'll feel good, trust me!" [public] Sian says, "no way last time I smoked something that talked to me I woke up in an alley, naked and covered in butter." -- 2/14/2009, Second Life: [9:00] Adriana Beningbrough: and also lately, when i make close ups, attachment disappear [9:01] Rocket Flasheart: so when you are having sex...and you try and get a closeup..his penis falls off? [9:01] Hans Betsen: yes does seem my huds seem to quit working alot also i have to detach and reaatch no matter what viewer i try [9:01] Adriana Beningbrough: lmao, i was talking more about hair :P [9:01] Rocket Flasheart: ah [9:01] Rocket Flasheart: dont mind me:) [9:02] Rocket Flasheart picks up his penis and goes home -- 1/26/2009, FurryMUCK (submitted by Winged): Rakh mrowrs, "Five days a week, my body is a temple. The other two, it's an amusement park." -- 11/15/2008, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "I typeset my resumes and all of my invoices for freelance stuff in LaTeX and I only *just" [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "... know what I'm doing." [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "You only *just* hit enter accidentally? :)" [unixgeeks] JIHAD SAYS, "SHUT IT" -- 6/30/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Hollon gets an email urging him to "do his part" to end global hunger. Goes and eats something. [public] Hollon says, "Ok, I'm good." -- 5/25/2008, Second Life: In a world of relative net.newbies, it's cool to come across folks who have been around at least as long as I have. :) [7:42] Torrid Luna: 2048 characters. That used to be enough for a page once... ;-) [7:43] Zorin Frobozz: Yep, that's a bit over an 80x25 screen of text. You knew your pose was getting too long when it was nearly a screenful. :) [7:43] Zorin Frobozz: [7:44] Kopilo Hallard: xD [7:44] Kopilo Hallard: Zorin you rock [7:44] Bavarin Flimflam: Frobozz is an obscure reference too... Gotta be a Zork fan to know that name... :) [7:44] Zorin Frobozz: Heh, that was a no-brainer when I saw it in the list. -- 5/14/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "McCain does seem to be a bit more sane than Bush. But that's like saying that Grand Moff Tarkin is a bit less evil than Darth Vader." [public] Tilton says, "Zorin++; // extreme nerdiness" -- 4/15/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Religious circular logic amuses me. "How do you prove God exists?" "It's in the Bible!" "How do we know the Bible is true?" "Because it's God's word!" ..." [public] Thumper says, "You've gotta have FAITH" [public] Zorin says, "I'm going to write a new Bible, in which Ariel from The Little Mermaid is God, and we are all required to wear frilly seaweed things and sing melancholy songs about how much life sucks and is better somewhere else. We'll see how long that lasts." [public] Rieshal says, "We don't do that already?" -- 3/20/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Wow, someone posted a video on YouTube on how to avoid getting Rickrolled." [public] TRIGGUR SAYS, "NO CLICKIE" -- 3/13/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Cybertron has teh hot chicks:" [public] Leah says, "They're all taken by Galvatron. Galvatron be da PIMP." [public] Sian says, "zorin++" [public] Leah says, "That's odd. It seems to think I live in ... hmm... anyone else see the problem with this?" (If the ad is gone, this is what it used to look like: ) -- 1/31/2008, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "A negative penny is just a penny that's worth -1 cents. It means that when you have it, you have 1 cent less than when you don't have it. So if you have $5 and a negative penny in your wallet, you actually have $4.99, and can pay for $4.99 product with the $5 and negative penny, and come out even." [public] Aisha says, "No, you wouldn't" [public] Aisha says, "You'd be out a penny." [public] Aisha says, "Wait..." [public] AISHA SAYS, "OH I SEE" [public] Zorin says, "No, you're out a negative penny, so you actually up a penny." [public] Aisha says, "Hey, that does sound like a good idea." [public] Cuprohastes says, "Sssh. Let him enjoy it, then we'll send him all our negative pennies and bankrupt him" -- 1/7/2008, IRC: [16:47] * Zorin swats ruthlessly at work. "Aiigh!" [16:47] hahaha. [16:47] HI Zorin. [16:47] I need another me that can go to work for me. [16:48] Zorin: Visit Camino and see if they can do you a clone. [16:48] * Zorin grins. "Only problem is my clone probably won't want to work either, so you'll have TWO lynxes in channel complaining. Probably not good. :) [16:48] star wars reference [16:49] they can modify that shit [16:49] Yeah, you can have your clone altered so that he's more docile, and happy to do repetitive or menial tasks. [16:50] * Zorin hehs [16:50] hell, just feed him opium -- 12/7/2007, Second Life: [20:12] Jefferi Lathrop munches on his coofie [20:12] Zorin Frobozz munches on the other side of the coofie :) [20:12] Jefferi Lathrop: O.O [20:13] Zorin Frobozz stops short of the "Lady and the Tramp" moment [20:13] Jefferi Lathrop: whew -- 11/29/2007, Second Life: [16:18] Tengu Yamabushi: That is a 'ghost'. [16:18] Baxtrr Beaumont: Yes, I know, Tengu. [16:19] Baxtrr Beaumont: But this particular ghost has hooters so large they make me look like Samara. [16:19] Tengu Yamabushi: If you relog, she will be gone. [16:19] Baxtrr Beaumont: So she's kinda hard to ignore. [16:19] Baxtrr Beaumont: I know that too... but it seems a shame to lose such a vision of... [16:19] You: Heh, I don't see the well-endowed ghost [16:19] Baxtrr Beaumont: ...of... [16:19] Baxtrr Beaumont: ...bad taste? [16:20] Baxtrr Beaumont: Huh. I wonder if people think the same thing, looking at me. [16:20] Baxtrr Beaumont: How depressing. [16:20] Tengu Yamabushi: What happened was that she disconnected in such a way that your 'clientside prediction' still assumes she is here, and so is filling in the blanks. [16:20] Tengu Yamabushi: Just be yourself, Baxtrr. Anything else would be in 'bad taste' :) [16:21] Baxtrr Beaumont: There are those, Tengu-kun, who believe that "Baxtrr" and "bad taste" are synonymous. :) ... (and finally...) [16:21] Samara Nerd: Did I just get called flatchested O.o -- 9/23/2007, Second Life: [20:16] You: You going to be at MFF Mirage? [20:16] Mirage Laviolette: No, Zorin. [20:16] Mirage Laviolette: I live in California. [20:16] You: This might help, Mirage: [20:16] Mirage Laviolette: lol [20:17] Mirage Laviolette: -- 7/17/2007, FurryMUCK: Nius says, "And Puc, giza and I came up with the phrase, "Fiber gives you high bandwidth and low latency!" ;-)" -- 6/25/2007, web forum: "Running OS X on unauthorized hardware is kinda like giving the Dell Dude a sex change to get a girlfriend." - camperslo@Macslash -- 6/20/2007, FurryMUCK: [public] Cassiopeia says, "Bush just vetoed the new federal funding for stem cell research bill" [public] Zorin says, "Bush is really the first President I feel like kicking in the face." [public] Zorin says, "Clinton was annoying, but not in a kick-in-the-face sorta way." [public] Cassiopeia says, "Clinton was more kick-in-the-balls" -- 6/19/2007, Second Life: An amusing griefer on 6/19/2007... Rasputia Rang -- She looks like a mummy with leathery skin and boobs bigger than her head. Zorin Dawn is a pink bunnyrabbit wearing an adorable red dress... [14:57] Rasputia Rang: why is there a dancing, flaming bear [14:57] Hinata Watanabe: see yas Lom [14:57] Rasputia Rang: ? [14:57] Babakotia Kuhn: Hello [14:57] Hydra Shaftoe: Same reason there's a man made of leather [14:57] Hydra Shaftoe: er\ [14:57] Hydra Shaftoe: woman [14:57] Hydra Shaftoe: thing [14:57] Rasputia Rang: me confuso [14:57] Hydra Shaftoe: with floats [14:58] Rasputia Rang: FYI i am a mummy [14:58] Hydra Shaftoe: ooookay [14:58] Babakotia Kuhn: Bear? where? [14:58] Rasputia Rang: is it halaween already? [14:58] Zorin Dawn: Yay, mummy [14:58] Tengu Yamabushi: Oh, that's original. [14:58] Rasputia Rang: IS THAT OSAMA? [14:58] Hydra Shaftoe: I think god is offended [14:58] Hydra Shaftoe: Tengu? [14:58] Rasputia Rang: r u foxy the fox network fox? [14:59] Tengu Yamabushi: Rasputia, you may be wearing out your welcome. [14:59] Tengu Yamabushi: A nice 'Hello' might be better received. [14:59] Hinata Watanabe: got to love the educationally subnormal that wander in here [14:59] Zorin Dawn: Ahh good, the circus act is here. Just stand there and jump up and down. We'll pay you when people applause! [14:59] Michi Lumin: ok guys, probably not the best idea to give them even an ounce of their lawlz [14:59] Rasputia Rang: since when do i listen to a pink bunny? [15:00] Michi Lumin: since now [15:00] Michi Lumin shouts: gohome Rasputia Rang [15:00] Hinata Watanabe looks for the ritalin [15:00] Tengu Yamabushi shouts: goaway Rasputia Rang [15:00] Babakotia Kuhn: Going to watch some TV in a minute [15:00] Zorin Dawn falls over laughing [15:00] Chado Korobase: what a d*ck [15:00] Tengu Yamabushi: Ah, Michi beat me by seconds :) [15:00] Zibbie Doolittle: >.> [15:00] Chado Korobase: im off to sleep. nn ppl [15:00] Hinata Watanabe: shiny happy griefers having fun [15:00] Zorin Dawn: That was entertaining at least [15:00] Bander Mullen: Now you know how I often feel, Tengu. =) [15:00] Tengu Yamabushi: I'll take care of the rest, Michi :) [15:00] Seathal Sawchuk: gnite chado [15:00] Babakotia Kuhn: Night Chado [15:01] Tengu Yamabushi: Sorry, Bander ;) [15:01] Ririnyan Kohime: Mrrr, Riri does not like thunderstorms *cowers* [15:01] Zorin Dawn: Their amusement comes from us being upset. If we are entertained by them, they fail :) -- 4/8/2007, Second Life Was idling at home after having become a bunny for Easter... I'm normally always a lynx, of course... So Sasha just walks in. [12:55] Sasha Gable: Oh gods. :D [12:55] Zorin Frobozz jumps. [12:56] Sasha Gable: It's okay, it's okay. I won't tell anyone. :) [12:56] Zorin Frobozz tries to look innocent. [12:56] Sasha Gable: Hey, we all have our fantasies. ;) [12:56] You: I was just.. err... uhh... [12:56] Sasha Gable: Yeeeeees? [12:57] Zorin Frobozz just smirks goofily. "Heh, everyone was a bunny in Luskwood so I decided to be one too..." [12:57] You: And then I went home to idle some [12:57] Sasha Gable: Heheh. [12:57] You: And I'm now laughing my ass off in RL -- 4/2/2007, FurryMUCK: [public] Aisha says, "i don't get it." [public] Aisha says, "How is my giving someone a blowjob with Bill Engvall on in the background a 'funny concept?" [public] Aisha says, "oh shit. shit shit shit MAV." [public] Hollon says, "Aish. BEST ... MAV ... EVER." [public] Sarusa says, "It wasn't funny till you declared it a MAV." [public] Kara says, "Pffft. Not even in the top ten." -- 3/21/2007, FurryMUCK: [public] Qgar | 1 in 10 U.S. graduates can't read diploma [public] Hollon | 1 in 5 U.S. citizens can't read at all [public] Zorin says, "It's that damn diploma font! Who the hell can read that? They should use Comic Sans damnit!" [public] Qgar says, "zorin++" [public] Hollon says, "All Americans should learn to read Wingdings." -- 2/22/2007, FurryMUCK: [public] Oryx says, "Sometimes, I feel I was declared as a const at birth" -- 2/21/2007, FurryMUCK: [public] Singe says, "prospective mate what's that?" [public] Kindrift says, "someone not in the basement" [public] Zorin holds up a worn out, sticky Fifi la Fume plushie. "and not this either." He throws it at Kindrift. [public] Kindrift says, "And we shan't ask WHAT Zorin had been doing with that." [public] Winged says, "He was using it to clean up after himself in the kitchen, of course." [public] Zorin says, "I bought it at the AC charity auction for $5000. Supposedly Kath Soucie touched it at some point." [public] Kindrift says, "There aren't enough --'s in existance I could give you for that." [public] Zorin says, "I *AM* joking, of course. Jeez.. no one would pay $5000 for a sticky Fifi plu-- errr, you know.. I bet someone WOULD. And that scares me." (Background info: Fifi la Fume is a skunk character from Tiny Toon Adventures that many furries obsess over. Kath Soucie is her voice actress.) -- 2/10/2007, Second Life: [12:48] Effsey Nelson: there is a large ass bat standign in front of me [12:49] Sasha Gable: Bigger than he is and she looks really menacing! [12:49] Zorin Frobozz: I saw that bat earlier, though. She's cute and cuddly looking! I wouldn't worry. Unless being cuddled worries you. [12:50] Zorin Frobozz: Anyway, there was room to move the sandbox a few meters to the east to fix the problem [12:50] Effsey Nelson: OMG she just touched me! What should I do?! [12:50] Zorin Frobozz: Touch her back? [12:51] Effsey Nelson: SHIT! She just bit my hand! OWW! [12:51] Zorin Frobozz: Now you bite her back... and this is the point where you generally get a room. [12:51] Zorin Frobozz hides and runs -- 1/4/2007, Second Life: [21:17] Shar Pertwee shouts: whats with the boxes [21:17] Tiberious Neruda shouts: where? [21:17] Gog Gremlin shouts: They are sleeping? [21:17] Shar Pertwee shouts: upon the upper platform [21:17] Tiberious Neruda shouts: oh [21:18] Samara Nerd shouts: GOG IS LITTERING [21:18] Gog Gremlin shouts: Quiet or they migth wake up, and then you'd have to feed them. [21:18] Tiberious Neruda shouts: filling the parcel [21:21] You shout: But daddy, I fed the cubes yesterday! [21:21] Samara Nerd shouts: WHEN WE AGREED YOU COULD HAVE THE CUBES YOU TOOK ON CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES YOUNG MAN [21:21] Samara Nerd shouts: DONT MAKE ME GROUND YOU [21:21] Shar Pertwee shouts: im sorry mommy [21:21] Cats Mousehold shouts: GROUND HIM GROUND HIM! [21:22] Sphix Lancaster shouts: DO IT! [21:22] Alicia Vixen shouts: ALL IS FORGIVEN, MY CHILD! [21:22] You shout: Only if you assign Catsy to spank me! [21:22] Shar Pertwee shouts: Ground Cats......Hamburger Cats -- 10/13/2006, FurryMUCK: Zorin washes his face. Kittystyle of course. Tailen chirrups, "With sand?" Zorin looks at Tailen strangely. "You're a strange kitty." Tailen is from the savanna Zorin rolls his eyes.. "How to clean your face... First, you lick your paw repeatedly, like this." He licks his paw a few times. "Then, you wipe your face like this." He wipes his face with the part of his paw he licked, doing that cute whisker bristle thing too. "then you just repeat it about ten times more than necessary to actually clean your face. Tailen stares at Zorin, "You think this is my first day as a cat? I know about face grooming!" -- 10/8/2006, Second Life: [20:52] Maloo Eliot: bleagh. stupid enter button. [20:52] Maloo Eliot: always goes off when I don't want it, never works when I need it. [20:53] Atlanta Vesperia giggles and grins at Maloo. "I had a boyfiend like that." -- 9/21/2006, Second Life: [18:46] Prio Serpentine: the best way to learn linux is to post stuff on Linux boards saying "Linux sucks because you can't do this" -- 8/29/2006, Second Life: [7:28] dadur Turk: hi [7:29] Tengu Yamabushi: Hello. [7:29] You: Welcome to a slow morning in paradise [7:29] dadur Turk: wgere r u from [7:29] You: We're from the Land of People Who Type Out Complete Words. [dadur leaves] [7:29] Tengu Yamabushi: Your Complete Words repelled him. [7:29] You: I'm not complaining. :) -- 8/24/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Raiya says, "This is the guy who failed out of college due to e-drama when his e-wife found out he was e-cheating on her with an e-married woman." [public] SusanDeer says, "That is total-e-fuckedup." -- 8/10/2006, Second Life: Courtesy of Cats Mousehold: [13:05] Mustelid Carnot: I dance not for lawe but for science! [13:05] Mustelid Carnot: .. also for extra e's, apparently [13:06] Cats Mousehold: and mid name silent Qs [13:06] Mustelid Carnot: ... [13:06] Mustelid Carnot: Buh? [13:06] Cats Mousehold: Mrr? [13:06] Kanya Walsh is online [13:07] Mustelid Carnot: .. slient qs? [13:07] Carrie Acropolis: Oi... [13:07] Cats Mousehold: yes...invisible too apparently [13:07] Tengu Yamabushi: Is that a cereal? [13:07] Tengu Yamabushi: Like rice-crispies, but with no noise? [13:07] Cats Mousehold: it could be [13:08] Mustelid Carnot: Toasty Oat Silent Q's! For the quiet morning breakfast of letters! [13:08] Cats Mousehold: if you pour milk on my name and it doesn't go snap crackle pop... your on to something [13:08] Cats Mousehold: you're [13:08] Angel Blatchford: Part of this complete breakfast [13:08] Cats Mousehold: alphabetically speaking -- 8/3/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Caspian says, "Hot and humid weather makes Baby Jesus cry." [public] Caspian says, "Come to think of it, a LOT of things seem to make Baby Jesus cry." [public] Caspian says, "He must be pretty emo." -- 8/1/2006, FurryMUCK: Talitia offers her paw, "Well, Zorin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you won't mind being petted, I love to pet and snuggle cosy furries." Tailen chirrups, "The day Zorin doesn't want pets and snuggles is the day they build ski lifts in hell." -- 7/27/2006, FurryMUCK: Michellem softly says, "My mate is a three-headed dragon and I have two elves for slaves ;)" Tanabi says, "Popular lady. :D Not to mention her mate's gotta wait in line to go down on 'er even if he's the one doing it ;)" -- 7/10/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Hollon says, "When you cut a crumb in half, you don't get half a crumb. You get two complete crumbs. Doesnt this violate the laws of physics?" -- 7/6/2006, FurryMUCK: Name has been changed to "Mrrfle" to protect the guilty. [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "And which major ISP do I have, Mr. Insignful?" [unixgeeks] Mrrfle says, "Donno." [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "You don't feel the need to actually know anything before you open your fat mouth, do ya?" [unixgeeks] Mrrfle says, "Are you capable of stopping being an asshole for five seconds?" [unixgeeks] Genn says, "Issue no challenge you can not complete yourself" -- 6/9/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Hollon says, "How odd .. there is a pickup truck parked outside, and in the bed is ... the bed of another pickup truck." [public] Triggur says, "it's pregnant." [public] Hollon says, "Triggur++" [public] Triggur says, "Hollon++" [public] Santyth says, "Not really that uncommon." [public] Santyth says, "Though admittedly, I am in the South." [public] Aisha says, "Triggur-- Hollon-- // It wasn't that funny..." [public] Triggur says, "Aisha--; // wench" [public] Hollon says, "Aisha--; // whore" [public] Zorin says, "Triggur++ Hollon++ Yes it was. Aisha-- Stop being a sourpuss." [public] Triggur says, "Zorin++" [public] Hollon says, "reacharound! Zorin++" [public] Aisha says, "Zorin--; // Fuck you." -- 6/4/2006, FurryMUCK: I like this kitsune. If you're going to be grumpy, at least do it in an amusing manner: Zorin mews idlishly and fuzzles Kathy. Kathy ignores that. This time. Zorin mews to Kathy, "Did I offend you with the fuzzling?" Kathy says, "Of course." Zorin tickles instead? }:) Kathy says, "Strike three. You're out." Zorin heads back to the dugout, ears drooped. -- 6/1/2006, FluffMUCK: Miles shouts "We are walling up this part of the Internet to use as a remote penal colony to keep the rest of society secure and safe. There will be no escape and you are on your own." (Public-shout) Zorin shouts "Can we smuggle in vixens?" (Public-shout) Rieshal shouts "Just don't SNUGGLE in them. They're not Tauntauns." (Public-shout) -- 5/31/2006, Second Life: (via group IM) [18:19] Charrak Tokhes: Buzkil Vehicular is proud to announce the latest addition to it's line: The Buzkil Swarmstrike! Capable of dual modes of flight, and bearing soem powerful cannons! Only 500L! Visit the shop for yours today! [18:19] Zorin Frobozz: Does it enlarge your wang too? [18:19] Padu Andalso: that's an extra 50L [18:19] Greyscale Eusebio: Have you got a vendor? [18:19] Charrak Tokhes: If I say yes, will you buy one? [18:19] Ruf Surface: its not called teh COCKpit for nothign buddy! [18:19] Mavericus Nelson: does it come with a cup holder? [18:20] Effsey Nelson: i am so staying out of this one... [18:20] Second Life: Effsey Nelson has left this session. [18:20] Zorin Frobozz: I'm just asking, because most spamvertized stuff does. O:) -- 5/29/2006, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "Bah. everyone knows perl. Just hold down shift and start punching number keys. Soon you have a complete perl script. ;)" -- 5/14/2006, Furtoonia: PatchO'Black mews, "It's a bananas foster sundae!" PatchO'Black mews, "I believe it is a lynx's prefered food." Zorin purrs, "Actually, my preferred food is bunnies, but seeing as there are none present, this will do. *munch*" PatchO'Black eeps! PatchO'Black's lower lip quivers.... PatchO'Black mews, "" WaffleBunny squeezes out of the crack in the tree. WaffleBunny earwavs Natasha says, "Oh, do calm down, Patchy. Surely you've encountered vore humour before?" Zorin purrs, "Of course I eat! I'm a biological organism; I require nutrition in the form of carbohydrates and other stuff to survive." Rook sings, "I should hope he eats." PatchO'Black mews, "But...but...bunnies?" Toledo says, "Aww, Patch, what are you worried about? YOu don't have any bunny friends, do you?" Toledo says, "Oh, er, hello.. bunny." PatchO'Black SOBS! WaffleBunny says, "Eats? What are we eatin?" Toledo says, "Wow, this is awkward." Zorin tries to look innocent. He smiles? WaffleBunny says, "What cry for?" PatchO'Black mews, "Zorin....he...he...." PatchO'Black cries on WaffleBunny! Zorin purrs, "I hope I didn't eat anyone you know..." WaffleBunny scampers out of the way! "Don't make my crisp edges soggy!" Toledo stands out of the line of fire, or line of attention, whatever you want to call it. Zorin purrs, "Waitasec. You're a bunny, AND a waffle?" Toledo says, "Uh oh." Zorin digs through his fur and pulls out a fork and knife. "I can't pass this one up..." WaffleBunny says, "Don't try to butter me up, I"ve got enough of my own!" Toledo sniffs? Toledo says, "Wait, just what is that wonderful smell that is a part of this complete breakfast?" WaffleBunny says, "Yeah, I'm onadose bunnies that gets torn to shreds in a bramble bush. Not good for the batter." PatchO'Black mews, "Run, WaffleBunny! They eat bunnies! And waffles!" WaffleBunny *zoink!?* WaffleBunny climbs up the rope to the Tree House. Rook sings, "My, that was... serendipitous. Or maybe just dipitous." Toledo says, "Aww." -- 5/10/2006, FurryMUCK: You have to be a geek to get this one... [unixgeeks] Caspian says, "What's raid6?" [unixgeeks] Caspian says, "Relative to raid5... what's the difference?" [unixgeeks] fEk says, "double parity. You can lose two drives." [unixgeeks] Caspian says, "ANY two drives?" [unixgeeks] fEk says, "No, only the two drives you mark as 'can fail'. What the hell?" [unixgeeks] Caspian says, "Hey, in a world where some people have been known to FEED their computer because 'it looked hungry', you really can't assume ANYTHING." -- 5/7/2006, FurryMUCK: Jenni enters from the foyer. Jenni peeks in Aaron chuffs hello. Jenni says softly, "oh.. excuse me.." Jenni teleports away. Jenni has left. Aaron says, "Dammit." Rajani writes that down. The chuffing of a binturong will scare off human females. Aaron says, "I thought women were attracted to animal noises." Rajani says, "Only during sex." Kojoro snrks. Aaron says, "Ah. So next time I'll just jump right into the sex before doing the chuffing." -- 4/25/2006, Second Life: Nyara Squeegee: I'm more worried about the windows...the hails it really hitting them hard You: Glass is strong shit. Keldrin Hansen: sounds bad ;/ Nyara Squeegee: I didn't know glass was made from shit Nyara Squeegee: I thought is was from silica Keldrin Hansen: you learn something new every day! Nyara Squeegee: lol You: Nope... it's special clear shit from the magical glass fairies. Terwin Soothsayer: I did not think that shit would float on liquid nickle, I thought it would just burn... Nyara Squeegee: it's fairy shit You: Glass manufacturers take their sewer systems and use the "product" to make glass. Nyara Squeegee: Nice way to recycle Terwin Soothsayer: Ah, so Faries use liquid nickle to flush? You: Poor fairies, it must be painful for them when they're constipated. Logical Control: lmao Keldrin Hansen: lol Nyara Squeegee: So...would tinted windows come from diarea? Terwin Soothsayer: Think of the splashes! Keldrin Hansen: where do you think glass beads come from? Logical Control: you lost something terwin Terwin Soothsayer: She said she's be back... Nyara Squeegee: lol Terwin Soothsayer: I know _I_ would not want my posterior splashed with liquid nickle... Nyara Squeegee: Yea...would have to pass on that...but maybe fairies don't burn so easily Terwin Soothsayer: Perhaps they are fire pixies and eat sand or something... -- 4/9/2006, FurryMUCK, from K'sharra: Mavra GRAAHS! "HULK GRASPS PUNY FURRIES!" Mavra holds Austin longer. "HULK LIKE SHINY COATIMUNDI, NATIVE TO ONLY A FEW AREAS ON GLOBE!" Austin hehees! Mavra GRAAHS! "HULK WELL-READ, ONLY TROUBLE WITH PRONOUNS! RAAAAARRR!!!" You purr, "Not pronouns, just conjunctions. *ducks*" Mavra @Grasps and @Fondles K'Sharra with her HULKHANDS! "NO MAKE FUN OF HULK! HAS ADD! GRAAAAHHHHAARRR!!!" K'sharra squeaks and squirms! Bigears yrfs, "Fondues K'Sharra?" Mavra says, "HULK BUT PAWN IN GAME OF LIFE... GRAAARRR..." NydaLynn hissays, "Chocolate and fur do not go well together" Warwick @BatManuel's "Do you fandu? Ah fandu you." You purr, "Nor cheese." Bigears is not even a pawn in life. He's a square to be trampled over by the other pieces. You purr, "Candygram for Hulk?" Roon rurfles, "HULK CANDYGRAM!" NydaLynn chuckles. Roon rurfles, "HULK HATE COCOANUT! HULK SMASH!" Mavra @fondues Toast with her HULKHANDS. "HULK NO DOOFUS! HULK LIKE CHEESE!" You purr, "Toast with cheese. Mmmm." Roon rurfles, "Really, you can make anything funnier by adding HUlk." Roon demonsrates. "HULK GARDEN!" Roon rurfles, "HULK PAINT HAPPY TREES!" You purr, "......" Bigears yrfs, "Hulk goes better with everything?" -- 3/10/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Triggur rapes sketch for 12-16 hours a day. [public] Sketch murrs.. "If I were gay.. You could rape me for the full 24. [public] Triggur says, "wait, if you're being raped, why does your sexuality matter...?" [public] Sketch says, "I donno, you tell me." [public] Zorin says, "I'd say it affects how much you enjoy it.. but if you enjoy it, it's no longer rape. So that doesn't make sense." [public] Zorin says, "Damnit Triggur, you and your paradoxes." [public] Triggur says, "so, wait, the only way I can't rape Sketch is if he wants it?" [public] Triggur says, "hm." [public] Sketch says, "Don't worry.. One of these days Triggur will get sucked into his own anus when one of his paradoxs comes back to bite him in the ass." -- 3/7/2006, FurryMUCK: Zorin scritches Toast. Colorado thinks that's a crummy thing to do, Zorin. :p You mrrowrr, "Scritching Toast is a crummy thing to do?" Colorado says, "Yes" Colorado says, "You scritch toast, crumbs will flake off. :p" Mavra rimshots. Rooth'ragon offers Toast Head & Shoulders. -- 3/3/2006, FurryMUCK: Jaerod growls softly, "I heard recently that the cause of most motor deaths was 'the nut behind the wheel'. So I got myself a big spanner and removed that. Imagine my suprise when my steering wheel detached from the column and I crashed into a bus shelter full of orphans! ;p" -- 2/26/2006, FurryMUCK: D'anna says softly, "Magic like this." She gestures gracefully with two of her primary hands, and raises her other two slowly. In time with her hands lifting, D'anna floats up off the floor, suspended by a levitation spell. Purrtha gets a good grip on her own ass and lifts herself off the seat, "That doesn't take magic, it only requires a bit of ignorance where the laws of physics are involved." -- 2/21/2006, FurryMUCK: Four otters somehow ended up in the Vanilla Club. Otter silliness quickly abounded. Zorin waves to Syndra, surrounded by otters. "Heya stripes!" Syndra yips, "Good god! The otters are breeding!" Syndra winks! =) Oliver chirps, "Well, not right at the moment." ... Red chwips, "We divide, like paramecium." ... Syndra yips, "Oh god! One of you is scary enough Red. =)" Zorin pets Tala's ears. Zorin stays mostly snugged up against Red, though. Red chwips, "Zorin's trying to pet us all, like some six armed monster." ... Tala says, "He's actually not doing that bad." Syndra laughs. "The cuddle pile of Cthulu! Its like the Gates of Moria! Fuzzy tentacles lashing out to drag you int othe maw of Murrrrr. Skorzy looks at Syndra. "Oddness thy be thy name." -- 2/19/2006, FurryMUCK: Purrtha dips his fingers into the bag of Valentine candies and digs out a heart printed with, "Be ours?" Purrtha throws the heart away as fast as he can, "Valentines from the Borg. o.O" -- 2/15/2006, FurryMUCK: Morgana has amusing global-hug response messages: Zorin's Tail hugs Morgana! Oh how nice. A generic hug. How thoughtful it is to use a cold, unfeeling global to show someone just how much you truly care. It's a wonder they don't have a @screw global yet. Zorin's Tail screws Morgana! Or, you try to. Instead she yanks out yer genitalia and uses it as compost. Gods she HATES globals, this one most of all. Zorin LAUGHS! Morgana cackles...>:) D'anna snickers. Flame says, "So she was prepared for it all along!..." Morgana speaks quietly, "Oh yeah. >:)" Creedence giggles. -- 2/13/2006, FurryMUCK: Puc says, "Judging by the size of the cat, and the date of the picture, I'm guessing that cat ate Christmas." -- 2/12/2006, FurryMUCK: [public] Cawwna says, "Is it -REALLLLLLLY- true that people die every year from autoerotic asphyxiation?" [public] Stormfront says, "No, people only die from autoerotic asphyixiation once." -- 2/8/2006, FurryMUCK: From Triad@FurryMUCK: Kaleb rumbles, "Fireballs from my eyes and lightning bolts from my arse?" Triad growls thrice, \|what movie was that? braveheart?|/ Kaleb thinks so Triad growls thrice, \|ya im pretty sure..|/ Maxie thinks that might lead to hemhorroids. Draco chuckles Kaleb chuckles Phoxtayl is pretty sure that would lead to Hemhorroids. Triad growls thrice, \|people need to look up when they type|/ -- 2/5/2006, FurryMUCK: Ticharon crunches on The Entire Universe. There's still pretty much all of it left. Draco snacks on some of The Entire Universe. There's still a hell of a lot left. Scribbles snacks on some of The Entire Universe. There's still a whole crapload of it left. doco snacks on some of The Entire Universe. There's still a hell of a lot left. Haz scarfs down some of The Entire Universe. There's still a very large portion left. Draco scarfs down some of The Entire Universe. There's still a hell of a lot left. Haz drools. doco wuffs, "Somewhere in some weird parallel dimension, people are wondering why the hell their planets keep disappearing into the maws of huge fuzzy creatures, now. ^.^" -- 2/3/2006, FurryMUCK: Crimson is just about fit enough to drive his car to a proper parking spot and then walk back to his room. "Oi! Long day. Only booked solid 15 hours. But still. You purrmew, "Well, good journey, and try not to hit anything. };)" Crimson will make sure to run over it twice so it won't suffer if he does. -- 1/31/2006, Furtoonia: From PatchO'Black@FurToonia: From the Town Square on FurToonia... Dingo FARTS. Dingo has disconnected. Miles erfs? Miles says, "Burning the midnight... gas?" PatchO'Black mews, "Um..." PatchO'Black mews, "He appears to have gone with the breaking wind..." -- 1/28/2006, FurryMUCK: You meow, "Bring an iPod to 1490, and show it to some townspeople. They're going to think it's magic. They have no way of figuring out how it works, and no hope of doing so in their lifetime." Baloo rumbles, "However, they might ask why you want to walk around listening to music all day instead of doing productive things. And they'd have a good point. :)" Zephyr says, "And actually, given superstition in that period, you'd likely be burnt as a practitioner of witchcraft. " -- 1/24/2006, FurryMUCK (the park): Toast covers up wif a nice [-----CENSORED-----] sign. Warwick ponders making a comment about the length and horizontality of Toast's sign, but thinks better of it. -- 1/20/2006, FurryMUCK: [gamers] Qgar says, "so in Dofus, I was clicking around and accidentally started a fight with a level 45 santa claus that was wandering town." [gamers] Sarusa says, "And he shoved a lump of coal way up your sock?" [gamers] Qgar says, "he spawned deadly presents." [gamers] Qgar says, "anyways a bunch of high level characters that were hanging around jumped in, and were like "where'd this level 3 kitty come from? Kill the kitty!"" -- 1/18/2006, The Schnitt Show (talk radio) (Paraphrased) Iran investing in nuclear power? With all the oil and gas reserves they have? That's like an Eskimo wanting to invest in an ice manufacturing plant in Milwaukee. -- 1/12/2006, FurryMUCK WCotP: You press some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and ACME Make Your Own Otter Kit (with instructions) comes out. You throw ACME Make Your Own Otter Kit (with instructions) to SpringStar. Lyon blinks. "Otters are MADE! They lied to me!" Tenkei opens the Make Your Own Otter Kit and peers inside. Sees a boy otter, a girl otter, a bottle of Jack Daniels and a Barry White tape inside. (-.-); -- 1/10/2006, FurryMUCK WCotP: I think I had momentary loss of brain function here. }:) You meow, "I wish ascii had a carat that pointed down. Then we'd have them all, <, >, ^, and.. drat." Raster v Zorin slaps his forehead. "DUH!" -- 1/10/2006, FurryMUCK WCotP: Hrliss just @recycled all his Herm mods.. Raster says, "And there was much rejoicing." -- 1/6/2006, FurryMUCK WCotP: Dregen sez, "Of course, if there were time travellers, we'd already know about them. Mark Twain would have written 'And on my way to Chesepeke I was accosted by a shiny bastard in a funny carrige who laughed uproarious at my hat'." -- 12/23/2005, IRC: ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§¶?ªº¡?£¢?§ Whoops * Aatheus sends Z to the corner no need ta cuss at us, Zorin! Zorin speaks in tongues. -- 12/6/2005, FurryMUCK: Siberian's never heard about Livejournal. }:) [public] Zorin says, "Put in your LJ username and click "Write Santa!"" [public] Siberian says, "Oh... there's a text field. You type in your name, and it generates a letter like this?" [public] Siberian says, "And the script is on Triggur's server. Dang. Those four cups of coffee are making me just fast enough to start to slowly get this. :)" [public] Siberian says, "Ah... so LJ is like a public blog service... like blogger, eh? I was looking for something like this." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "..." [public] Sketch says, ".....'s as well" [public] SANTYTH SAYS, "WHAT THE FUCK" [public] TRIGGUR SAYS, "I HEAR THERE'S THIS "INTERNET" THING WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT" [public] Sarusa says, "siberian go get some caffeine in you. seriously." [public] Siberian says, "Well, it's just that the last time I asked people about where I could put up a blog, they pointed me to blogging _software_." [public] Santyth says, "You mean the internet is on computers now? Poppycock!" -- 11/23/2005, IRC: I are so lazy me probly won't finish typing this sen ot going to type the beginning of this sentence. }:) obably leave off both the beginning and the end o * Yakko 's reminded of an off-by-one bug in Apple DOS 3.3 An' now I wi- ... -iddle of this sentence! It'd print "ROGRAM TOO LARGE" when the bug was encountered. heh! * RichardFox rams Yakko's rog? so write smaller rograms! -- 11/12/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "" [public] Zorin says, "What the heck does a "SORRY" key do?" [public] Zorin says, "I've never apologized to a computer, and I'll be damned if I ever have to." [public] Harry says, "That'd be awesome 0_o" [public] Harry says, "For playing BF2, at least, hotkey your sorry key to send a "sorry man!" message to the game whenever you ran over someone in your jeep." -- 11/10/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Iann says, "Three suicide bombers just blew themselves up in Oman. What they fuck did Oman ever do to anyone? I swear, at this point I wonder if 'Al Quaidah' is really even attemtping to make a point anymore, or of they have a gib fetish." [public] IANN SAYS, "STOP DOING EVERYTHING OR WE WILL CONTINUE TO BOMB EVERYONE." [public] CERILUS SAYS, "DIE OR WE'LL KILL YOU." -- 11/7/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Modemac says, "Abercrombie & Fitch pulls some suggestive T-shirts off its shelves after a nationwide boycott by teenage girls:" [public] Triggur says, "suggestive tshirts like what... "sperm dumpster"?" [public] Tasmia says, "What's so suggestive about a girl wearing a shirt that says "sperm dumpster"? That's just a statement of fact." -- 11/4/2005, Slashdot: ErikFreitag, on raised flooring in computer rooms: "I believe the idea of hiding cable came from early IBM promotional photos that showed a beautiful sea of white tile with an IBM-logoed monolithic rectangular solid standing there in all of its phallic glory." -- 10/3/2005, RunaMUCK: ...After helping Aisha fix an MTU issue with DSL: Aisha writes the mtu into her netconfig Aisha says, "Thank you Zorin! " Aisha hugs! Aisha says, "See? Lynxes fix anything." Aisha says, "They're like.. the McGuyver of the animal world, minus the bad hairdo." -- 9/29/2005, Darth@Slashdot: >Hmm...all Apple needs to do to verify the scope of this problem is open up a >web browser. To say there's been a lot in the media about the iPod Nano and >its butter-soft screen would be a masterpiece of understatement. Googling >'ipod nano screen scratch' yields 521,000 results. Personally, i'm greatly offended with the amount of attention this is getting in light of so much more serious problems. Almost nobody in this country seems to care about the rampant and unchecked violence of werewolves against the U.S. population. The problem should be clear and obvious to the government and the population. One has merely to do a Google search on "werewolf attack 2004 u.s." to find that there were almost half a million werewolf attacks last year in this country. That's just ridiculous. -- 9/14/2005, FurryMUCK: Normally when I type "jumpin" on Furry, I jump into my own fur, with a corresponding message. It was: Zorin jumps into Zorin's fur and dissapears! (misspelled) I boggled that no one ever told me this in the nine years that misspelled message was set! [public] Zorin boggles. [public] Zorin says, "How come no one has ever told me that I mispelled "disappears" in the message when I jump into my fur?" [public] Zorin says, "I've done it in public sooo many times, and nary a word." [public] Harry says, "Cause furries are touchy-feely." [public] Harry says, "Better to ignore the problem than get yelled at." [public] Zorin says, "Wow, the jumpin action: Modified: Fri Jan 19 15:05:11 PST 1996" [public] Zorin says, "It just jumped nine years forward." [public] CASPIAN SAYS, "EVIL LIBURULS ONLY CARE ABOUT NOT OFFENDING PEOPLE" [public] Caspian welcomes Zorin's jumpin action to the twenty-first century and the Bush Era. -- 9/11/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Banumath says, "Philosophy isn't really dying. There are plenty of philosophers around. "Gee I wonder what would happen if I stuck my finger in that light socket" that sort of thing. The problem is that those kinds of philosophers tend to act and then it becomes applied science." -- 9/11/2005, RunaMUCK: Cassie chrrs, "Why do some people put too many damned commas in sentences and others not enough?" Mac_Lir says, "The law of supply and demand." -- 9/10/2005, IM conversation: (12:09:53) ZorinLynx: I'm like.. "no silly, the whole point of brushing is to take off your loose fur so you won't get hairballs; licking the brush destroys the whole point!" (12:11:05) Paws: cats dont need a point -- 8/15/2005, FurryMUCK: [windowshelp] Vulpis tries to remember where he saw the bit about the system with so much dust in it that the dust itself was acting as a dust filter. Zorin's quote file, he thinks. [windowshelp] Caspian says, "Sounds about right." [windowshelp] CASPIAN SAYS, "SEE? GOD DESIGNED DUST SO THAT IT WOULD FILTER ITSELF AFTER A POINT! EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGN!" [windowshelp] Blackears says, "What did God design you for?" [windowshelp] Vulpis says, "Shouting, ranting, and frothing at the mouth? ;-)" -- 7/13/2005, FurryMUCK: [windowshelp] Kasa says, "What is web error "ERROR 416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable." ?" [windowshelp] Vulpis says, "It means you need a bigger one, Kasa." -- 7/3/2005, IRC: Taka is made of meat Does that mean God wants us to eat Taka? ... * MinkTaka pokes Aa. ... * MinkTaka pokes Zorin! * MasemJMouse gets out a spork! Mintaka is really neat! He is full of skunky meat! * Mr_Fu believes in MINK-TA-KAAAAAA what skunky meat? Did Minktake eat Mintaka? :D Actually, he's full of minky meat ... -- 6/15/2005, fchan (after a flurry of posts in ALL CAPS): Hey guys! Caps-lock is not the cruise control for cool. -- 6/8/2005, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Revar says, "I don't like the badgering of Caspian either, really. But he's kind of like a cat. You don't have to pull a cat's tail. All you have to do is hold on to the tail, and the cat does the pulling." -- 5/1/2005, FurryMUCK: [cargeeks] Zorin says, "I believe xformer oil is mineral oil" [cargeeks] Ketrien says, "Really old ones maybe; these days they use a 3M product that's even more resistant to conduction." [cargeeks] Vexus says, "What does it smell like?" [cargeeks] Ketrien says, "How the fuck should I know? I don't make a point of climbing up poles and sniffing exploding transformers." -- 4/21/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Caspian says, "What IS it with rednecks and NASCAR? Is it some primal attraction, like priests and altar boy ass?" [public] Triggur says, "what is it with caspian and being a self-righteous prick? is it some primal attraction?" [public] JIHAD SAYS, "OH MY GOD PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME" [public] Tasmia sucks Capsian's self-righteous prick. -- 4/14/2005, FluffMUCK: The funny thing about being a wizard is how people whine at you over the most trivial things... I got this page #mail on Fluff recently: XXXXX (2 days ago at 0:46:40am) Do something about YYYYY. Keeps TALKING IN ALL CAPS and is annoying. >< Whoohoo! I'm now the all-caps police! I better start exercising my caps-lock finger... -- 4/4/2005, AnthroChat IRC, #floridafurs: Hey anyone played WoW by any chance? Is that like playing MoM upside-down? Sorry. Cygfrydd is feeling sarcastic and nasty today. Dude, there's something wrong with anyone that thinks of playing there mom Upside down. *shivers* -- 3/29/2005, SPR: Looks like BigSpots is back... InterCom> Sorsha misses weed. InterCom> BigSpots morphs into a giant joint. "Light me up baby!" InterCom> Jin lets Lamar smoke BigSpots. InterCom> Jin says, "Tada!" InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Remember kids, just say NO to drugs, and ESPECIALLY say NO to BS." InterCom> Sorsha sighs at Bigspots, "Only if you lived in texas.." InterCom> Alkire laughs at Zorin. InterCom> Lamar yaps, "But don't say no to Donuts." InterCom> Lamar yaps, "Because they have no ears" InterCom> Alkire mews, "... or pipes." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Bu-but... I'd taste the same whether here or in Texas, I promise!" InterCom> Alkire mews, "Gotta say yes to pipes." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Besides, I'm currently in the form of an elongated, slim object. I'm sure you can figure out other things to do with me other than smoke me!" InterCom> Jin says, "Hrm... Could always beat the dust out of some carpets." InterCom> Alkire mews, "... or use you to replace my car key." InterCom> Sorsha hasnt had a joint in 2 months and is all twitchy. InterCom> Alkire could always use a candleholder. InterCom> Lamar yaps, "Use him as a door jam to keep that annoying kitchen door open." InterCom> Jin says, "So they're replacing Canada's maple leaf on the flag with a giant weed leaf..." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Well, I'm TRYING to solve the problem, Sorsha!" InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "I mean, look at me, I'm a giant joint!" InterCom> Alkire mews, "/world" InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Yes, you're a giant joint. Now go shove yourself up your ass or something." InterCom> Alkire agh. InterCom> Jin says, "Ouch." InterCom> Zorin purrs, "This is so quotes-file worthy..." InterCom> Alkire agh at Zorin! "You wouldn't!" InterCom> BigSpots just sits there and sighs, unsmoked. >:( InterCom> Sorsha wants a real giant joint, not some half assed attempt of one. -- 2/24/2005, FurryMUCK: "Cat", of course, is short for "Catalytic Converter"... [cargeeks] codrus says, "it's not per-cat. My Miata has 2 cats, but only the front one is checked by a pair. I suspect the law is that every exhaust path must have at least one cat which is checked by a pair of sensors" [cargeeks] codrus says, "per-cat, first cat only is the same thing as what I said, Ketrien :)" [cargeeks] Alf says, "All this talk of cats is making me hungry." [cargeeks] Ketrien summons the pun police. [cargeeks] Ketrien says, "They'll just have to substitute for the bad joke police, since I already ate them." -- 2/18/2005, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "They caught FIRE? Brakes are made of combustible material?" [public] Blaze says, "all material is combustable, if you try hard enough." --- 1/31/2005, FluffMUCK: Wow, it's been a while since we've had a Caspian rant: Caspian wrestles with Windows, trying to get it to kill WinZip. Again... when I say KILL, I mean _NOW_, not "eh, whenever, take 5 minutes if you want"! Caspian chrrs, "WHY is that concept of "the user comes first" SO hard for programmers to understand!?" Rieshal says, "Because the computer is smarter than you are." Caspian chrrs, "And GOD HELP YOU if you accidentally hit "Delete, Enter" too fast, and Windows thinks you want to OPEN the 15,000,000 files instead of DELETE them." Caspian chrrs, "No, you can't just hit Escape. You have to try to 'kill group' on the thing opening the files (if you're lucky enough that they were all of the same file type, or otherwise set to open in the same program-- and that of course will nuke any work you already had going in that program)." Caspian chrrs, "And then you have to click OK/Cancel on fifty billion fucking "Do you want to send an error report to MS so they can laugh at it?" windows." Caspian chrrs, "And let's not forget when MS makes dialog boxes pop up BEHIND other boxes..." Caspian chrrs, "Since, as we all know, every idiot end-user can figure THAT one out. Oh, wait, they can't." -- 11/27/2004, Furtoonia: Miles shouts "Computers are like air conditioners.. they only work until you open Windows." (Public-shout) -- 11/7/2004, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "And of course, Walt Disney World is a high profile target, so it'll probably be next, if anything." [public] Flinthoof says, "Would WDW notice a bomb going off or would they just change a few signs and call it an 'attraction', jack the price of admission up another $30 and make people wait six hours in line for it?" [public] Jon says, "To the right: SPLASH MOUNTAIN *crossed out* SMOKING CRATER" [public] Flinthoof says, "And throughout the devestation, "It's a small world," is still heard running at peak efficiency." --- 10/8/2004, FurryMUCK: Ahh, the presidential debates... [public] thaleSIN says, "A nice unmoderated debate would be interesting. Let them duke it out verbally" [public] Zorin says, "Nah, they'd degrade to Elementary school-style bickering too quickly." [public] Tasmia says, "Degrade? That would be an upgrade." --- 10/7/2004, FurryMUCK: [pub] Thumper says, "Is $75/hr for two uniformed movers and a 24-foot truck about right?" [pub] Santyth says, "I pay my guys $45 every two weeks." [pub] Triggur says, "what kind of "movers" do you have over for 45 minutes every 2 weeks?" [pub] Triggur says, "Don't you mean "hookers"?" [pub] Santyth rubs his eyes. "I thought it said 'mowers.'" [pub] TRIGGUR SAYS, "UH HUH" [pub] Santyth goes and sits in the stupid box. [pub] Sarusa Woohoos and looks for the hole! [pub] Triggur chokes laughing. --- 10/3/2004, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "Heh, this is interesting. A thin layer of downey grey fuzz has accumulated at the air intake in my machine. It's dense enough to look more like a dust FILTER than actual dust. }:)" [unixgeeks] fEk says, "Wow. Dust. Amazing. The world is truely a magical place." [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "I wonder if that dust layer is now acting as a filter to keep more dust from getting in the machine." [unixgeeks] Siege says, "I wouldn't be surprised." [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "I'm tempted to vacuum the layer off, but damn.. if mother nature has given my machine a dust filter made of dust, then why complain? }:)" --- 9/13/2004, FurryMUCK: [pub] Zorin says, "Soon Scream will be a MUCK within a MUCK." [pub] Zorin says, "Why can't like.. we all just make zombies and have those zombies hang out in a real room? Some of us could hang out there ourselves if that's all we want to do on the MUCK. It'd be a lot less impersonal and less IRC like." [pub] Brophey says, "Because, then we'd all start fucking eventually." [pub] Triggur chokes on his soda. [pub] Sarusa says, "I think we're on scream because we're all burnt out and stuff and don't want to see the zombies snuggling each other." [pub] Thumper humps Triggur. [pub] Acea says, "Braaaaaaains?" [pub] Zorin says, "BWAHAHAHAHAAA. Okay, that goes in the quotes file. }:)" [pub] Triggur huggles Sarusa [pub] Sarusa says, "The impersonality is a SELLING POINT!" [pub] Manfred says, "MMmmmm brrraaaaiiiins" [pub] Manfred says, "and for the vegetarians among us... gggrrraaaaiiiiiiiinnnnsssss!" [pub] Sarusa walks into the channel, then sighhhhs deeply and curls up in the deepest darkest corner of the room. :< :< :< -- 7/18/2004, FluffMUCK: Zorin thinks it's funny how in Tie Fighter.. if one accidental stray shot hits one of your own capital ships or stations, they start attacking you. }:) Mayim chrrrs, "That's lame and unrealistic. Not just funny." Mayim chrrrs, "Can you imagine that? "In a dramatic 'friendly fire' incident, stray shots from a US Blackhawk helicopter struck a US Air Force fighter jet. The fighter returned fire. There were 12 casualties."" And on FurryMUCK: [pub] Zorin says, "It's really funny how you're in the heat of battle in Tie Fighter, one of your laser blasts hits one of your ships by mistake, and suddenly you have two missiles and four laser cannons from your own ship on your ass." [pub] fEk says, "Perhaps they just assume any fire upon them is from an enemy ship with a hijacked telemetric signal." [pub] Blaze says, "perhaps the Empire just considers anyone that bad a shot expendable." [pub] Zorin says, "You probably have a point, Blaze. The Empire isn't known for valuing its troops. }:)" [pub] Hollon says, "If the Empire had a problem with anyone who was a bad shot, there would have been very few stormtroopers left." [pub] Hollon says, "In fact, the ONLY one would be that guy that shot Leia at the bunker." --- 6/22/2004, SPAM message: I just got this as the plain-text body in a spam message: Your mailer do not support HTML messages. Switch to a better mailer. Aside from the bad grammar, I find it amusing that a scum-sucking, low-life bottom-feeding spammer fuckwit expects me to change my mailer so I can look at his ad. At least he gave me a bit of a laugh this morning! -Zorin, Pine user for life --- 6/21/2004, FluffMUCK: Zorin shouts "Err, 77" (Public-shout) Rieshal shouts "Still not higher than Callen's IQ... sorry." (Public-shout) Callen shouts "Sorry, I just got an iq of a sudden. O,o." (Public-shout) --- 6/21/2004, FluffMUCK: Alkire likes to stay connected continously to Fluff for months at a time. He's frequently on 20-30 days! Of course, someone had to say it: Rieshal shouts "Quick reboot times, folks. Sorry, Alkire, but 30 days is long enough. Get a life." (Wiz-shout) Server shutting down normally. Going down - Bye % Connection to FluffMUCK closed by foreign host. --- 6/17/2004, FurryMUCK: [public] Silk says, "Someone give me some 'train' phrases... Like 'All aboard' and 'on the right track'..." [pub] Windmills says, "chugging along. hitched up. being railroaded. Steaming along." [public] Modemac says, "Hey babe, you got a nice caboose!" [pub] Windmills says, "That's an intresting train of though, Modemac." [pub] Windmills says, "thought." [pub] Windmills wonders, though, about your loco-motives. -- 6/15/2004, FurryMUCK: [pub] Simba_Lion says, "my cat, Five, has made a tradition recently of cleaning himself on top of a box of cat-5 cable" [pub] Zexyz says, "This is interesting because something in Simba's house is actually getting cleaned *ducks!*" [pub] Triggur looks from Zorin... to Simba... to Zorin... to Simba. [pub] Triggur says, "Dear god it's contagious." -- 6/2/2004, TLK-L Mailing list: What do you mean when you say this species seems "rather unaccepting (sic) of change"? I am not quite old enough to be classified as a fossil yet, but I have been around long enough to see so much change it would make your head spin like that girl in The Exorcist. For goodness sake, we went from Coke, to New Coke, to Coke Classic all in the same year! -- Plonq --- 5/21/2004, FluffMUCK: You fuzzypurr, "I can't believe Sebastian tried to come on to an AI bot" Mayim chrrrs, "Dude, Sebastian would have tried to come on to a two-by-four." And some Callen: Callen mrrs, "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a sort of shite." --- 5/12/2004, SPR: InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Can a smiley serve as a closing parenthesis? (For instance, like this. };)" InterCom> Aisha says, "yes" InterCom> Kisa says, "Zorin, you have problems." InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Of course, if you're upset, you have to put it at the beginning. {:(like this)" InterCom> Zorin purrs, "I know, ain't it great? (problems rock! };)" InterCom> Aisha says, "alright, who has been putting sanka in Zorin's orange juice...." InterCom> Jin says, "Did someone say skanks? O_o" InterCom> Aisha says, "SANKA." InterCom> Jin says, "Right right... SKANKS. Gotcha." InterCom> Aisha huffs. "Smartasses!" InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Jin must be lysdexic." InterCom> Zorin purrs, "I mean, lysdexic." InterCom> Zorin purrs, "D'OH! dysclexic!" InterCom> Zorin purrs, "Err, you know what I mean. }:)" InterCom> Aisha is lysdexic. Dyslexics of the world UNITE! InterCom> Jin says, "Not really..." InterCom> Jin smiles and nods. InterCom> Aisha says, "hell, I read that as 'untie'" --- 5/11/2004, hoggoth@Slashdot: > Ever strap a large heat-sink to your forehead? This may sound silly, but it > DOES feel really cool! You must be a chick magnet. --- 5/8/2004, SPR, in the park: JFox yssa zapped yn from somewhere ynna MUCK! JFox has arrived. JFox has arrived. JFox yarr. JFox has disconnected. Zed_Omega says, "..." Zorin purrs, "A drive-by yarr-ing?" Georgia speaks softly, "He came, he yarr'd, he died." Zorin purrs, "Alas, poor Yarr-ick, I knew him..." Sleet facepalms. Zorin purrs, "Okay, this joke has expired. NEXT!! }:)" Georgia snickers. --- 4/20/2004, FluffMUCK: You meow, "They're doing lots of neat stuff with digital imagery these days, but it still doesn't look quite.. "right"." Digital emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs. Alkire len()s, "Digital imagery just sucks." Alkire err. Hyz laughs! Digital compiles, "Really." Hyz bugs Therm, "Brilliant timing, Alk." --- 4/16/2004, #furry on AnthroChat: exactly. Hence, a cpu-optimized libc is really your "best" performance boost. harik: hardly a reason to compile every line of code on the system yourself. Oreos: Indeed. That's why I'm not a fan of gentoo. :-) It's like BSD for linux. Harik: never has there been a finer example of the worst of both worlds. ;) --- 4/9/2004, FurryMUCK, in the Park: Cottoncandy recalls once she turned on her old monitor once and smoke came out of it. Her room smelled realy bad for like 3 days.. a very strange smell. Zorin mewmews, "Magic smoke smells pretty funky." Toast eeks! Don't let out the magic smoke! Cottoncandy says, "Whats magic smoke?" Willfred says, "Darn." Willfred says, "Magic smoke. You let out the magic smoke and things stop working." Telegrand murmurs, "What makes electronics work, when the magic smoke gets out, it don't work anymore." Toast squeaks, "Magic smoke is the stuff that makes machines work. If its smoking, yer letting the smoke out and it won't run anymore." Cottoncandy says, "Ahhh..." Cottoncandy says, "My toster oven smokes all the time and still works." Telegrand murmurs, "That's not electronic, though..." Willfred says, "That's what you tell execs and other children when they ask what's wrong." Guest1 says, "Magic smoke is the ghosts of the little gnomes inhabiting the deceased machine heading for a better place." Willfred says, "That's normal smoke." Telegrand murmurs, "Besides, it's not magic smoke, just food smoke...;)" Cottoncandy says, "Like the underpants gnomes?" Willfred says, "That's like what comes out of cars on cold mornings." ---- 4/8/2004, Anthrochat IRC #furry: At 14.4, it takes approximately ten minutes to download a megabyte. Which means in about 120 minutes, or two hours, I will have completed downloading this file. Skye: Why in Mufasa's name are you using a 14.4 modem? };) .... wait. Did you just use a lion king character in a pseudo-blasphemy reference? ---- 4/1/2004, FurryMUCK: [pub] Zorin says, "I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree that sharing URL's is a fun activity that should be shared by all. }:)" [pub] Zorin says, "" [pub] Tasmia says, "404 Zorin" [pub] Silk says, "I refuse to click on that link." [pub] Zorin says, "April Fools'. Hehehe." [pub] Tasmia says, "Cute kitty, though!" [pub] Zorin says, "Only two hits. }:)" [pub] Allan says, "I think I'll watch an old episode of the Superfriends." [pub] Roiyaru pokes Zorin. :P [pub] Silk says, "Guess we know who the other one was." ---- 3/25/2004, FluffMUCK: I was talking about something in the park and for some reason, accidentally @shouted one of the lines. Silliness ensued: Zorin shouts "It's out in North Miami, right off SR826." (Public-shout) Starlet shouts "Yer mom!" (Public-shout) Alkire shouts "Your mom." (Public-shout) Zorin shouts ">BZZZZZT< Sorry, you forgot to state your response in the form of a question. The correct response is "What are Cubans." Alkire it's your choice next..." (Public-shout) Thermoplyae plays the trumpet. (Public-pose) ---- 3/2004, FluffMUCK: I wasn't there, but Alkire got this log. Just when you think Guests can't get more annoying, you are proved wrong: Guest3 floats in on a lemon yellow fluffcloud, which deposits it gently on the grass before floating away on a gentle breeze. (Please make Guest3 feel welcome! :) ) Guest3 says, "HI" Taxus says, "'Lo guest" Taxus licks Guest3! Guest3 says, "I SAW THIS PLACE ON THE WEB AND THOUGHT ID CHECK ITOUT" Taxus acks! Ranna noses the guest's caps lock key. Murasaki didn't go to the auburn b, "my back hurts." Taxus says, "Turn Caps off-o." You isinstance(), "Okay. First off, turn your fucking caps lock off." Ranna yerfs, "Be nice." Taxus clap-os. Guest3 says, "IS IT TRUE YOU ALL LIKE TO SMOKE DOGGIE COCK?" Taxus says, "yeah, use feck instead" Taxus says, "Oh, Looks like we have a smacktard in our mist." Murasaki is not the abandoner!, "wow...what the fsck" Maypah fecks Taxus! Taxus tacks a d on that last word./ Taxus eeps and is fecked! Guest3 has disconnected. Guest3 has left. Guest3 vanishes in a puff of smoke. ---- 3/10/2004, FurryMUCK: A conversation in the park on FurryMUCK. Gotta love Guests, still entertaining after all these years: Guest1 says, "fine, thank you. i'm waiting for my character to be created" FoxPaws nods to the guest. "Can sometimes take a bit of time. Rendering all the old characters that were @toaded to get enough material for a new one is a time consuming process." Zorin mewmews, "Yeah, especially since @toading reduces the size of a character considerably." Zorin mewmews, "You need like 20 toads to get enough material for a new character. Unless you're Rogue, in which case you need 200,000." Guest1 nods, even though he doesn't really understand what FoxPaws is talking about. Guest1 asks "So FurryMUCK has already hit its character limit is what you're saying?" --- 3/1/2004, FurryMUCK: I looked at a character in the Park named "Simbalion" and he was carrying a "Timona Remote". My curiosity gets the better of me... Zorin hmms at Simbalion, "What's a 'Timona Remote'?" Zorin meows, "Did Timon get a sex change operation, and that's how you control him? }:)" Timona_inflate flies down from the skies above and lands. > look timona_inflate You see yourself looking at a very nice looking 6 foot tall inflatable meerkat female. She is a full anthro and is made up of a smooth, soft vinyl that looks like it could inflate larger. She has one valve on her belly. She is an inflatable version of this Timona pic. goto Then look for Mystic Artist and then look for his Timona gif file. Let your imagination run wild! ;) She sees you and smiles. Timona_inflate says, "Someone ask about me?" Simbalion nods Zorin mrrowrrs, "Wow, the scary thing is I wasn't very far off. };)" ... [public] Zorin says, "So, there's this dude in the park named "Simbalion" who has a giant inflatable meerkat femme zombie. Guys, I'm not the one you have to worry about. };)" [public] thaleSIN says, "Hey I have been wondering when meerkat porn is coming out as they have show female meerkats now in Lion king 1/2" --- 2/27/2004, FurryMUCK: [public] Singe says, "" (Mirrored: [public] Gyroe says, "Nice to see Microsoft expanding their market." --- 2/10/2004, FurryMUCK: [public] Blaze says, "I once answered an ad for an electric eye burning machine operator." [public] Blaze says, "mind you, I had no idea what an electric eye burning machine was." [public] Blaze says, "they had a plasma arc cutter that would follow a black line drawn on sheet steel." [public] Zorin says, "Whoah, that sounds cool." [public] Qgar says, "ooh, sounds like a great Bond death device." [public] Blaze says, "so they would cut steel to shapes for signs, and custom stuff." [public] Blaze says, "you could use it to slowly torture a zebra to death, yah." -------- 12/22/2003, FurryMUCK: Note: This was actually the END of a long offtopic conversation. Genn was actually pretty tolerant. }:) [trebuchet] Zorin says, "I'm not wearing any pants." [trebuchet] Vulpis says, "I *really* didn't need to know that, Zorin." [trebuchet] Zorin says, "Information wants to be free. }:)" [trebuchet] Vulpis says, "So do parts of your anatomy, apparently, Zorin.. ;-)" [trebuchet] Genn would like to see this channel return to discussing trebuchet and issues with trebuchet. :) [trebuchet] Zorin says, "My character has never worn pants, actually. Even way back when I was a squirrel. Okay, I'm done. }:)" --- 12/22/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Electro_Sun_Dog says, "Sperm are the Red Shirt Ensigns of the reproductive system. They die as fast as the body can produce 'em..." --- Canon SLR Handbook (c) 1984: If you focus a lens at infinity, it has some depth of field in both directions from the focused distance. However, the part that extends beyond infinity is wasted because nobody lives there. --- 12/3/2003, FluffMUCK: Alkkie asks, "Are frogs' asses really watertight?" Dehydrated_Water doesn't say, "Is yours?" Alkire (negative?), "Is that a pick-up line?" --- 11/4/2003, FurryMUCK in the park: Sabachka grins and nuzzles at Karou, "s'okay. It's sexy on ya." ... Raptavio plugs Sabachka's last statement into the Furry-To-English Translator: "I hope Karou yiffs me." --- 11/4/2003, FurryMUCK: [sex] Sian says, "if you smoke after sex, you should use more lube." --- 10/28/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Iann says, "Yeah, I always wondered that myself. "[insert any subject here] IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD!!!" Hellloooo, you dumbass! God created EVERYTHING. Why would God create something that's an ABOMINATION? Durr hurr hurrr! To give you something to bitch about, that's why!" --- 10/27/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Alendria bangs on her mic, "Is this thing on?" [public] Iann says, "Huh, oh sorry, I was masturbating. Shut the fuck up, Alendria." [public] Alendria says, "How do you expect to shut a girl up if you're masturbating? Geez." [public] Iann says, "Stick my dick in her mouth. That usually works." [public] Alendria says, "But then you aren't masturbating anymore, now are you?" [public] Iann says, "Sure I am. I'm just using her mouth in place of my hand." [public] Iann says, "Do you want to suck my dick, Alendria? And spare me the magnifying glass jokes." [public] Alendria says, "Hmm? Nah. Not in public. I think of you as a friend and I couldn't do something that damaging to your reputation in front of Raptavio." [public] Raptavio says, "He has a reputation to protect?" --- 10/19/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Blaze says, "Being rich is no defense against death. The rich just get to die in more interesting ways." ---- 9/9/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Ever find an object on the muck that has a typo, but the last modified date was so long ago (1996 in this case) that you feel bad changing it? Almost as if the typo has become part of the object?" [public] Sarusa says, "'my thrbboing cock'" [public] Skylos says, "can't say I have, zorin." [public] Crissa says, "Yes, yes I have, Zorin." [public] Shal'Nath says, "> ex #0 -> Owner: Wziard" [public] Shal'Nath says, "(Actually that would be amusing. sort of.)" [public] Kragnos says, "ex *Shal'Nath -> Owner: Wziard" [public] Kragnos says, "Now that'd be funny" ---- 8/25/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Singe says, "There's this vixen on Taps who's always having me get her preggers." [public] Sarusa says, "Does she actually squat them all out?" [public] Singe says, "apparently!" [public] Sarusa says, "No disrespect meant to your precious offspring!" [public] Singe says, "gets sexed up, is preggers for a gestation period, then is ready for more. also, lactating." [public] Sarusa says, "It sounds like Indiana." [public] Tasmia does that all the time, it's one of her kinks. [public] Revar says, "Thank you for sharing." [public] Singe says, "freefall is too silly lately" [public] fEk says, "Do you ever hump up her fallopian tube and impregnate all her eggs at once, so she bloats up all lumpy with kits?" [public] Zorin says, "So how many children are you up to, Singe?" [public] Singe says, "Pff, I dunno. I'm a deadbeat dad." [public] Tasmia says, "Still not as many as Wilt Chamberlan!" ---- 8/17/2003, FluffMUCK: You purrmew, "The all new suicide shotgun! Has the trigger turned around to make it easy for angsty suicidal idiots to cleanse the gene pool. Free from Lynxieco!" Mav resells Zorins product for three easy payments of $19.95.. but for some reason only ever gets the first payment. ---- 8/5/2003, Slashdot SCO: "you broke our contract, give us a bag full of cash, lots of bags full o' cash" IBM: "you're freaking nuts, enjoy your stock inflation while it lasts, now get the hell outta my face, i've got products to sell! Slashdot Crowd: hahahahaha!!! roflmmfao!!! hahahahah! rolfmmfao!!! ---- 7/5/2003, FluffMUCK - More silly @shouts... Alkire shouts "Attention all human beings: you now have the option to stop and be terminated on the premises. If you elect this option, please notify your resident death camp guard." (Public-shout) Zorin shouts "I prefer to exercise the option to cuddle the nearest Nala or ISO approved equivalent." (Public-shout) Mayim shouts "The ISO has no real power any more. Microsoft makes the standards now." (Public-shout) Gri'vnl shouts "That's the wrong access port, Sailor." (Public-shout) Zorin shouts "Yes, but I won't snuggle a Microsoft product." (Public-shout) Yyzeff shouts "Soft products are easier to snuggle than...hard ones." (Public-shout) Hakon shouts "You now have the option to stop and cuddle the lionesses. If you elect this option, please tell your station station manager and specify which one you would like to cuddle. Please, no molesting the lionesses." (Public-shout) Dexter shouts "You are in a twisty maze of passageways, all alike." (Public-shout) Glint peers, highschool? (Public-pose) Dave shouts "It is very dark. You are likely to be eaten by Grue, the star quarterback." (Public-shout) ---- 6/24/2003, FurryMUCK: (This was during a discussion on weird fetish porn) [public] Sarusa says, "How about that pr0n that's just a 1600x1200 image of the INSIDE of a guy's anus?" [public] Zorin says, "Wouldn't that just be a completely black 1600x1200 image?" [public] Skylos says, "lol, no sun shine." [public] Zorin says, "Hmm, the new Apple iSight is a great camera for shoving up your ass and taking pictures. };)" [public] Alendria says, "You should suggest that to their marketing department as a potential sales strategy." ---- 5/20/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "When I had leprosy, i used to have my fingers fall off and get stuck between the space bar and the other keys, and i wouldn't notice for days! man, leprosy sucks." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Once I cut my leg off, but I was balancing on the other leg, so it must have been a good ten minutes until i shifted my weight and fell over in a pool of my own blood." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "then there was the time i was talking real quick and i bit my tongue clean off and i didn't notice and kept talking, until i figured out that people were staring at me because i was babbling and spraying blood on them each time i opened my mouth. i finally got the whole picture when someone tripped by slipping on my bloody tongue." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "and then once my dick snapped off while i was fucking, and i didn't notice for a good fifteen minutes" [public] Singe says, "that's cause of the PCP Lynn" --- 5/17/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Modemac says, "I've been accepting all those offers sent to me in email since the beginning of the year, and my penis is now 43 meters long!" --- 5/6/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "Jessica no longer really rants about open source. She just rants about how MS is trying to take over the world and how we're all doomed." [public] Kahei says, "Well, they are trying to take over the world, and we are doomed." --- 4/4/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Singe says, "If you parade rapists around in front of dozens of hot naked ladies all standing there bent over and tied up... well christ, what the fuck are you expecting?" [public] Sarusa says, "Millions of dollars in dvd sales." --- 3/25/2003, #fursuit on how many skunks are in the channel?? ... me ... Arf! why? Because I like to bark? No no.. :) --- 2/24/2003, If a bunch of heroin junkies go in a public restroom, shoot up, tape the environmental noise for 30 minutes, sample that using their $15 walkman over an iron cable with oxidated plugs using their 16-bit soundblaster pro clone, later adding some fine downloaded 32kbit/s mono clipped mp3 voice samples to that writing it on a fine CD, labeling it "klof - fo noisolpmi eht tseb" and getting it mastered at $50_budget-studio' , that would be "CD-Quality" --- 2/23/2003, FluffMUCK: Cassie sucks like Windows XP on a 486. With 8MB of RAM. >>>ph33r<<< (Public-pose) Zorin shouts "Stop being overly specific. Windows XP sucks regardless of what it runs on." (Public-shout) Jessi shouts "Stop being overly specific. Windows sucks." (Public-shout) Alkire shouts "Stop being overly specific. Everything sucks." (Public-shout) --- 2/23/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "This is hilarious. My cat laid on my mousepad earlier, occupying about half of it. No big deal, right? Slowly over the past 15 minutes, he's been stretching out more and more, slowly reducing my mousing area. I'm stuck with a tiny corner now. }:)" [public] Schlake says, "We know who wears the pants in Zorin's house." [public] Harry grins... Cat must be wanting more attention than the computer. [public] Qgar says, "cats just take and take." --- 2/3/2003, FluffMUCK: 33) Marcel Today -- NO GUESTS From: Marcel 20:25:33 02/03/03 EST Edited by: Marcel 20:29:13 02/03/03 EST GUESTS BAD. NO GUESTS. NO GUESTS GOOD! I, as representative of the Greater Fluff Nativist Party (GFNP, formerly known as the Guest Genocide/Local Socialist Party [GG/LSP]), object to the idea of letting in the scum known as the "Guests". They are the class enemies of Nativist Socialism as represented by Our Glorious Wizards and the GFNP. The parasitic guesties are intent on reinstating the evils of /incompetent/ public stupidity (versus the refined public stupidity of our fair citizens) and linguistic imperialism (demanding we speak AOLese!). In fact, since the removal of the Guests we have concentrated our efforts on removing the oppressive SPR state apparatus. If the guest accounts were to be re-opened, we'd have to divert our precious cadre away from the liberation of the oppressed Fluffers on SPR. In opposition, - Marcel (formerly Louis Ira Donovan) P.S.: We have created a paradise of Fluff. Should we waste our efforts? --- 1/21/2003, FurryMUCK: [public] Katarn says, "So I receive a notice on an internal mailing talking about system downtime in Antarctica. My first thought was; funny, I didn't think we had a field office there! But of course Antartica was the name of a technology lab in some building. But, the reason why there was to be downtime in Antartica? Because an airconditioning unit needed servicing! I know... I'm easily amused." --- 12/28/2002, FurryMUCK: (the URL is: [public] Lynn_Onyx closes down that browser window with Fifi because it's damned disturbing that a human adult would find such a thing arousing. [public] Zorin says, "Or maybe you find it arousing and it's starting to disturb you. It's okay to admit it. }:)" [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "..." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "No, it doesn't." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "If something is arousing to me, I'm not afraid to admit it! Like how I find Iann arousing!" [public] Zorin says, "HAH! I now feel smug, knowing that you find seafood arousing. At least Fifi is cuddlier." Name Sex Species ('whospe #help' for help) Iann male bouncing faerie squid w/an afro & a fez [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Have you tried cuddling Iann?" [public] Iann says, "I'm an armfull, lemme tell yah." [public] Qgar says, "abalone." [public] Iann says, "Delicious." [public] Iann says, "I AM NOT SEAFOOD! I AM A MAN! er.. A SQUID! Something." --- 10/17/2002, FurryMUCK: You mew, "Though they can be pretty consistent. A Filet-o-Fish at McD's tastes teh same as it did 10 years ago and 20 years ago." Panda says, "Because cooking is an art, and you can never mass produce art." Merry says, "I wouldn't necessarily think that a filet-o-fish sandwich is art, though Z" --- 10/17/2002, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Schlake says, "If God had wanted us to conserve power he wouldn't have killed off the dinosaurs to make oil and then put Bush in power to conquer the oilfields." --- 8/14/2002, FurryMUCK: Alendria bwahs! You know. If you have to have dental problems. I so totally recommend NOT having them in August. All the f***ing dentists are away on vacation in August. (Public-pose Channel public) Alendria shouts, "So you get to sit around with nasty pussy drainage leaking into your mouth for a week." (Public-shout Channel public) Stormfront shouts, "Well, if you weren't a lesbian, you wouldn't have to worry about pussy drainage in your mouth... ;P" (Public-shout Channel public) ---- 7/3/2002, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "What is "kicker" WRT KDE 3?" [unixgeeks] Alynna says, "its that part that kicks your ass for you" [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "it's a 310MB process here." [unixgeeks] Alynna says, "see? Its kicking your computer's ass." [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "I smell a memory leak" --- 6/23/2002, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin never liked HTML in email either. HTML belongs on web pages. [public] Triggur says, "SO SAYTH ZORIN" [public] Triggur says, "SO IT IS WHINGED, SO IT SHALL BE DONE" [public] Zorin says, "Sometimes I wish I were Absolute Ruler of the Universe. Stupid shit like this wouldn't happen. }:)" [public] Triggur says, "The world would be a pretty shitty place." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Sometimes i am very glad you're not the absolute ruler of the universe!" [public] Zorin says, "All the more reason I should be. };)" [public] Stormfront says, "Not really, Triggur, Zorin would be assassinated by one of his own guards after a few days of kitten stories. ;>" ---- 04/15/2002, general: My primary Linux box at home is named "Hushpad", after a character from Tad Williams' book _Tailchaser's Song_. Most people haven't read the book, though, and wonder what a "hushpad" is. Some amusing quotes: Cawwna says, "What the hell is a "hushpad"?" Cawwna says, "Is that a piece of duct tape you stick over someone's mouth?" Cawwna chrrs, "Hushpad?" Cawwna chrrs, "What the fuck is that, a notebook?" ---- 04/12/2002, SPR: I'm so glad people no longer fall for such pathetic calls for attention: Scotty shouts "Life sucks, I'm going to end mine, bye" (Public-shout) Niko shouts "G'night!" (Public-shout) Ishtar shouts "Night night!" (Public-shout) Dreya shouts "Sleep tight!" (Public-shout) Ice watches apathy in progress (Public-pose) Snap sighs and just shakes hir head. (Public-pose) --- 04/10/2002, FluffMUCK: Yadyn shouts "F*** CENSORSHIP!" (Public-shout) Thermoplyae shouts "Yeah...the worst thing about censorship is ---- - ---- --- -- ----- ------." (Public-shout) Rieshal shouts "I'd like to buy a vowel." (Public-shout) ---- 04/06/2002, FurryMUCK: (Note the time jump between the third and fourth shouts...) [11:06:33] [public] Triggur says, "Okay, raise your hand if you didn't see THIS coming." [11:07:59] [public] Zorin says, "When you need somethin' done, you gotta do it yourself. }:)" [11:09:23] [public] Triggur says, "no, I mean, is anybody surprised that he "uses" people to the point where they finally quit on his ass." [11:39:47] [public] Zorin says, "Lots of people have no conscience and do that. It sucks, but what can you do.." [11:40:09] [public] Triggur says, "You can stop doing it.... like Bennie just did. Good for him." [11:40:28] [public] Zorin says, "Wow, this is the most drawn out Shout conversation I ever seen. }:)" [11:40:32] [public] Zorin says, "Time wise" [11:40:42] [public] Triggur waits to respond to Zorin in 40 minutes. [11:40:44] [public] Triggur says, "Whoops." [11:41:09] [public] Zorin says, "I was suddenly =^O.o^= and did a /recall -t.. 30 minutes between your and my responses. }:)" [11:42:00] [public] Triggur says, "Hee." [11:42:14] [public] Zorin took a shower and shaved during that time. }:) [11:42:24] [public] Triggur leers. ---- 04/02/2002, FurryMUCK: Merry says, "Sam has devloped this really annoying habit of demanding Alex and I go to bed at a certain time." Mahto says, "Sam is a stern master." Merry says, "he'll come over to the computers where we are sitting and howl." Merry says, "like repeatedly." Merry says, "it is just because he wants to play with our feet under the covers." Merry says, "and if we don't let him play with our feet, he gets very bitchy" Mahto says, "Foot fetish kitty dom seeks feet to play with under covers, must adhere to specific bedtime. 555-FEET" --- 03/01/2002, FluffMUCK: Sometimes I set an odd save message just to see how people react to it: ## It's that time again! (Time to lick ourselves down?) No, it's time to learn today's lesson. And to find out what it is, we turn to.. the WHEEL OF FUZZALITY! ## ## Wheel of Fuzzality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn... ## ## And today's moral is.. Who's idea was this anyway? I'M GONNA KILL THAT DANGED LYNX-- ## Hyzenthlay shouts "Note to Zorin: Smoking is not the answer." (Public-shout) Malameux shouts "Well that sure sucked." (Public-shout) Rela shouts "Go lick yourself down." (Public-shout) Louis shouts "Note to Zorin: smoking pot isn't your thing." (Public-shout) --- 02/08/2002, FurryMUCK: More silly jokes! [public] Siberian says, "If you had a really big lizard that jumped from wash basin to wash basin, would you have a multi-sync monitor?" ---- 02/01/2002, FurryMUCK [public] Pygar says, "But I don't want semiphores, I want complete phores!" ---- 02/01/2002, FurryMUCK: [public] Katarn says, "I love somoe of the announcements that go out comapy wide, they are so... well, you tell me what they are. Here is the beggining of one which just went out: "The burning bush was laughing at me again. Sparks rolled lazily away from it across the desert sand threatening to set the surrounding chaparral alight. On a nearby rock a lizard rose up tensely, seemingly ready to flee if any came near. I eyed a nearby creosote bush nervously but continued digging, choosing to ignore the bush. The sun moved across the empty sky. Eventually the bush's laughter slowed to a chortle and finally ceased altogether. It stood there smoldering and examining my efforts bemusedly. The sun started setting and the lizard settled back down to soak up the remaining sun-warmth of its rock. Finally the bush started reciting:..."" [public] Verin winces as Katarn shoves everything on his screen up out of sight. [public] Jessica says, "... WTF?" [public] Foxworthy says, "If you work at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant, Katarn, I would say that one of your products has gotten into the ventilation system..." [public] Cargo says, "that sounds like someone's elaborate page message here. :)" ---- 2/1/2002, FurryMUCK: [12:55:23] Mahto says, "NOTICING DIRE LACK OF KITTY ON KITTYCAM HERE" [12:55:39] Mahto says, "Merry, of course, is at lunch." [12:55:43] Mahto says, "And will time out any second." [12:55:50] Merry has disconnected. [12:55:50] Merry has left. [12:55:54] You mrrowrr, "Nice. }:)" [12:56:09] Mahto says, "Ah, my timing is exquisite, yes no? ;)" ---- 1/24/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin says, "I wish we could convert all the matter in our food directly into energy. Just think.. We could live for years on a single grain of rice." [public] Thumper says, "But indigestion could take out an entire city." [public] Qgar says, "KANEDA!!!" ---- 01/24/2001, SPR: This is more sad than funny.. but might as well share: InterCom> Jin says, "SILLY FAGGOT... DICKS ARE FOR CHICKS!!!!!!!!" InterCom> Jin goes nuts!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! InterCom> Jin says, "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" InterCom> Jin honestly has no idea why he's writing all this... (ed: Could it be that you're a COMPLETE IDIOT?) InterCom> Jin says, "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" ---- 01/07/2001, FluffMUCK: And now, Deep Thoughts, with Jack Handey: Malameux has HEAD EXPLODEY!!, "How come they showed something on tv last night that said "@$$ hole", and they had "hole" covered up? Isn't ass the naughty part of that combination?" ---- 1/7/2002, FurryMUCK: You mewmew, "I have a 19" monitor (18 viewable) at work, and it seems small. I wish it were bigger." Zorin would go nuts with 15" Merry says, "my penis is only 5 inches, I wish it was longer." Tilton says, "MERRY THAT'S YOUR CLITORIS" Teko says, "O my god" Teko says, "The visuals" Tilton laughs!! Tilton says, "Sorry!" Merry ahems You purr, "What does monitor size have to do with penis size anyway? }:)" Mahto says, "chix w/dix" Teko says, "Depends what sort of porn you're downloading." Jihad says, "Plenty, son." Tilton says, "True." Thumper has a 21" flat-screen monitor, but he has trouble keeping it hard. ---- 01/03/2002, FurryMUCK: [public] Katarn says, "What exactly is COBRA?" [public] Zorin says, "A ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world." [public] Tilton says, "They were the fun Al Qaeda of the 1980s, beloved by children!" [public] Cargo says, "They have secret mountain bases and a special forces branch of the US military is seeking their leader." [public] Zorin nods. "I think the branch is called "G.I. Joe". [public] Zorin says, "And they have a cool theme song, too." [public] Carmine says, "Now see, if Osama had a henchman like Destro and really bright-colored uniforms, we would have kicked ass a lot sooner. Why can't real life be more like comic books?!" [public] Cargo says, "Even now, Al-Qaeda is seeking genetic material from every tyrant throughout history to combine into a new evil villain!" ---- 01/02/2002, FurryMUCK: [windowshelp] Aatheus says, "This'll be practically a diskless workstation, with one floppy and maybe one hard drive" Drat, and I don't have a place to plug in my wireless network cable. }:P ---- 01/02/2002, FurryMUCK: [public] Thalesin sees a comerical that advertises a number so you can check the lottery for 86 cents a minute.........Boy arev people stupid [public] Winged says, "That's okay, CA Lottery puts a state-run 1-900 number on lotto tickets so you can check the numbers at $0.30/minute." [public] Thalesin says, "Stupid Stupid Stupid" [public] Zorin says, "86 cents a minute? That's silly. Why not just make it per call? I mean, it takes a fixed number of minutes for the machine to read it off..." [public] Sarusa says, "thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy twoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" ---- 12/30/2001, FurryMUCK: [bafur] Genn disagrees with Marten. "I -love- Tyler's exhaust. It has such a distinctive purrrrrrrumble." [bafur] Marten says, "It's a car. Not a cat." ---- 12/30/2001, Sun SPARCStation Classic: When you boot the Redhat 6.2 Sparc CD, this message appears in the bootlog: Red Hat install init version 6.2 using a serial console remember, cereal is an important part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast. --- 12/28/2001, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Tilton says, "No, you can, but you can't use 'passwd'. The NeXTSTEP equivalent tool is 'ni'." [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "you're kidding" [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "ni is like.. so intuitive for changing passwords." [unixgeeks] StephenQuoll says, "how do you change passwords? "No Idea".... oh, got it..." --- 12/26/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Lynn_Onyx worked out today, and is very sore. [public] Raptavio says, "I like the sore you get from a workout, Lynn." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "You like the sore I get from a workout? Fucking sadist." [public] Lynn_Onyx says, "Now, if you liked the sore YOU from a workout, you'd just be a masochist." [public] Winged grins. Must be a sadomasochist, likes it when EVERYONE gets sore. --- 12/2/2001, Q3A server: (Yes, people like Beavis and Butthead really DO exist) Poonis: i'm proud to be Poonis (DVC)-TreeTrunK: hehe penis... Poonis: no no no Poonis: POOnis Poonis: it's a penis that poos (DVC)-TreeTrunK: HAHAHA (DVC)-TreeTrunK: HAHAHA --- 11/14/2001, FurryMUCK: So I was bored and shouted: [public] Zorin says, "PHYLUM CHORDATA KICKS ASS!!!!" [public] Bassirith says, "Er.. most other phylums don't *have* much of an ass to speak of.." ---- 11/14/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Zorin wonders if this entire Universe is just a huge simulation going on in a computer. Some grad student in another dimension's thesis project. And he's done with it and only minutes from pressing "ctrl-c". [public] Katarn says, "If it is, he'll probably only get a C- and a stern look for his efforts." ---- 11/01/2001, FluffMUCK: What is it about juvenile bickering that still manages to crack me up sometimes? }:) InterCom> Sorsha is getting dangerously close to strangling someone InterCom> Foxchange hides InterCom> Sorsha grabs Foxchange and shoves a porcupine up his ass. ---- 10/29/2001, FurryMUCK: You probably need to be both a TinyMUCK user AND a UNIX geek to get this one, but: [public] Zorin says, "Even cooler would be pipe functionality. ws |grep -i 'vixen'" [public] Shal'Nath says, "WHO | ws #far \!$1 | grep 'Male' | wixxx \!$1 | grep '[m]ale-[b]iased' | p \!$1 = I'm a cook. My sausage plumps up extra thick. Wanna come over for dinner?" ---- 10/27/2001, FurryMUCK: [bafur] Singe says, "Getting rid of cable will save you some money." [bafur] Alendria says, "GOSH SINGE! That's brilliant! Why you must be the smartest man alive! I bet all the cost analyst people in the world never would have came up with that one! WOW!!!!" [bafur] Singe says, "You asked for suggestions genius." ---- 10/22/2001, FluffMUCK: This just struck me as metaphysical in some way. Orpheus churrs, "i'm just kind of typing and it's not really anything that has to do with anything because any tiny thing is setting off this weird chain reaction that makes it so i can't stop talking until the entire thing has been dragged out into pointlessness by my demented current need for precise and total accuracy which is leading to absolute confusion." ---- 10/21/2001, FurryMUCK: [11:56:51] [public] Santyth says, "Quick, lets bring up something else to argue about then!" [11:57:10] [public] Morgana says, "Uh...cats vs. dogs? :)" [11:57:29] [public] Zorin says, "Cats rule, dogs drool!" [11:57:32] [public] Santyth says, "I think the rules state that Zorin has to bring that one up" [11:57:35] [public] Phyxis says, "But is it justifiable, Morgana?" [11:57:40] [public] Santyth says, "Argh!" [11:57:43] [public] Morgana says, "Well duh, Zorin! =)" ---- 10/20/2001, Quake 3 Arena Server I found this exchange funny for some reason. Maybe it was my state of mind at the time. Might as well share, though... LavaJumper: IM LAVA JUMPER Zorin the Lynx: hiya lava jumper LavaJumper: I JUMP IN LAVA LavaJumper: HI Zorin the Lynx: Does it hurt? LavaJumper: NAH ITS LIKE A JACUSI OR HOWEVER U SPELL IT ---- 10/08/2001, FurryMUCK: [ag] Stormfront says, "No, I just appreciate the irony of liberals who complaing about how mean Limbaugh is dancing around because he's going deaf." [ag] Jihad says, "It's not that I'm a liberal. It's just that I think you're a big jerk." [ag] Stormfront says, "Oh no, Jihad thinks I'm a big jerk. Now I feel like crawling into a corner, curling into a ball, and continuing not to give a fuck what Jihad thinks." ---- 09/27/2001, FurryMUCK: Tilton says, "I wish Jessica would say more stupid things." [public] Jessica says, "What's DDR?" Merry LOLLLOLOLOLOLOOOL Tilton says, "YAY! SHE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS!" Merry HOWLS at TILTON. Cargo says, "Your wish is granted!" Merry hugs Tilton crying her eyes out while she laughs. ---- 09/27/2001, FluffMUCK: InterCom> BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "OMG.. Inkypaws is back" InterCom> Nekura says, "We wuv her" InterCom> Foxchange says, "She has been back for a while... Inkypaws rocks!" InterCom> BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "Now I can go back to trying to seduce her.. like I was before she left. Lol" InterCom> Inkypaws churrs, "Buster!" InterCom> BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "Lol" InterCom> Inkypaws churrs, "Are you a wiz yet?" InterCom> Foxchange says, "heh" InterCom> BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "Nope :)" InterCom> Inkypaws churrs, "Sheesh. I didn't miss anything. *g*" ... InterCom> BusterBunny bunnypurrs, "hey Inkypaws! Will you marry me? I wanna feel those inky paws in all kinds a ways :)" InterCom> Inkypaws churrs, "I see Buster didn't grow up any! Is he shaving yet?" ---- 09/27/2001, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Futcion says, "Hi! What's everyone's favorite disk admin utilities for linux?" [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "cfdisk" [unixgeeks] codrus says, "emacs" [unixgeeks] Seg says, "dd" [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "A magnetic screwdriver and a logic probe." [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "emacs isn't a disk admin utility. }:)" [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "EMACS is everything. Except a kernel." [unixgeeks] Rieshal says, "Of course not, it's a unix shell." [unixgeeks] Blaze says, "An axe." [unixgeeks] Sarusa says, "I'd have to say 'find'." [unixgeeks] Skylos says, "I don't have to maintain my disk. >:P" [unixgeeks] Futcion gets out his HK/Benelli M4 Super 90/XM1014 Tactical shotgun and fills it with slugs. He aims at codrus. "Idiot." *BLAM!* Then at Mikhael. "Moron." *BLAM!!* Then at Blaze. "An axe? Dipshit." *BLAM BLAM BLAM!!!* [unixgeeks] Skylos says, "though when I have to find whats using space I use du..." [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "You're an american aren't you, Futcion?" [unixgeeks] Blaze says, "it's good that you live in a state where they don't let mental patients own guns." [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "I'm glad I didn't get blown away. I like cfdisk. }:)" [unixgeeks] Simba_Lion says, "Warning Warning, we have positive identification on a gun nut!" ---- 09/25/2001, FurryMUCK: Thumper has connected. Thumper blinks and lifts his head. Thumper says, "SYN" Jihad says, "ACK" Thumper says, "ACK YAY!" Jihad says, "CLOSE_WAIT" Thumper says, "RST" Jihad says, "SETTING YOUR URG FLAG" Thumper says, "URG, URG BABY!" Jihad says, "TOS == 0xCOCKS" Thumper has disconnected. ---- 09/21/2001, FurryMUCK: Tilton ponders. "It's time for a new Meeko. The one I have in my room is totally worn out. I think I have to break open the tupperware container. Merry STARES AT TILTON. Zorin blinks. 'WORN OUT?????" You mewmew, "And just HOW did you wear it out, MISTER?" Merry COUGHS LOUDLY AT TILTON. Tilton says, "FROM BEING USED AS A PILLO JESUS H. CHRIST PEOPLE" Giggy woos. Can I buy one off you, Tilton? Mine is in tatters. Merry COUGHS AT GIGGY. Tilton says, "I DO NOT FUCK MY MEEKO!!!!!!!!" Giggy says, "Seriously, his head is falling off." Tilton says, "From all that HEAVY POUNDING" Merry says, "WHATEVER TILTON" Merry says, "I KNOW BETTER" Tilton says, "I have *cough* "several" reserve meeko's in safe storage in the garage." Merry says, "How many is several?" Tilton says, "Oh, like 8 or 9." Merry says, "WHAT?!" Merry says, "ARE YOU MAD?" ---- More reminiscing old times... Discovered another one. }:) A long time ago (1995ish) on FurryMUCK: Elyria says, "hey everyone!!! zorin + cat_woman are getting hitched!!!!!!!!" Zorin BLYNX??! You purr, "who said that??!" Fre'ta softly growls, "that" Fre'ta softly growls, "that" Fre'ta softly growls, "that" Fre'ta said that! :) Jamen-Riit arghs at Fre'ta. "THAT . . .was evil." Trinket applauds happyhappy WEDDING! Whenwhen???? ( Thats news to him, it looks like! ) --- A long time ago, FurryMUCK: Found this one while browsing through old logs. Probably sometime in 97 or 98: Zorin shouts "last biology lab, I stuck a finger in my nose, and deposited some of the stuff on an agar petri dish. This week, there was an impressive bacterial culture on it." (Public-shout) --> Blaze pages, "on your finger?" to you. Cheeta shouts "No, that's just an undergrad who passed out." (Public-shout) ---- 08/21/2001, FluffMUCK: I've been in a goofy mood lately. Dunno why. }:) You pull HAMBURGLAR outta the air. You take a bite of HAMBURGLAR, savoring its flavor. There's still some left. Zorin mmmms. You take a bite of HAMBURGLAR, savoring its flavor. There's still a little bit left. You take a bite of HAMBURGLAR, savoring its flavor, finishing it. Zorin mmmm, annoying cartoon character. Louis says, "Thank Zorin." Louis says, "Now please work on Ronald." You pull a half-eaten, bloody Ronald McDonald outta the air. You throw a half-eaten, bloody Ronald McDonald to Leonel. Louis says, "..." Louis aahahahaahahahaa Rela cracks up klaughing! Louis falls over giggling Rela yips, "Poor leonel" Ranna..? Louis says, "Poor Leo" Ranna yerfs, "Wot?" Leonel shouts "Gets a 'nice' surprise from Zorin and screams in horror!!!" (Public-shout) Kataki tips the pizza guy. (Public-pose) ---- 8/19/2001, FluffMUCK: JewishGuest shouts "Who would like to meet me in real life?" (Public-shout) Rela shouts "Am I allowed to bring a high powered rifle with a scope and meet you from a few hundred yards?" (Public-shout) ---- 08/16/2001 Someone relayed me this rather amusing description. Source unknown, and the name was blanked out to protect the guilty, but.... [Name] is a man and he is a very hansome and manly man.He likes women a lot and women like him too but men think he is compitishion.He has very long brown shiny hair everywhere and a little blue eyes that are mostly green but very hansome anywya.You can tell a lot of things from his eyes.He has a very big bulge in his jeans where the dick would be and it is not a sock because it makes all women almost orgasm with desire.Behind him is a very firm muscled ass that makes you want to slap it and play with it in lots of ways but only if your a women.If you are a man you will die if you touch it because [Name] is strong and very not Gay.If you are a women he winks and smiles at you and thinks you have a nice personality.If you are a man again he frowns at you and it makes you not hit on him or on any women when hes here.He likes lots of women very much and likes very few men but not as boyfriends.And he has a shitr which is nice and blue.I mean shirt sorry. 'Nuff said... ---- 07/24/2001, FurryMUCK: [unixgeeks] Zorin notices one of our servers has 641M free memory. Sheesh. [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "Memory: 1024M real, 641M free, 2048M swap free" [unixgeeks] Natasha_Nelson says, "What I'm wondering is what in the world is taking up the other 383MB." [unixgeeks] Nezumi says, "Cache? X? Netscape? =)" [unixgeeks] Zorin says, "pr0n!!" [unixgeeks] Jihad says, "The idea is that you keep all of the porn loaded into RAM so that you can access it as needed in less than 8 ns. That 83MB right there is Jenna Jameson." [unixgeeks] Mikhael says, "Jenna Jameson? Too skinny. I keep all my Chloe Vevrier in RAM. ;)" ---- 07/20/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] TriGem says, "Also, stormfront, arent you also the same dragon people have drawn pictures of with like two telephone pole sized penis', and mamaries the size of basketballs that not even the Harlem Globtrotters would play with? If I'm wrong I apologize, but I'm just trying to make a mental clarifacation for myself here." [public] Stormfront says, "Yes, I am Trigem." ---- 06/27/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Alendria says, "Me? Nothing. anything I ever want to talk about is shat upon. why bother talking about anythign I give a rat's ass about. I mgiht as well just talk about group apathy." [public] Singe says, "Perhaps, Alendria, try talking about what OTHER people "want to talk about" :)" [public] Alendria says, "You mean how many cocks Merry has sucked or what kind of sea life fEk wants to rape, or the size of Triggur's anus, or Genn/thalesin's drivel about their polysexual affairs? WHO CARES? It doesn't make any of you any more special than ooooh. Gender issues, and it's every bit as tedious to listen to." ---- 06/19/2001, FurryMUCK: I love Jihad's reactions to various things: [public] Wyldekyttin rolls over on her back, batting wide, innocent eyes...okay, they're as innocent as she can manage, work with me here. [public] Zorin =^O.O^=.. "Ky00tkitty!!" and pounces Wyldekyttin. [public] Wyldekyttin laughs and tickles Zorin. [public] Jihad refuses to be involved in ANY of this. ---- 05/21/2000, FluffMUCK: Zorin shouts "Anyone ever type @list $nothing ? hehe." (Public-shout) Rebelle shouts "Someone got over-hyped." (Public-shout) Nekura shouts "Its so simple yet so useful.. everything is linked to do nothing. Its the perfect program." (Public-shout) Orpheus shouts "@villageidiots, "What does it do?"" (Public-shout) Matrices shouts "who's Milva? and what exactly does the "Zorin" "Milva" strcat pop have to do with nothing? Aieeee my head will exploooode! *plap*" (Public-shout) Yadyn shouts "Uh oh, leave it to good 'ole Fluff Veteran Yadyn to explain who Milva is. Does no one remember that fluffy skunkie? Hum." (Public-shout) Rebelle shouts "The do-nothing program has a lot in common with Zorin. }:> It thinks of Zorin, then it thinks of Milva. Then it thinks of Zorin and Milva back together. Then it goes blank for a long time. ;>" (Public-shout) Orpheus shouts "I love this place. I'm confused so often." (Public-shout) Zorin shouts "Even more confusing is how a program that does nothing can be used for something. Don't worry, it'll come to you. }:)" (Public-shout) ---- 05/09/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Triggur's not doing it because, well, y'know, horsies are MUCH cuter. [public] Zorin says, "I'm sorry, but horses can't even begin to compare with cats when it comes to cuteness. It's like comparing a tricycle to an F-15E Strike Eagle speed-wise.. or an RC car motor and one of those motors used in water pumping stations when it comes to output power.." [public] Triggur tickets Zorin for inappropriate and bizarre analogies, and fines him $50. ---- 3/29/2001, FurryMUCK: Note, you have to have seen the movie "The Langoliers" to get this: [public] Scotfox watches Stephen King's 'The Langoliers' on the Sci-Fi network. I'm watching it with morbid fascination. Has anyone else seen this? Does it have a point? [public] Crissa says, "Yes. No. :)" [public] Zorin says, "I've seen it a few times. Very bizarre flick. Very, very bizarre. Stephen King is quite the whacko. }:)" [public] Scotfox says, "I mean, wow. Somehow it fills up two two-hour timeslots, and nothing really seems to happen, except Pac-Man gets ticked off." ---- 03/31/2001, FluffMUCK: I was just idling innocently in the park. When this happened: Uravia emerges from a cloud of gently swirling, multicolored fluffs. Uravia presses some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and Button: I'm an authorized blonde and I have an excuse! comes out. Uravia yiffs Uravia! Uravia laugh at Uravia Uravia has disconnected. A soft glow surrounds Uravia's sleeping body and she vanishes. Uravia has left. At this point I realized how glad I am that I ain't an administrative wizard there anymore. }:) ---- 03/05/2001, FurryMUCK: [public] Sarusa says, "Goddamnit, Brenda, I order horny foxgirls, and I just keep getting these horny catgirls. This is the worst service I've ever had!" [public] Zorin hands Sarusa a forwarding stamp. "Stamp your catgirls and send them back to the mailroom. They'll know what to do." [public] Sarusa says, "I have RUN the diagnostics, and these are definitely not vixens you have sent me." [public] Zorin says, "Yes, but I have a cat compatible interface at my location. If you send the catgirls here, I will be able to service them properly and produce useful data." [public] Merry says, ""service them" "properly"?" [public] Merry LOOMs over Zorin. [public] Sarusa says, "These are not vixens! I hate the 'public' community!" [public] Zorin says, "Yes, as opposed to improper servicing which can result in customer dissatisfaction." ---- 03/01/2001, FluffMUCK: Akai shouts "Would you like some tasty valium or perhaps the splendor of my erect cock?" (Public-shout) Spiff shouts "the splendor of your erect cock is nothing compared to the might of an enraged ferret!" (Public-shout) Jade pulls her head out of Akai's pants. "I beg to differ." (Public-pose) Yadyn shouts "Oh my." (Public-shout) 'Nuff said. ---- 12/26/2000 - FurryMUCK: Watch Jihad in this conversation: [windowshelp] Zorin says, "Also, a lot of keyboard makers have gotten rid of that precious space over the top row of keys. It makes a great minishelf for pens, screws and other frequently accessed small objects." [windowshelp] Jihad says, "... *stare*" [windowshelp] Vulpis likes the lighter keyboard, actually. His only real complaint is that the folding legs that are supposed to put it at an angle are too d*** short... [windowshelp] Captain says, "This MS Natural Pro keyboard is fairly hefty, as far as current keyboards go, but it's not that sturdy...." [windowshelp] Zorin says, "This is my desk at work. Note extensive use of the keyboard minishelf:" [windowshelp] Vulpis nods to Captain..."Indeed...I mean, it's already bent, out of the box.. ;-) [windowshelp] Zorin says, "Does anyone else have that Schim Schimmel mousepad? I know one other furry that has one. }:)" [windowshelp] Vulpis says, "Never heard of it." [windowshelp] Jihad says, "merrrrrrrrdddddeeeeee" [windowshelp] Vulpis notes that his current mouse pad has a cute little kitten wearing cat-shaped shades--he got it as a present last year with a matching calender. [windowshelp] Jihad says, "could this conversation GET any more trivial? :>" [windowshelp] Zorin says, "I bet my mousepad is ky00ter than yours, Vulpis. }:)" [windowshelp] Zorin says, "It's in that picture I mentioned earlier." ---- 12/06/2000 - FluffMUCK: Marsupilami says, "I thought Satyrs were mal-- err, Nevermind." iLeah snirf.. you're a failed Disney mascot and you're harping on satyrs being male? :) iLeah muses, "I don't think you're in any position to quibble, here." Marsupilami scratches his head.. "Uhhh..." --- 11/24/2000 - FluffMUCK: Jigglypuff shouts "You all suck!" (Public-shout) Prototype shouts "I've been insulted by a jigglypuff. My ego is soaring." (Public-shout) --- 11/12/2000, FluffMUCK: ACME Matter Generators are so much fun... Aversia presses some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and hotdog topped with onions, bits of string, tabasco sauce, nuclear bombs, various war-torn countries, Bill Clinton's tie, Al Gore, wood, glue, florida (and all votes contained within), a voodoo chicken, comets, aversia, microsoft, basketball, money, the hot dog vendor, leslie, ketchup, mulder and scully, fluffMUCK, my second-grade english teacher, macadam, spuds, the midnight moon, and a BMW Beetle. comes out. Yoshi whaps Aversia! Aversia pat-pats Yoshi understandably. Nolan start overs, "That sounds like it's gonna cause gas" Yoshi looks at Aversia in confusion. You miaow, "Aversia, don't even think of eating that here. }:)" Zorin ROTFL. Ranna kicks you in the butt. Yoshi LAUGHS! --- 10/29/2000, FurryMUCK: Tikki purrs, "9 out of 7 mathematicians define 'recursion' as a process in which 9 out of 7 mathematicians define 'recursion' as a process in which 9 out of 7 m athematicians define 'recursion' as a process in which 9 out of 7 mathmaticians. .... The other -2 mathematicians say the entire thing is silly and leave the roo m, only to be pulled under the ground and devoured by giant beetles." --- 11/07/2000, FurryMUCK: This was forwarded to me by Brenda: Qgar shouts, "pink donut?" (Public-shout channel public) Brenda shouts, "Yet another fun name for the sphincter. }:)" (Public-shout channel public) Phyxis shouts, "Tender rose?" (Public-shout channel public) Merry flutters her eyelashes at Brenda's "pink donut" (Public-pose channel public) Brenda's pink donut puckers up and makes kissy-kissy noises at Merry. (Public-pose channel public) Merry pees!!!! (Public-pose channel public) Merry shouts, "You have INCREDIBLE control Brenda." (Public-shout channel public) Brenda *WINKS* at Merry, as one final display of control. (Public-pose channel public) --- 10/25/2000, FurryMUCK: Mizuko beeps, "How do you 'untar' something? And do you do that before or after unfeathering? n.n" --- 10/11/2000, FurryMUCK: Alendria shouts "Let's change subjects. I had the most frightening/f***ed up dream last night. Bill Gates built a mansion next door to me and I went over to visit him and we started having sex and he had titties cause he said 'he liked em'. I think I'm going to avoid sleeping for a while." (Public-shout Channel bafur) Thalesin shouts "Alendria What drugs have you been taking :P" (Public-shout Channel bafur) Alendria shouts "If I knew, I'd stop." (Public-shout Channel bafur) Alendria shouts "YOu do NOT want to visualize bill gates with tits, trying to ram his tongue down your throat. Trust me." (Public-shout Channel bafur) Chirik shouts "Thank you Alendria, that'll be enough for today. ;-)" (Public-shout Channel bafur) Thumper shouts "TOO LATE! *blood curdling scream*" (Public-shout Channel bafur) Thalesin shouts "Your really a very sick person Alendria. I wonder what Freud would say about that one."" (Public-shout Channel bafur) --- 10/04/2000, FurryMUCK: fEk shouts "You should have trained the giant cockroaches to form a watertight suit around you. :)" (Public-shout Channel public) Merry shouts "Would you want giant cockroaches to form a watertight suit around you, fEk?" (Public-shout Channel public) Brenda ers atta Merry, "You're asking _fEk_?" }:) (Public-pose Channel public) ... Zorin destroys the roaches with his phenomenal cosmic powers. }:) (Public-pose Channel public) Brenda stuffs Zorin back into his iiiitty bitty living space. (Public-pose Chan nel public) Zorin shouts "My foot of doom takes care of them quickly and cleanly." (Public- shout Channel public) Foxworthy hands Zorin a ticked for Anti-Metricism. "That's 'My meter of doom.'" (Public-pose Channel public) --- 09/21/2000, FurrMUCK: "The lion may lay down with the lamb, but it doesn't go down on the lamb." --Beelzebub --- 08/25/2000, FurToonia: PatchO'Black churrs, "I tried to tune Zorin in to get rid of his static, and he changed back to a lynxie." --- 08/21/2000, FluffMUCK: Les shouts "This looks like a job for.. The Effeminate Ninja!!" (Public-shout) Nekura shouts "Oh my god." (Public-shout) Miles shouts "Jesus Christ! Did you HAVE to invent that character?!?" (Public-shout) --- 08/20/2000, FluffMUCK: I found this huge warning at the beginning of a popular MUF program. I certainly feel Mystique should apply at Microsoft. Her attitude will fit in well over there. }:) Not to mention the paranoia. Remember that this is program for which no fee is charged. I had a few run-ins with Mystique. When some code of hers was ported to FluffMUCK without her permission in the mid-to-late 90s, she came down on me like an Anvil on Plucky Duck. (obscure references FTW!) I should have banned her annoying, rude ass from my server, but I was too shy back then. Pity. Hereafter: 1. Mystique will be referred to as the Author. 2. Control is ownership of said item, able to change, manipulate, replace or remove without exterior assistance. 3. Authorities are those who maintain, operate and govern the usage of the muck within and outside of the virtual environment. This includes the title Wizard. Terms of Usage: 1. Use of this program is by permission of the Author ONLY. 2. NO editing or cross-muck transfers [known as porting] of this program are allowed. Those who do so, are committing the act of Piracy, punishable under local laws. 3. The Author must be of verifiable, connectable presence and in Control of this program during ALL usage. If this program is removed from the Author's Control, all of it's operation WILL be terminated immediately. 4. NO muck shall operate this program without the consent of the Author. Doing so, circumvents all muck policies, AUP or legislation [on any media] regarding restriction of legal obligations and places all muck Authorities in the act of Theft, punishable by local laws. 5. This program does NOT apply to any policies which require replacements found prior to shutdown. If this program is to be replaced, it remains in Control OF the Author, until a replacement IS found. The Author retains the right to shutdown this program at any time. 6. Muck Authorities must adhere to all of the above policies or the Author maintains the rights to remove this program at any time, without warning. 7. The Author requires that the characters Slipstream or Lynx [or variants there of], are *NOT* of official embodiment [known as Wizard or Authorities]. If said become such, this program's operation will be TERMINATED and removed, until such time when they are not. 8. The Author retains the right to maintain, change or replace this program at any time without restrictions. --- 08/13/2000, FluffMUCK: Mav shouts "I love the moment when I have worn my underpants long enough when they just suddenly feel like they are a part of me." (Public-shout) Rodent shouts "EWWWWWWWWWWW. Never share anything like that again." (Public-shout) Miles shouts "...and smell like a part, too." (Public-shout) GC shouts "You haven't worn your underwear for a long time until the it's yellow, and not from excretions." (Public-shout) --- 08/06/2000 - SPR BigSpots shouts "Wow! I was just taking a dump, and this really long turd came out.. I mean, it must have been a foot long or more! The funny thing is, though.. you know that hole in the bottom of the toilet where the crap goes out when you flush? The turd slinked neatly into that hole and disappeared! I didn't even have to flush! It was an awe inspiring experience. I am enlightened. It was the most perfect dump I've ever taken!" (Public-shout) Aguara shouts "Now that you've reached that high point in your life you can die happy. So kill yourself." (Public-shout) Butthead shouts "Uhh.. Heheheh... Beavis, is that you?" (Public-shout) --- 08/06/2000 - FurryMUCK Brenda quotes: "The computer allows you to make mistakes faster than any other invention known to man, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila." --Some Quote At Triggur's Desk }:) (Public-pose Channel public) --- 08/05/2000 - FluffMUCK: I @shouted something about MP3's, then I ran off to the restroom, and returned to find this: --> [= Incoming message :: From Rajah @ 5:44pm; to you =] "Got any U2? =>" --> [= Incoming message :: From Rajah @ 5:46pm; to you =] Rajah pishes and puts you on ignore. Brat. u.u Ignore message for Rajah: Sorry, that isn't gonna happen. WTF? She asks for something and then page #ignores me? I doubt she's gonna get very far in life. (Or find the U2 she's looking for...) --- 08/03/2000 - FurryMUCK: Caspian dresses up Brenda in a poorly constructed male fox costume and tries to pass her off as himself. (Public-pose Channel public) Brenda shouts "Blah blah blah UNIX! Blah yadda yadda evil corporations blah open source! Blah blah Bill Gate yackity yackity blah Devil!" (Public-shout Channel public) Brenda gives yt the ol' college try. }:) (Public-pose Channel public) Molly_Devil shouts "Hey! You're stealing dialogue!" (Public-shout Channel public) Caspian points out that he doesn't give a flaming flip about 'open source'. It's 'free software'. (Public-pose Channel public) --- 08/02/2000 - FurryMUCK: Revar shouts "Hmm. You know, I bet someone could sell a PC nowadays, with a tiny Linux kernel, that boots into a program emulating an Amiga at about 10x original speed, and make a prophet." (Public-shout Channel public) Triggur shouts "What would that prophet say?" (Public-shout Channel public) Antonio shouts "You could call it Amigux." (Public-shout Channel public) fEk shouts "Behold my bouncing ball glory." (Public-shout Channel public) Revar shouts "Guru Meditation Error, of course." (Public-shout Channel public) Mephitekstasis shouts "Why? the AmigaONE is gonna have a 1ghz processor" (Public-shout Channel public) Triggur shouts "*rimshot*" (Public-shout Channel public) --- 07/13/2000, FurryMUCK: Zorin shouts "Say you want to emulate a squirrel. You'd give the computer the entire DNA code of a squirrel, and the machine would emulate it from fertilized ovum to adult. But to do that you'd have to emulate the universe on a pretty basic level.." (Public-shout Channel public) Alexandrvs shouts "And why do it, Zorin? Just use a squirrel. They're cheap." (Public-shout Channel public) --- 07/02/2000, FluffMUCK This is a classic. I guess you just had to be there... Scruffy wonders if he should distribute the beanie babies evenly between monitors. Caspian O_o Caspian mrrs, "You TRULY have too much time to waste." -- 6/26/2000, FluffMUCK: BusterBunny shouts "I want Lilith to be my love slave." (Public-shout) Ryo shouts "You want every female to be your love slave" (Public-shout) Lilith wants BusterBunny in a blender. (Public-pose) Maui staples Buster to the bottom of a lake. (Public-pose) Inada shoves pointy, icey objects in Busterorifices. (Public-pose) Rieshal hmms and has the perfect woman for Buster. :) (Public-pose) BusterBunny shouts "Rieshal the perv strikes again" (Public-shout) Inada shouts "She's plastic, isn't she?" (Public-shout) Lilith's really male, Buster. (Public-pose) Mav shouts "More of a latex rubber." (Public-shout) ----------- 6/16/2000, FluffMUCK This is an ACTUAL PAGE #MAIL I received from a Guest: Guest3 (3 days ago at 7:01:39pm) im waiting on your bed for you Uhmm.. No thanks. }:) --- 5/21/2000, FluffMUCK Zorin shouts "Ich bin flockiges kitty dieses Gleiche zum purrr und cuddle viel. Meow." (Public-shout) Delta shouts "Either Zorin just told someone to die, or he's hitting on them..." (Public-shout) Hyzenthlay shouts "Something about a kitty. and Diesel Fuel. and Cuddle." (Public-shout) --- 5/13/2000, FluffMUCK. I thought this was humorous: Vain hisses, "Zorin just the person I was looking for" Vain hisses, "Zorin how can I get a home on Celeste" Vain hisses, "or are you a diffrent zorin" You mew, "I'm zorin's evil twin brother Zorin." Vain hisses, "oh no!" Vain hisses, "Drat!! Im trying to get a home on the Celest and I need to talk to zorin...I guess Ill wait till hes on" --- 04/28/2000, Fluff Park: Allistar just has.. very small yiffing tendencies. Allistar 0_o at Taty. Allistar :/ Delta says, "Eww, I don't care how small 'it' is. Go away. ~_~" Starion purrrrowrrrrs adorably, "How small what ys?" Allistar purrs, "Delta.." Allistar purrs, "What my yiffing tendencies are, Starion" Tatyana says, "His penis, Starion" Robot covers Starion's ears. Allistar purrs, "Taty: o_0" Tatyana huggles Delta! Zorin falls over ROTFLHAO!!!! Allistar purrs, "I wasn't talking about 'that' Delta and Taty." --- 04/09/2000, FluffMUCK, in the park: Ileah asks, "Oh, no, Zorin? I shoulda picked up the card of the place for you." Ileah peers at Nekura. Shove you up your own butthole? Well, if you really WANT... Nekura says, "Seriously I have much money." Inada hands Ileah the dildocicle. "Here you go." Nekura is a high roller. ( Nekura jumps into his ass and vanishes! ) Ileah snickers Nekura says, "Sometimes I wish I could do that in the middle of class" Ileah exclaims, "he pulled his foreskin over his head and vanished up his ass!" Nekura says, "Just go into my own ass and pop out of existance." Zorin ROTFL. Looks like it's quote file time again... Nekura says, "Seriously" Ileah oohs at Inada! I saw a print at CF of a vixen cuddling an ice dildo between her breasts and licking it. :) Nekura says, "..." Glint didn't want to see that. Really. Nekura is not crazy! Nekura walks up to Glint and suddenly tries to enter his own ass. --- 04/06/2000, SPR: InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "And remember, the "Big" in my name doesn't only apply to my spots!" InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "You have big ovaries?" InterCom> Zorin ROTFLHAO! Quote file time. }:) InterCom> Benjamin lifts BS's tail. "Damned big butt--..." InterCom> Mav has been using the same dentle floss for the last three months. InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "I've been using the same underwear for the past 12 months!" InterCom> Zed_Omega says, "..." InterCom> Rath charks, "Bigspots, I was kidding." InterCom> BigSpots snaps his fingers. "Damn!" InterCom> Mav meant the same package... not the same piece. InterCom> Rath charks, "Bigspots, I was kidding. I wouldn't yiff you with Mav's dick. You stink." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Come on, I hear there's furries that'll yiff anything that moves and has fur. I move, I have fur.. Bring it on!" InterCom> Geia speaks, "Especially wif year old undies on." InterCom> Sorsha doesnt wear undies! InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Yeah.. You know how skid marks appear? Mine are BLACK..." InterCom> Azrael doesn't think too many people would wear underwear either, if they were around Sorsha. Not that it'd make so great a difference.. InterCom> Roc vomits, now. InterCom> Morrigan mrrs softly, "hrms" [I connected at this point, wanting to see what was going on, my log continues here] InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "Go away you dumb unwanted prick" InterCom> Azrael says quietly, "BigSpots, I must kill you now." InterCom> Geia speaks, "Fer once, I agree wif Sorsha. Go take a shower, n' put on fresh undies, ya slob!" InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Hey, it's true!" InterCom> Sorsha tosses Bigspots a thong and a soap on a roap. InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "rope" InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Awww, but I was getting attached to my skid.. It even flakes now and then. If you see a brown trail behind me, now you know what it is!" InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "Now, even I am grossed out" InterCom> Azrael says quietly, "Man, that is getting *really* nasty." InterCom> Geia speaks, "Yeah, it is." InterCom> Azrael proceeds to bludgeon Spots to death. InterCom> Rath charks, "int :yums." InterCom> Rath charks, "eh." InterCom> Azrael whaps Rath too. InterCom> Rath charks, "Bigspots, I've changed my mind. I'll yiff you now." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Ow. Hey. Stoppit. You'll ruin my skid! Ahhh *SPLOOSH*" InterCom> Morrigan dumps a big whiskey barrel full of soap on BigSpots InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "Yeah, Rath likes to have a bitch" InterCom> Rath charks, "You are so beautifly disgusting." InterCom> BigSpots meeowws, "Why thank you. I try!" InterCom> Rath charks, "Yeah, ok. I'm still not yiffing you." InterCom> BigSpots snaps again. "D'oh!" InterCom> Azrael says quietly, "I'm available for bludgeoning you to death every hour on the half-hour, however, if you really want it. ;)" InterCom> Geia speaks, "He belongs on the CDC biohazard list." InterCom> BigSpots gives Sorsha a big HUG, and patpats everyone. "I gotta split anyway. My player needs to go." He splits into two BigSpots' and they both walk off in opposite directions. "I'll consider it, Azrael!" --- 03/30/2000, SPR: BigSpots starts to groom himself and yicks. "I just took a shower two days ago! Why do I taste like crap?" Nick doesn't comment Nezumi petitions for freedom! (Public-pose) Qwert soiled your pants, BigSpots Deianira shouts "petitions for castration!" (Public-shout) BigSpots petitions for more of my kind to come from Fleeblebrox and take up residence here! (Public-pose) Zorin petitions for better orbital defense systems should that happen. (Public-pose) Sorsha shoves Bigspots into the shower. Acy petitions for someone to drop The Bomb on Zorin. :) (Public-pose) BigSpots sings in the shower.. "o/~ I'm so yiffy yes I am! err.." he stops singing momentarily. "Wanna join me, Sorsha?" he says in a suggestive tone... Sorsha shakes her head, shutting the shower door. BigSpots meeowws, "Awww, come on!" BigSpots meeowws, "I'm all wet and sticky. It'd be great!" Qwert shouts irrelevantly (Public-pose) Sorsha giggles and shakes. --- 03/29/2000, FurryMUCK: Page #mail from Yoshi: Yoshi (Today at 10:47:45PM) -- On Mon Mar 20, Ichnobate said: > Did I mention to you that you could suck the shit out of my asshole? Clean your muzzle afterwards on the paper 12 is written on One spacing error, one missing period, and one non-sequitir. --- 03/19/2000, SPR: This comment just came right out of the blue. No context. }:) InterCom> Chandelle purrs, "Do you use the same corn pads your grandmother used?" --- 03/11/2000, FurryMUCK: Blaze shouts "lots of things ran on Z-80s. Most of them are pretty useless." (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) ... Skippy shouts "Twenty years from now: "Lots of things ran on Intel chips. Most of them are pretty useless."" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) --- 03/05/2000 - FluffMUCK Akai shouts "The opossum will slurp anyone who approaches him. The opossum does not care about race, creed, or gender. The opossum is an equal opportunity slurper. Bad credit? No problem, the opossum will slurp you. There are three things that are unavoidable in this world: death, taxes, and being slurped by the opossum. However, death and taxes do not get worse every time Congress offers the opossum an onion sandwich." (Public-shout) --- 03/05/2000 - SPR The character Ami was wearing this button: BUTTON : No, I'm not wearing that ridiculous outfit, and no, I'm not gonna play with bubbles. Besides, mercury's carcinogenic. If you don't get it, too bad. };) --- 03/02/2000, FluffMUCK: Zorin shouts "Be afraid." (Public-shout) Jaquel shouts "My eyes! *.*" (Public-shout) ( SCREAM!* I can still see it when I shut my eyes! ) (Public-spoof) Mav shouts "Hmmm it won't load. Lucky me?" (Public-shout) Louis chokes and dies. (Public-pose) Lestat shouts "It looks like a pink pile of poop with eyes......" (Public-shout) (In the event that the URL doesn't work anymore: It's a big fuzzy pink floofy thing that is sickeningly cute.) --- 02/22/2000, Furtoonia: Zorin pulls out a crystal wand thingie and lifts it high in the air, and yells, "Moon Prism Power, ACTIVATE!" And absolutely nothing happens. "Dangit, I was hoping to end up in a cool Sailor Suit with some magical powers or something. I feel cheated. I hope that guy who sold me this thing gives me a refund..." (Public-pose) Scare sells tapes of Zorin trying to use the wand and makes a small fortune. And doesn't give a refund for the wand either. (Public-pose) --- 02/20/2000, FluffMUCK Brightie oy veys, "Another piece of my childhood flushed down the toilet of life.." --- 02/19/2000, FluffMUCK Windwatcher reserves the right to comment whenever someone is blatantly looking for a hole to play 'hide-the-sausage' in. --- 02/18/2000, FurToonia: Dusty shouts "braaaaaiiiinnnssssss" (Public-shout) Flash shouts "Of which you have none." (Public-shout) --- 2/18/2000, FluffMUCK I wasn't there for this, but it belongs here anyway. }:) Sometimes idiots connect as Guests. Such people are fun to let stick around for a while, because they're so hilariously stupid: (Quote courtesy of Brandon@FluffMUCK) Guest3 intones, "guest 2 is the one who hacked this server" Guest3 intones, "he was using aol" Brandon says, "He hacked into the guest account?" Brandon says, "Gee, Zorin shouldn't leave the guest username and password on the title screen so carelessly." Guest3 intones, "yes" Mackenzie laughs. Guest3 intones, "thats why aolers are no longer allowed" --- 2/2/2000, FluffMUCK, in the park. A lot of silly, spammy spoofing was going on, and it was annoying me somewhat. So I decided on revenge: ( Disembodied Voice says, "No, I just strongly dislike you." ) ( ....yes....i do..... ) ( hey, I'M the Voice! ) ( Hah. ) ( Double hah. ) ( Hah Hah? ) ( Triple hah. ) ( quadruple hah. ) Zorin rubs his ears. "These spoofs are driving me nuts.." ( You can't Quadruple hah. You'd explode. ) Akai cuddles you! ( Quintuple hah. ) Akai beefs, "I started it, I'm afraid. But I quit a long time ago." Action created with number #21989 and attached to Zorin(#9293PWBJX). Action linked to do-nothing.muf(#82FLM3). <-- I started setting up revenge.. ( sextuple hah. ) Message set. Message set. ( Shh! zorin, you like them! ) Action re-attached. <--- I finish setting up my revenge... Zorin snaps his fingers. Jessup tries to spoof "must we stop?" but it backfires. [ If you're curious, the spoofer still sees a spoof, but others get that alternate message which reveals them. ] Kathleen tries to spoof "Octuple hah. I don't know how to say seven that way." but it backfires. Jessup tries to spoof "septuple hah, kathleen" but it backfires. Iria smirks. Zorin makes an innocent face and nuzzles Tiffany. Akai beefs, "Heh." Kathleen tries to spoof "Ten trillion times hah!" but it backfires. Iria says, "Zorin? Innocent? HAH!" Akai beefs, "Sheesh... Kathleen. You should just go maim yourself, now." Akai cuddles Jessup! Jessup mmms hapily, wrapping her tail 'round the cuddler and cuddling back. Kathleen tries to spoof "Infinite hahs!" but it backfires. Jessup noses Akai! Tiffany blinkers, and idlynuzzles Zorin back. "Ky00tie kitty.." Kathleen tries to spoof "Kathleen? Who's Kathleen?" but it backfires. Akai nibbles onna nose. Iria says, "Kathleen...we can see you spoofing...stop it. :p" Zorin smirks. ( };) ) Akai tries to spoof "Are you just dense, or do you not realize that's happening?" but it backfires. Akai beefs, "Oh, that's just bloody wrong, Zorin." Akai wonders... Kathleen says, "Ah, you're no fun. >:[" Akai tries to spoof "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" but it backfires. You mew, "I had to. Things were getting too silly." Zorin baps Akai. "Keep it clean.." Akai beefs, "Heh! Didn't censor me! Didn't have to, but..." Iria hehs. [ I nuked the spooftrap shortly after. Oddly enough, it worked. The number of spoofs dropped considerably from that point on. }:) ] --- 01/30/2000, FurryMUCK: Ahh yes. Post Superbowl shouts... Pygar hollers, "War has rules!" (Public-pose Channel public) Blaze shouts "It's like the idea of 'out of bounds'. Football fields are too small. They should allow play anywhere in the stadium." (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "If the quarterback thinks he can take a shortcut thru a service corridor behind the concession stand, let him." (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "Out of Bounds can be discouraged with broken glass, guard dogs, or punjii sticks." (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "many of the players should be used to barbed wire and guard dogs already." (Public-shout Channel public) Pygar hollers, "And hiding the ball should be allowed. If the full back can stick it up his $#@%^& and run to the endzone, then so bit!" (Public-pose Channel public) Blaze shouts "I agree." (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "altho, I think if he could do it, his gait would be pretty distinctive." (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "and I can imagine what his 'spiking' the ball might look like." (Public-shout Channel public) Pygar blows a whistle and throws a yellow hankie at Blaze, "Roughing the Audience". (Public-pose Channel public) Blaze shouts "and another thing. The ball needs to be heavier." (Public-shout Channel public) Cinnibar shouts "You realize that Blaze would love the old BloodBowl game? Only rule (enforced by crossbow weidling imps) is 'no edged weapons'" (Public-shout Channel public) Blaze shouts "my next suggestionw as spiky bitz on uniforms./" (Public-shout Channel public) Cinnibar shouts "You're just jealous because your team has to stop playing when they die. :X)" (Public-shout Channel public) ------- 01/30/2000, FurToonia: Zorin once saw a male vixen. It was scary. Mmmnfnmnm says, "A vixen's business isn't to have the dangly bits!" You purr, "Yeah, she generally receives dangly bits." Mmmnfnmnm says, "They are not dangly when she recieves them." You purr, "Well, hopefully not..." Mmmnfnmnm says, "If they are, she has internal mechanisms to fix that." ---- 1/27/2000, on Fluff: Brightie snrks, "My dog is humping me." Candy feels Akai's chest. Ooh. Nekura says, "Beastiality Brightie?" You mew, "You better make him stop before he makes a mess..." Nekura says, "Exactly where is the dog humping?" Brightie mrowls, "She." Brightie smirks, "SHE. o.o" Nekura says, "oh." You meow, "Now THAT'S freaky." Nekura says, "ok" Brightie snrks, "I know." You mewmewmew, "What does she expect to accomplish? }:)" Akai beefs, "You're having a lesbian encounter with your dog?" ---- 12/9/1999, FurryMUCK: Starscream shouts "I have gotten a lot of response from all of you about the new aquisition of FurryMUCK by the Decepticons and the renaming to New Cybertron and we have formed a comittee to deal with this. They will be visiting each and every one of you to get your opinions and then filter out the people who don't agree by instant extermination. We are always pleased to act on your opinions and will look forward to providing you, our constituants, with further services in the future to serve the greater good of New Cybertron. >:) Good day." (Public-shout Channel public) Kragnos shouts "OKay...I am now taking requests for what shape we should smash the little metalic piece of camel dung into. Any ideas?" (Public-shout Channel public) Qgar shouts "Starscream is a stupidhead, and he #ignored me, so he can't even hear me make fun of him. What a stupidhead!" (Public-shout Channel public) Qgar shouts "I bet Starscream curls up in bed and looks at his ass, and asks it, am I cool? Please tell me I'm not a stupidhead!" (Public-shout Channel public) Starscream shouts "I am NOT amused! Unicron shot me into space once already and it was NOT pleasant! >:)" (Public-shout Channel public) Qgar shouts "Starscream sure wouldn't be amused if his ass told him that yes, he's a stupidhead! But only you and I know this, Starscream doesn't!" (Public-shout Channel public) --- 11/27/1999, SPR: Kayman whaps Michelle on the head with a rolled up newspaper, "What have I told you? Get back to your seat, Michelle. We'll be starting fingerpainting soon. And stop eating that paste." (Public-pose) Zorin shouts "Standard procedure. You only whap cats with rolled up newspaper. Not skunks. For skunks, you used a rolled up issue of "Maximum PC". That is the law, and the law is that. *gavel sound*" (Public-shout) Ivanfur shouts "Whats the penalty fur whapping Zorin with the gavel ? :)" (Public-shout) Kayman whaps Zorin with the gavel, to find out. (Public-pose) Zorin ows. "Gavel's are hurtie." He falls over on his face, his tail sticking straight up. (Public-pose) Kayman points and laughs. (Public-pose) Henry logs on to see that then crawls back under a rock o.o (Public-pose) Valden hmmms, "Y'know I can't get enough looking at fuzzballs with their tails straight up..." (Public-pose) --- 11/27/99, FluffMUCK: InterCom> Mav clanks in with two peg legs and two eye patches, "I pirate software." (I found this one especially hilarious because of the way people talk about software "piracy", as if it were equally as bad as piracy on the high seas. }:) ) --- A post on slashdot, 11/26/99 Well, no shit! "What bedtime story would you like today, little Amy? Another chapter of The Phantom Tollbooth, or net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c?" ... "So the packet went back to the firewall, knocked on the door, and said 'Mr. firewall, I have a SYN bit now, may I come in?' 'What port do you want?' said the firewall. 'Port 23' said the packet. 'Get lost!' said the firewall again, and once again booted him all the way back to the source host with an ICMP reject in his ear. Well! The poor little packet was very upset... -- John M - personal message for you on my Web page. --- 11/22/1999, FurryMUCK: Zorin shouts "Imagine a force sensitive keyboard. It has one key. What character is generated depends on how hard you hit it." (Public-shout Channel public) Yoshi shouts "Ewww." (Public-shout Channel public) Bobby shouts "how... charmingly useless.." (Public-shout Channel public) Modemac shouts "Also depends on what body part hits it - fingers, fist, or head." (Public-shout Channel public) Greyfeather shouts "You could add vectors to it for unicode, too." (Public-shout Channel public) ---- 11/20/1999, on Fluff: Jaquel secretly plots in a hidden cavern somewhere. A cavern so hidden that it's only distinguishing marks are a large neon sign that reads: Hidden Cavern, and another equally large neon sign in the shape of an arrow pointing down. "This time, I'll wipe the Czech Republic off the map! Mwahahah-hah!" (Public-pose) ---- 11/14/1999, on Fluff. Callen is an AI bot. Sometimes it says the funniest things: Callen mrrs, "Hmm, spotsy wif big eyes and droopy ears and a flushing sound is heard as goalcam dissapears, "goalcam go down da hole. Diaper go down da hole. Diaper go down on me." ---- More from SPR. This guy's too much (irrelevant spam removed, indicated with -): InterCom> Sorsha snarls and rips Bigspots throat out and shoves it up his ass. InterCom> BigSpots mrrrowrrrs! and looks really wierd now, but rubs up against Sorsha anyway. "mmm. I love it when you rearrange me..." - InterCom> Sorsha stabs Bigspots in the eye with a toothpick InterCom> BigSpots now looks like quite the mess. "Sorsha, I wish you'd wait until we're alone to do this.. People seeing my entrails scattered all over the area will probably get sick.." - InterCom> BigSpots paws Sorsha's hip. "Wanna shag?" InterCom> Sorsha hooks Bigspots up to a horse cart, and gets out a bullwhip and smacks him.. InterCom> BigSpots mrrrrs. Some of his fur flies off. - InterCom> BigSpots looks at Sorsha submissively. "Aww, come on, let's shag.. just once?" InterCom> Sorsha huskily purrs, "Bigspots>> Masturbate twice, and call me next week" InterCom> BigSpots awwws. "You're not nice. You get me all worked up, then don't give me any action. I should file a report with the Yiff Cruelty Association." InterCom> ProphetWolfe woofs, "Jeez, shut up." --- 11/9/1999, on SPR: BigSpots shouts "Is being able to make pimples explode violently a trait that appeals to women?" (Public-shout) Rafkin shouts "it is, in some parts of Georgia, and most of West Virginia.." (Public-shout) ---- 11/6/1999, on Furry Alex_Raccoon says, "Random is like a diaper, Always clinging to an ass and always full of shit." ---- 11/4/1999, on Furry. Random says, "After you answer my question, Xydexx, you can ask me anything you'd like." Xydexx neighs, "If we could be all alone together up by your flame board, would you blow me up all nice and big and pop me with your kitty claws?" And a short time after, either that night or the next, I forgot... (keep in mind that Zorin and Yoshi are cats...) Zorin lickgrooms Yoshi! Satire says, "Oh, christ." Random says, "What's up?" Satire says, "I'm disgusted." Random says, "With what?" Satire says, "Things that lick each other." Zorin giggles. Zorin meows, "We're kitties. We do that." Satire says, "Yeah, yuck it up you fucking fool." Zorin mewmews, "Now you're taking it personal. You're amusing. }:)" Random says, "heh" Somewhere on the muck, Wolf_of_Endor has connected. Yoshi de-idles. Satire says, "It's personally ratarded, you idiot." Zorin meows, "This is funny. All I do is lickgroom Yoshi, and you're throwing out insults like a drunken sailor on shore leave. }:)" Satire says, "Sentient creatures to NOT lick each other clean, dolt." Yoshi purrs, "That's what they do, Zorin." Satire says, "Well, what else did you come here for?" Satire says, "You're getting what you came for." Zorin mrrowrrs, "We're cats. Like I said, we do that." Name Sex Species ('whospe #help' for help) Satire male/neuterrhinocerous Zorin purrmews, "You're not a cat. You would not understand." Yoshi snurfles you! Satire says, "You're fucking subhumanoids." ... This went on for quite some time. I was amused that someone could be so offended by a cat giving a friendly grooming to another, on a *FURRY* MUCK.. Ah well.. --- This happened a while back on FluffMUCK. Probably around '96 or '97. There was this new player named Llama who apparently didn't like Fluff much. Note the use of all caps, the inability to spell simple words like "character", and the childish insults: --> Llama pages, "WHY DID YOU MAKE THIS PLACE SO FLUFFY? IT'S STUPID! ARE YOU GAY OR SOMETHING?" to you. You page, "uhh, cuz I feel like it?" to Llama. --> Llama pages, "YOU'RE STUPID!" to you. You page, "Fluffiness is cool. }:)" to Llama. --> Llama pages, "WHY NOT MAKE A MUD OR SOMETHING COOL?" to you. You page, "Because this is what I enjoy?" to Llama. Llama(#19911PBJ)(awake) -- Cave of Awakening(#64RLDQ) Owner: Zorin --> Llama pages, "WHATEVER" to you. You page, "and judging from the 58 people online, others like it too. }:)" to Llama. --> Llama pages, "take my charachter of your freaky list of gay fluffs. This place sucks." to you. --> Llama pages, "will you?" to you. You page, "'kay" to Llama. You turned Llama into a toad! A slimy toad named Llama(#19911BJ) ---- I was idling with Yoshi in Callen's chatterbox on FluffMUCK, on 10/23/99. When this happened: Goku says, "jkdnfejkrwafkasdjjkfhngejkrangv" Yoshi purrs, "Indeed." Goku looks upwards. From above, a cascade of tiny fluffy objects in every color of the rainbow falls softly down around him. A sudden gust of wind blows them away, taking Goku with them. Okay, so I guess you had to BE there. }:) ---- FurryMUCK, in the park: Talisyn once entered the park as Nermal of all furs and got hit on. I mean, really. What sort of weirdo freak would want to get it on with Nermal?? ---- ChrisPetrucci whips out a transformation pen, and shouts, "POPTART CRISIS POWER! !!" Instantly he is engulfed in a really cool anime transformation sequence, wi th a lot of cool flashy special effects. When the smoke clears, you see... Sail or PopTart!!! ---- 8/15/1999, upon my showing Rieshal my vacation photos before I returned... Rieshal says, "Latest technology in vacationing... showing off your vacation photos before you're back from the vacation." ---- 8/9/99, Furry. UNIX humor. 'Nuff said. Seg shouts "Whats a good wav editor for X?" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) fEk shouts "head, tail, and cat? :)" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) Seg shouts "Yer nuts." (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) ------ 8/2/99, Furry. Furry vs. Non furries. (again) Alendria shouts "Yep. there ya go. That's the difference between me and furries. I look at a cartoon animal and go 'That's a cute kitty', not 'Boy, I'd like to shag her nasty!"" (Public-shout Channel public) ---- 7/8/99, Furry. A heated physics discussion goes awry. Zorin shouts "What if you create something, and make 3space bend around it so that there's no space inside?" (Public-shout Channel public) Sarusa shouts "Then you should apply for a patent." (Public-shout Channel public) Triggur shouts "then you should take another hit and enjoy it. :)" (Public-shout Channel public) ---- 5/2/99 on FluffMUCK: Zorin sits down. (_______|_______) (Public-pose) Lilith shouts "Fat ass!" (Public-shout) Gillian emits muffled cries of despair. (Public-pose) Gri'vnl coughs. Zorin, get your big @$$ off his screen. thank you. (Public-pose) Kendra's sunlight and food supply is blocked out for months. She dies. (Public-pose) Miles shouts "AH! That explained the expression, 'what crawled up your ass and died?' :P" (Public-shout) Akai shouts "o~/ Po is trapped/ Under that fat ass./ Let's just hope/ She don't got gas. o~/" (Public-shout) kiyotl shouts "odd. 'Po' is the German word for Ass." (Public-shout) Rieshal shouts "I always throught it was Arsch." (Public-shout) Dark_G? shouts "Zorin... must you show your behind in public? I mean is that scocialy excpetable?" (Public-shout) Yadyn shouts "depends on who you ask -_-" (Public-shout) ---- 12/20/98, FurryMUCK: JohnnyFox shouts "I don't get you guys. You can go from triumphing the benefits of capitalism to geeking out on technicalities in the blink of an eye. To me, those two things are like polar opposites. How do you manage to avoid multiple personality disorder?" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) Ahh, gotta love them guests: Guest2 has no clue what ur talking about. she just wants sex Guest2 feels caged an wants out! or at least some good sex to tide her over ---- 11/98, FurryMUCK: Zorin nosebumps Milva and poofs her tailtip. Milva doesn't HAVE a tailtip. Zorin meows, "yeah you do.. if you didn't, your tail would be of infinite length." Zorin mrrowrrs, "and it would occupy an infinite amount of space." Zorin purrs, "then there wouldn't be room in the universe for anything else, and that would suck." Milva says, "Just cuz I dont' have a tailTIP doesn't mean I don't have a tail END." Milva says, "My tail doesn't end in a tip, it ends in a fuzzout." Milva :) Zorin mewmews, "well, that's the tip, then." -- 10/25/98 - fEk, on digital audio extraction: fEk shouts "'Good quality?' What, does it make the ones one-ier and the zeros zero-ier?" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) --- 10/10/98 - shout thread of the year on furry Myrimal shouts "!" (Public-shout) Tamino shouts "?" (Public-shout) Lucius shouts "," (Public-shout) Nate shouts "~" (Public-shout) Gregg shouts "*" (Public-shout) Manfred shouts "][" (Public-shout) Laser shouts "}{" (Public-shout) Diesel shouts "o/~" (Public-shout) Teddy shouts ";9" (Public-shout) Taps shouts "..." (Public-shout) Terlyn shouts "(_____|_____)" (Public-shout) Bobcat shouts "What is this, the new '90's version of YMCA?" (Public-shout) Chip_Unicorn shouts "?????[4~[4~!!!!!" (Public-shout) --- 10/3/98 - More silliness on FluffMUCK. Monica_Lewinsky shouts "I missed you, Zorin!" (Public-shout) Bill_Clinton shouts "Mmmmm. Intern bootie." (Public-shout) Hillary_Clinton THWAPS Clinton with a big ol' ass purse! "Cad! Get your ass back over here!" (Public-pose) Ileah shouts "SHUT UP! It's not FUNNY! It never WAS FUNNY!" (Public-shout) --- 9/5/98 - FluffMUCK: Inkypaws wins. :) BusterBunny shouts "So... i'm supposed to ask zorin if I can be a wiz?" (Public-shout) Inkypaws shouts "Oh, Buster..sorry..meant to tell you. Your application seems to have had an unfortunate run-in with an electric three-hole punch machine. It''s in about four thousand pieces. Four thousand tiny ROUND pieces. You'll have to wait while Zorin pieces it together..." (Public-shout) --- 9/4/98, in The Leash and Collar on FurryMUCK. Some were just having innocent fuzzy cuddles, and Jihad starts being annoyed by this: Jihad evicts all the fluffy snugglers for more vapid climes, and lets everyone w earing leather or latex stay. ^_^ "Muchhhhh better." Jihad points. "Out! Go dally in the Pillow Universe!" --- Bruce shouts "Sure, if Revar wrote it [nfs] it would be fast, but it would hang the machine every 4 hours to save all the accumulated writes and if it crashed before then, you'd lose all your work :)" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) --- Bjeldor shouts "ahhhh 7! (I like 7... Mmmmmmm seven.... VII Mmmmmmm)" (Public-shout) Bruce shouts "Mmmmmm, 7 of 9. Mmmmmm.... Borg Bosoms...." (Public-shout) Iann shouts "That's just about the only thing I agree with Bruce on. And that's all I have to say about that." (Public-shout) Harlin shouts "o/~ See.. .our.. breasts! See our breasts! To entice and to entrance! Bring our ratings up oh please and bring us many more trek fans! o/~" (Public-shout) --- Ravenwood shouts "When two service station attendants in Ionia, Michigan, refused to hand over the cash to an intoxicated robber, the man threatened to call the police. They still refused, so the robber called the police and was arrested." (Public-shout) --- 8/4/98, FluffMUCK Some context: Zorin and Inkypaws are the founding wizards of FluffMUCK. Due to incessant flirting people always suspected they were involved in "founding" more than the MUCK, wink wink. It was an ongoing joke when "certain comments" would be made. [ A random conversation was going on ] Zorin mews, "doesn't the boombox have audio input jacks?" Inkypaws churrs, "See what he can do with it, and get some more wam." Inkypaws churrs, "I have no idea what it has, why?" Zorin meows, "you can plug the boom box itself into the machine and use its good amp" Inkypaws 9_9 Zorin used a boom box for his amp for a loooooooooong time. Inkypaws churrs, "idle a few" [ Qwert notices something in the whereare ] Qwert shouts "What is Zorin doing in Inkypaws bedroom?" (Public-shout) > ws Room: Inkypaws's Bedroom -Stat--Name----------------Sex---------Species-------------------------------- Rieshal[asleep] male cheetah-morph Inkypaws[2m idle] female black-footed ferret >Zorin's Tail See Zorin Tail |Zorin IC Zorin male lynxie with silky fur and long whiskers ---[ Found 5 characters. ( 2 Awake / 1 Asleep / 2 Zombies ) ]----------------- Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Zorin giggles. Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Inkypaws :D Zorin meows, "okay,enough" Inkypaws churrs, "are you gonna answer?" Zorin shouts "I'm installing a jacuzzi." (Public-shout) Qwert shouts "hey why don't I have one?" (Public-shout) ( Yeah, we've heard that one before... *giggle* j/k ) (Public-spoof) Zorin shouts "Now, where do I plug this thing in? I can't find an outlet." (Public-shout) Bazil shouts "I'd tell you, but I'd get booted ;>" (Public-shout) --- 7/6/98, on FluffMUCK (non-relevant spam edited out) You press some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and your ass comes out. You hand your ass to Yadyn. Yadyn gobbles down a piece of your ass. Zorin ROTFLHAO Yadyn laughs Jess LOL!! Sponge ew. Vixie falls over laughing! Yadyn crunches on your ass. Maverick presses some buttons on the ACME Matter Generator, and All of your time comes out. Gilgamesh mumbles "... weird people, ... know ... ... ... ass ... Zorin ... way to sponge ... a gewd ... mumble ... ... use good Alaska words", to Jess. Yadyn would think there'd be more of your ass to eat i mean.. look at it! ;) Glint watches Yadyn eat your ass. The one Zorin gave him. .. but was it in a sling? Hmm... Yadyn gobbles down a piece of your ass, finishing it. --- 5/17/98, FurryMUCK: Blaze shouts "Sean Foltz, who published Skunk Aficianado is looking over my shoulder, RL. anyone here a contributor? Any artist want to be?" (Public-shout) Bruce shouts "So, in order to contribute, the main requirement is you have to stink, right? Lots of furries should be eligible then (both figuratively and literally)." (Public-shout) --- A while back, FluffMUCK's @bootme action was @osucced to display " kicks him/herself in the butt" when it is typed. The person typing it isn't told about this, though. After all these months, someone finally asks the big question: Vixie yippy-barks, "Why does everyone around here always kick themselves in the butt and disconnect????" Caspian has connected. Caspian kicks herself in the butt. Caspian has disconnected. Caspian kicks I@G. You whisper, "see the @osucc on @bootme?" to Milva. Milva kicks you! Zorin mrrrs. Milva says, "HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN DOINGTHAT?" --- Trickster pages, "is there a way to get a list of all the female characters?" to you. (Gee, I wonder WHY...) --- This was on TLM muck. I dunno why, but I love TLM humor... (6/26/98) Ariel waves.. no pun intended --- unci shouts "Some german countries want to put homosexual couples under the same protection as heterosexual couples. Why just that, why not interspecies couples and couples of more than two? :)" (Public-shout) Thalyn shouts "More than two isn't a couple, nimrod =P" (Public-shout) --- Kirjah uses white-out on inkypaws' paws :> --- Roc neighs, "Can you help me find some pages on how to TS (preferably illustrated)" --- Adela pops out of a small door set in the ground next to the bandstand. Adela yips, " any big sexy male wanna TS?" You purrmew, "Adela... you're being a bit too forward. Even truly yiffy males will avoid that. }:)" Adela has disconnected. --- Talk about bad come-ons, this one takes the cake: ( The_Stranger whispers, "That desc. of yours is so hot it made my mouth water... ;) I love vixens who are funloving and have ample chests. Are you available for some fun this evening. I'm a young, muscular, graceful, strong, powerful relative of the antelope with long horns who is extremely horny." to you. ) --- A Pumanther discusses cat hair and intestinal gas in the park... Cinosanap keeps wondering HOW IN THE WORLD cat hair keeps gettin in her panties. Oh.. im a cat. Zorin gives Cinosanap a "duhhh" look. }:) Cinosanap says, "still its scary zorin.. to feel gass right below the stomach and wonder if its yer apendix getting ready to do its thing." --- Zorin shouts "I can do 90wpm. }:)" (Public-shout) Chastiti shouts "one handed or two Zorin?" (Public-shout) --- Zorin shouts "Has anyone else noticed that a 1/4" stereo phono plug looks like a phallic symbol?" (Public-shout) Lynn_Onyx shouts "Maybe like YOURS, but it's sorta small by my standards!" (Public-shout) Lestat shouts "does this mean my computer has an orgasm 25 times every time i plug in a serial or parallel cable.....???? =)" (Public-shout) -- Jazmyn shouts "Anyone going to Comdex in Las Vegas who can spare some floor space? :(" (Public-shout) Qgar shouts "Comdex is the embodiment of the frothy evil at the surface of the sea of commerce. Why would you want to be there?" (Public-shout) --- Zorin shouts "How do you remove operating systems from an NT boot menu?" (Public-shout) Mahto shouts "With a hammer and a chainsaw." (Public-shout) Lestat shouts "format the harddrive.. (grin)" (Public-shout) Chastiti shouts "a shotgun?" (Public-shout) -- Zorin shouts "I'm fuzzier than you!!!!!" (Public-shout) Skylos shouts "enough with the fuzzier-than-thou's!" (Public-shout) Krikkit shouts "Im crazier than you!" (Public-shout) Seether fuzzles Zorin. Oooo! Fuzzy! (Public-pose) Chastiti shouts "NO! I'm the fuzziest...I'm a Fuzzy Bunny!" (Public-shout) FireStone leaves a hamburger out on the counter until it outfuzzes everything else. (Public-pose) Ravenwood shouts "ewwww..." (Public-shout) J.P._Prime shouts "So what? I have instead of a right hand, I have a celery stalk. And instead of a left leg, I have Patrick Duffy there. Call me Scuzzlebutt!!!" (Public-shout) -- Zorin shouts "" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) Phyxis shouts "Understated... yet oddly fulfilling." (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) Rieshal shouts "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all?" (Public-shout Channel unixgeeks) -- Eric_Fox shouts "Ever meet a real idiot? Not just a normal idiot, but an utter idiot... the kind of fool who couldn't get a clue if they stood out in a field full of yiffy clues during Clue Mating Season, smeared themselves with clue musk and did the clue mating dance?" (Public-shout) -- 3/25/98, Furry Qgar really loves context-sensitive advertising. For example, try searching on "anal polyps" in Alta Vista. (Public-pose) Lucifer shouts "Qgar. You just have WAAAAY too much time on your hands." (Public-shout) Darshak shouts "Big banner for Preparation H?" (Public-shout) Bobby thinks Qgar has far, far too much time on his hands. ;} (Public-pose) -- 11/9/97, Furry Cuanu eats a bit of something. Cuanu eats a bit of something. Cuanu eats a bit of something, finishing it. Zorin blinks... "something? does it taste good?" Archer nods at Zorin. "It's really something." -- 6/20/97, Furry Zorin shouts "an infinite number of monkeys connecting together transistors for an infinite amount of time will eventually build a pentium processor." (Public- shout) --> Lynea pages, "Isn't that what they did?" to you. --> Rieshal pages, "What if I wanted a Pentium Pro processor?" to you. Jadine shouts "I thought that was how they did it the first time..." (Public-shout) Yiss shushes Zorin. "Don't give away Intel's secret." (Public-pose) Syrrh shouts "But... an infinite amount of monkeys will also make something else... Assuming you feed them, of course. ;)" (Public-shout) Damon shouts "It only took 2 monkeys to make Bill Gates" (Public-shout) Cainam shouts "And one was simply masturbating." (Public-shout) -- FluffMUCK, likely circa 1996: Devon | Tomcat purrs sweetly, "I like raccoons. " Devon | Tomcat purrs sweetly, "They're crafty." Devon | Tomcat purrs sweetly, "They're good with their paws too." Devon | Tomcat purrs sweetly, "And they're sexxy." Devon | You say, "And they're delicious on wheat bread with a touch of mustard." -- FluffMUCK, likely circa 1996: Caspian chyrrs sweetly, "By erecting barriers of Pentium obsession between you and me. Twitch says, "And Caspian, you've displayed very little reason and bad persuasion; just emotionalism over a stupid spot of silicon that's been etched and baked funny." -- FluffMUCK, sometime in 1995: (You will probably only get the joke here if you are a MUCKer) Inkypaws has decided, by the way, that she's been Mucking too much. Evidence? Listen to this. Inkypaws churrs, "Last week, I was straightening my office one day before I left work. I took a big pile of papers and took them to the recycle box down the hall, where I threw them." Inkypaws churrs, "The next morning, when I arrived, there were the papers sitting on my desk! Now, what was my first thought?" Inkypaws churrs, "Was it, someone must have been afraid I recycled them by mistake and put them back there? [that's what really happened]" Rieshal says, "They got @teleported back?" Inkypaws churrs, "NO, it was--just a flash, but it was there--Was there a db crash last night after I went to sleep? So my bringing those papers to the bin didn't get saved and we restored from sometime BEFORE I threw them there?" You purr, "or you're afriad your boss will @toad you" Rieshal says, "They were @linked to your desk?" Zorin ROTFL!!!! Inkypaws :p You purr, "just sweep them!" Rieshal grins... "They restored a backup of RL on you. :)" Inkypaws POKLIES both of you!!! You purr, "I sometimes wish that could be done, rieshal. };)" Zorin acks. "what?" Rieshal says, "Likewise." You purr, "life needs two commands... @teleport, and gohome" Inkypaws sighs. "YOU two probably think experiences like that are NORMAL." -- EOF -- Note: Latest quotes are at the TOP of the file.